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Old 21-09-2006, 11:24   #1
God Member
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Another celebrity succumbs

Chris Tarrant - that happy millionnaire chappy - is the latest in a long line of celebrities that has fallen foul of a bit of totty to the cost of his marriage.

What makes them think they can get away with it - how daft are celebrities? I mean, any regular Joe (or Josephine) who's been caught would know that it's almost impossible to keep the lid on this sort of thing - there's always going to be some nosy neighbour who spots you. But for celebs, who are hounded by the media at every turn, how on earth do they think they can conduct a little how's your father in private? Silly, silly man!!!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 21-09-2006, 11:35   #2
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Re: Another celebrity succumbs

Ask your deputy leader!
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Old 21-09-2006, 11:42   #3
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Another celebrity succumbs

Originally Posted by Gayle
Chris Tarrant - that happy millionnaire chappy - is the latest in a long line of celebrities that has fallen foul of a bit of totty to the cost of his marriage.
What I like is the new advert he appears in, he ends up sleeping on the couch supposedly because he forgot his wifes birthday or something, but now, no need to pretend Chris' we all know the real reason!

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Old 21-09-2006, 11:51   #4
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Re: Another celebrity succumbs

Originally Posted by Gayle
Chris Tarrant - that happy millionnaire chappy - is the latest in a long line of celebrities that has fallen foul of a bit of totty to the cost of his marriage.

What makes them think they can get away with it - how daft are celebrities? I mean, any regular Joe (or Josephine) who's been caught would know that it's almost impossible to keep the lid on this sort of thing - there's always going to be some nosy neighbour who spots you. But for celebs, who are hounded by the media at every turn, how on earth do they think they can conduct a little how's your father in private? Silly, silly man!!!
Not the first time for either of them according to the Daily
Mail, what' ten million between wives, 'soon make that back roll on number
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Old 21-09-2006, 11:56   #5
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Re: Another celebrity succumbs

I wonder how long it will be before that horrible intake of breath starts to annoy her...
Not a full brick
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Old 21-09-2006, 12:37   #6
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Re: Another celebrity succumbs

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
I wonder how long it will be before that horrible intake of breath starts to annoy her...
Depends on what he is doing at the time. These numpties seem to forgewt they are in the limelight and they will get caught and that the result is fame of a different kind hits the daily rags. Women used to wear chastity belts maybe its time for a male version that the wives can use.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 21-09-2006, 20:27   #7
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Another celebrity succumbs

It all seems a bit odd to me. The relationship is supposed to have been carrying on for 10 years. I mean, 10 years? Do we take it Mrs Tarrant is blind, stupid, an ostrich, or what? If she's only just cottoned on, she must be at least one of these.

I think she's a drama queen and she's making sure she gets the sympathy vote in readiness for the alimony claim. It doesn't make Chris Tarrant any better, by any means, but I think there's more to the story than meets the eye.
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