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Old 20-10-2010, 17:50   #46
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob View Post
Just had a look at the video, Gayle. If this is the culmination of your efforts to bring "ART" to accy then I rather fancy that you and your 'creative' chums at Creativity Works (surely a misnomer there) have been wasting your time and our money. It is trite, twee, obvious and, what is probably worse, Derivative. I think the only nearly original thing in the whole piece was the crotcheting and that was nothing to write home about. Marks out of 10....
2 for managing to get the name of the town right.
Perhaps we're wrong, thee, and me, and the history books will show that great art was produced using state funding, rather than commerce.

It hasn't happened yet, but after the name check in the Guardian, perhaps we'll just have to wait and see who's eventually declared right.
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Old 20-10-2010, 17:50   #47
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I'll try again.

I found the film to be old fashioned.

It was what Creature Comforts were doing in the early nineties, using pre-recorded interviews.

As a piece of film it's unlikely to win any prizes for innovation.
Think that is a little unfair. Garinda ... sure, it is similar in style to Creature Comforts, which is the most famous one, but feel there had been something similar before.

Walt Disney is one example ... films were made in this style before 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ', but everyone praised it as a new innovation, and lots of animators jumped on the band wagon after this for years after. Also the Magic Lantern was developed during the 16th Century by the Chinese .. was popular in the Victorian era. Look at music too ... 'styles' can last for many years: Rock, Punk, Folk, Heavy Metal, Boy Bands, etc. Painters throughout the years copied each other's brush strokes.

This style still gives me enjoyment and lots of other people, including my granddaughter who is studying animation in a modern environment, and commented that it was good and made her laugh. x

Last edited by katex; 20-10-2010 at 17:53.
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Old 20-10-2010, 17:56   #48
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Think that is a little unfair.
You're allowed to think it's unfair, but it is his honest opinion and criticism is surely just as necessary for them to improve, just as praise is necessary to encourage them to continue?
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Old 20-10-2010, 17:59   #49
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Think that is a little unfair. Garinda ... sure, it is similar in style to Creature Comforts, which is the most famous one, but feel there had been something similar before.

Walt Disney is one example ... films were made in this style before 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ', but everyone praised it as a new innovation, and lots of animators jumped on the band wagon after this for years after. Also the Magic Lantern was developed during the 16th Century by the Chinese .. was popular in the Victorian era. Look at music too ... 'styles' can last for many years: Rock, Punk, Folk, Heavy Metal, Boy Bands, etc. Painters throughout the years copied each other's brush strokes.

This style still gives me enjoyment and lots of other people, including my granddaughter who is studying this in a modern environment and commented that it was good and made her laugh. x
Made me laugh too, but I suspect for entirely the wrong reasons.

Sure, it isn't new, innovative, and isn't going to win any prizes for artistic merit.

Perhaps that's the subliminal message we are supposed to be getting about Accrington.

As stated, the animation didn't add to the interviews. It just masked the people, who I genuinely would have prefered to see. My opinion.

Some people like it. Others didn't.

That's life.

Happily my skin is thick enough, and my vocabulary wide enough, to defend myself, as a result of many years of my work being criticqued by others.

If publicly funded art isn't to have it's merits discussed, it should be kept in the dark, in a portfolio under the bed.

That's reality.
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:01   #50

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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Isn't tatting money for old rope?

Or is that macramé?

Pictures of vintage cars, made out of clock parts, now that is art.

Think I'll apply for a grant, before the funding's cut.

Putting the tick back into Hyndburn's tock.
You might get funding to restore and resite that clock, it is quite unusual. You might need to find a suitable community group to front the bid for you.

Good luck I am sure many on here will support you, many members have been saying it should be put back up somewhere.
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:09   #51
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You might get funding to restore and resite that clock, it is quite unusual. You might need to find a suitable community group to front the bid for you.

Good luck I am sure many on here will support you, many members have been saying it should be put back up somewhere.
Thanks for your support.

The whole Arndale's going to be covered in a lovely velvet, covered with vintage cars made out of cogs.

A bit old hat, and a rip off of Christo, but hey-ho.

The community will come together as one driving force, and when we lift the velvet, the Arndale clock will be back in it's rightful place.


Where's my grant application form?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:15   #52

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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
............The community will come together as one driving force, and when we lift the velvet, the Arndale clock will be back in it's rightful place............
I suspect you will find the community will talk a good job and then take one step back when it comes to rolling the velvet out and polishing the clock
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:18   #53
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Isn't that how your mate runs the council ? stuff everybody's opinion and carry on
The problem is Dave no matter what happens in Hyndburn its wrong, how much does it cost, hell you'd have had a field day if accy web had have been on line in the nineties, when all the silverware was sold off, and we had a council leader who was a director of 6 or 7 companies engaged in contract work for HBC
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:30   #54
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I suspect you will find the community will talk a good job and then take one step back when it comes to rolling the velvet out and polishing the clock
For 'community' read three old biddies, who can use a glue gun.

It's all subjective.


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Old 20-10-2010, 18:30   #55
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Some people like it. Others didn't.

That's life.

Happily my skin is thick enough, and my vocabulary wide enough, to defend myself, as a result of many years of my work being criticqued by others.

If publicly funded art isn't to have it's merits discussed, it should be kept in the dark, in a portfolio under the bed.

That's reality.
Wasn't saying you shouldn't discuss/criticise it either .... just accept my take on it too please.

Yes, your vocabulary is extensive and far superior to mine ... was just putting forward my speculations of how the man/woman in the street would see it .. including this bag woman ...

And to Less: Yes, of course, all 'constructive' criticism should be taken on board ... that goes without saying. This is about marketing though and, in my opinion, is doing a good job.
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:36   #56
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Wasn't saying you shouldn't discuss/criticise it either .... just accept my take on it too please.

Yes, your vocabulary is extensive and far superior to mine ... was just putting forward my speculations of how the man/woman in the street would see it .. including this bag woman ...

And to Less: Yes, of course, all 'constructive' criticism should be taken on board ... that goes without saying. This is about marketing though and, in my opinion, is doing a good job.
I didn't take it personally, and your opinion is as valid as anyone else's.

That's the beauty of a forum.

No one person is superior, or better, than anyone else.

Each has an equal right to voice their opinion, as long as rules are adhered to.

Just have others have the right to agree...or disagree.
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:44   #57
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Re: Animating Accy

Originally Posted by katex View Post
This is about marketing though and, in my opinion, is doing a good job.

How is that being measured Kate ?

I'll ask again in the hope Gayle sees my question, who/waht is the target audience ?
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Old 20-10-2010, 18:52   #58
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Re: Animating Accy

Dave, I genuinely haven't seen the question.

Target audiences
Artists and the arts community
Shoppers and people who might visit Accrington, tourists
Heads of Council's around Pennine Lancashire
Leaders of Public Bodies and Organisations that work in or around Pennine Lancashire, Manchester, Liverpool
People who live along way from Accrington who might consider finding out more about the town or reminiscing about it
Promoting the town, market, shopping and Haworth

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 20-10-2010, 19:13   #59
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Re: Animating Accy

Thanks for the reply Gayle.

Obviously I have a vested interest in the shopping side of it and being a small business probably don't count in the eyes of those who make decisions. But I'd love to know who speaks on their behalf when it comes to promoting the town, and as shown in the case of the Market traders, does anyone really listen anyway.

I guess what I'm asking is which department in HBC suggested these items as a way of promoting the town and how do they decide ?
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Old 20-10-2010, 19:25   #60
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Re: Animating Accy

I suggested them. And as far as value for money goes, they are extremely good value for money for the amount of publicity that they get for the town.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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