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Old 09-01-2009, 08:24   #1
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An introduction to planning

This might interest a few of our members - information from a flyer I received by email today.

NW Planning Aid in partnership with the Hyndburn CVS presents

A Basic Introduction to the Planning System”.

A free community training event on the planning system is being offered to community groups, community activists and community support workers in the Hyndburn area. The session is being held in the Queen Elizabeth Room in Scaitcliffe House, Accrington on Tuesday January 21st 2009 (5.30 – 8.00) to provide a basic introduction to the Planning system and will highlight how, when and why more and more community and voluntary groups are getting involved in decision making on spatial planning issues.

Town Planning affects us all, every day of our lives and, every day, decisions are being made that can affect your homes, work, travel and leisure environments not the mention the climate and environment.

There is currently a strong emphasis on local people and groups having a say in what, when and how planning decisions are being made through the statutory planning process, but many people, residents, community groups and even community support workers have little understanding of the planning system, how it works and how they can get involved.

This is particularly relevant in Hyndburn at the moment as Hyndburn Borough Council Planning Department is conducting a series of informal consultation events around the borough on Hyndburn’s Core Strategy which will set out broad guidance for new development in the Borough for the next 15 years. The council will go out to formal consultation on the issues and options around Easter time.

About NW Planning Aid

NW Planning Aid is a charitable body (part of the Royal Town Planning Institute) providing help and advice from independent, qualified planning professionals. This help is available free of charge to individuals and community groups who could not otherwise afford it.

All Advice/Casework volunteers are qualified planning professionals who give their time and expertise freely for the benefit of those who need this particular support and guidance.

Increasingly Planning Aid is taking on a broader, more proactive role in working with and supporting communities and community groups to engage with the planning system, helping them have a say in how the places in which they live and work are shaped for the future.

Our Community Planning and Education programme provides resources and support for community groups wanting to positively influence regeneration and change in their own neighbourhoods. Planning Aid’s volunteers have a variety of planning and related expertise and can provide practical support, information, and informal learning opportunities for residents and community groups, increasing public knowledge and confidence to effectively participate in the planning system. The programme also provides a range of environmental projects and activities for children and young people.

To this end NW Planning Aid are organising a series of community training events around the NW with a view to getting independent and impartial information about planning issues out to active members of local communities who are trying to grapple with and positively influence developments in their areas.

The Introduction to Planning event should provide a useful starting point for community groups and individuals in the Hyndburn area who wish to understand the planning process better. Organisations (and individuals) can then go on to request support and information from NW Planning Aid on other planning issues such as S106 Agreements, Local Development Frameworks and Area Action Plans, Sustainable Development, and other planning related issues through the casework or community planning services. Alternatively we could work in more detail with specific issue groups such as BME or environmental networks in the area (eligibility and resources allowing) on specific issues.

For more information on the Introduction to Planning Session in January contact Jackie Dibley on 01254 820 996 or email [email protected]
If you would like more information on Planning Aid’s services or a copy of their Annual Report contact Jan Beaumont the Regional Manager on 0161 969 3672 or [email protected] or visit the website

Planning Aid Volunteers and community groups’ representatives discuss the planning system at an event in Manchester.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Accrington Web
Old 18-01-2009, 17:52   #2
Resting in Peace

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Re: An introduction to planning

Thanks Gayle. A certain person, very close to me, is usually involved in presenting these sessions.

Says very useful and interesting. Presentation first, then split into groups like role play and small learning. Done by professional planners on a voluntary basis through the RTPI.
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