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Old 09-07-2005, 20:26   #31
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Are they going to stop all those wagons and vans driving over it when it`s finished? I was nearly run over by a police van last Saturday1
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Old 09-07-2005, 21:00   #32


Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

An Apology, yes yet again……….I have often criticised Accrington Town Centre (Broadway in particular) as a mucky grubby place and have compared it to the delights of Lancaster City Centre which by comparison is always clean and tidy. Well I spent the afternoon up in Lancaster today and it was an absolute s*** hole. The Market had been on and no doubt numbers on the streets was boosted by day trippers and holiday makers. What a let down, I have to admit that I have never seen Broadway in such a mess than Lancaster today.

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Old 09-07-2005, 23:30   #33
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
I'm not disputing that the place looks disgusting and I'm certainly not disputing that the Council screwed things up when they ripped up the flower beds and seats - they did. I think I'll just wait to see what it looks like before having a go because if it still looks like a dogs dinner then I'll be right there with you all griping away.
If ever I commit a multiple murder, I want you for my defence lawyer, you can't seem to believe that some-one would make the same mistake twice!!!!!!!! or more!

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Last edited by Less; 09-07-2005 at 23:32.
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Old 10-07-2005, 08:23   #34
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
I can only admire your touching faith in the capabilities of HBC. Those of us with longer memories know differently. I'll keep a seat for you on the griping bench, and I promise I will absolutely not say "I told you so."
No, don't get me wrong - I have very little faith in them myself. I just want to wait and see what happens before I make a judgement. Basically, I'm sitting on the fence on this one - just in case by some tiny miracle they do a good job. Keep the seat open and I'll keep a seat open for you on the 'well done side', just in case.
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Old 10-07-2005, 09:09   #35
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

That sounds like a reasonable bargain to me. Done!
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Old 10-07-2005, 09:48   #36
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Question Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Alas it has gone to foreigners again; J & R Moran of Blackburn.
someone told me devlin had got it,we will have to see.
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Old 10-07-2005, 11:46   #37

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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by janet
We had all the benches, flower gardens and lamp post a few years ago. Are we supposed to feel grateful to the council once again.Talk about wasting money, they should have left well alone the last time. Another HBC cock up.
I think it was dreadfull before. Just oversized red brick flower pots and a few benches. Very outdated in my opinion.
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Old 10-07-2005, 16:10   #38
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

I have just driven through Blackburn after visiting at the Royal Infirmary. By the side of Darwen Street Bridge there is an enormous sign declaring that Freckleton Street Bridge is going to be replaced to create a gateway into the town. It looks fabulous! Very Impressive. The cost, A cool £9 MILLION!

Where are our "gateways"? How do Blackburn seem to be able find these outrageous sums with apparent ease when the best HBC can do is make do and mend with £250 grand and complain that retail business in the borough is going down the pan?
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Old 10-07-2005, 16:21   #39
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

I presume there are a few factors
Firstly, BwD are a unitary authority and so have far more control over their money and how it's spent. Secondly, Hyndburn is broke so can't afford to spend any money on that sort of stuff when people would complain because the bins weren't being emptied. And lastly, because no one the Council seems to have the vision to be able to create something like this.
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Old 10-07-2005, 16:29   #40
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Church St Blackburn is very impressive these days too - when the wind isn't blowing the water from the fountains over pedestrians that is, but it's still very imaginative and interesting even when they are switched off. Compare the fountain (now a flower bed) we had at the bottom of Ormerod Street and then wonder why we doubt HBC will come up with anything interesting for Broadway.

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Old 10-07-2005, 16:42   #41


Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
I presume there are a few factors
Firstly, BwD are a unitary authority and so have far more control over their money and how it's spent. Secondly, Hyndburn is broke so can't afford to spend any money on that sort of stuff when people would complain because the bins weren't being emptied. And lastly, because no one the Council seems to have the vision to be able to create something like this.
Why the hell not Gayle? “I'm talking to the one with balls!” Why is their no vision among those on the council charged with the development of the Borough? Just what do they do with the money they do have at there disposal and why can’t they use competitive tendering to good use and deliver something of value to the people of Hyndburn……

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Old 10-07-2005, 17:05   #42
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Don't ask me. I'm nothing to do with the Council.....yet!
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Old 10-07-2005, 17:10   #43


Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
Don't ask me. I'm nothing to do with the Council.....yet!
Well it’s about bl**dy time you got involved isn’t it. Maybe some of the other vocal residents might like to get formally involved with you. On the council that is. It's is time somebody did something because if you don't, it will only get worse.

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Old 10-07-2005, 17:14   #44
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Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by Doug
It's is time somebody did something because if you don't, it will only get worse.
So no pressure then!!!!
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Old 10-07-2005, 17:15   #45


Re: And behold, Broadway was made anew.

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
So no pressure then!!!!
No, No pressure............

On - Stanley – On
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