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Old 18-05-2005, 16:58   #16
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Re: Tourism.

France, that former Monarchy, seems able to pull in the tourists without having the need for a King/Queen.

Divine right of Kings?

More like centuries of illegitimate births and Aristocratic couplings.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 18-05-2005, 17:09   #17
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

And a smaller gene pool than Stacksteads!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 18-05-2005, 17:24   #18
Foreign Correspondent

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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Originally Posted by garinda
Re: Tourism.

France, that former Monarchy, seems able to pull in the tourists without having the need for a King/Queen.
Ah, one of the signal advantages of the climate in the South of France! Is the UK preparing to take steal a bit of France's trourist tradfe by taking advatage of global warming and touting the UK seaside resorts as places where visitors can expect reliable sunshine and warmth?

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Old 18-05-2005, 18:09   #19
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Originally Posted by Billcat
Ah, one of the signal advantages of the climate in the South of France! Is the UK preparing to take steal a bit of France's trourist tradfe by taking advatage of global warming and touting the UK seaside resorts as places where visitors can expect reliable sunshine and warmth?
Not much of a balmy climate at Versailles, yet it's still heaving with paying punters.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 18-05-2005, 20:06   #20
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
But please tell us who you want as President and head of state.

Tony Blair? Neil Kinnock? Michael Howard? Peter Mandelson? George Galloway?
T-P-T, Abi Titmuss, I'm sure that others can put up others who I'm sure wouldn't be so restrictive.

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Old 19-05-2005, 11:43   #21
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Head of State? Anyone who was democratically elected.

Barbra Windsor would do a good job. I've nothing against any of the other Windsor's standing for election, and if they won l would be there with my little flag wishing them well, if it's what the majority of peole wanted.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 19-05-2005, 11:53   #22
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

I'm with a head of state! You vote em in,you vote em out! Do we get to vote for King? No one should be born to rule these days! The Chuckle brothers get my vote!
Make mine a PINT.......

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Old 19-05-2005, 13:34   #23
Pheonixx's Avatar

Re: another debate ,,pagentry

I just had to reply to this...I was there I saw it all it was brill..I had no idea this was happening on grandson and I was booked on the London eye for 1pm and we saw it all...LOL I cant get over 47 on saturday and this was the 1st time I have ever seen her..I saw charles and Camilla too..Linda
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Old 19-05-2005, 14:50   #24
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Arthur and his trusty servant Patsy "ride" into a field where peasants are
working. They come up behind a cart which is being dragged by a hunched-over
peasant in ragged clothing. Patsy slows as they near the cart.

Arthur: Old Woman!

The peasant turns around, revealing that he is in fact a man.

Man: Man!
Arthur: Man, sorry.... What knight lives in that castle over there?
Man: I'm thirty-seven!
Arthur: (suprised) What?
Man: I'm thirty-seven! I'm not old--
Arthur: Well I can't just call you "man"...
Man: Well you could say "Dennis"--
Arthur: I didn't know you were called Dennis!
Man: Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?!
Arthur: I did say sorry about the "old woman", but from behind, you looked--
Man: Well I object to automatically treat me like an inferior!
Arthur: Well I *am* king...
Man: Oh, king, eh, very nice. And 'ow'd you get that, eh?
(he reaches his destination and stops, dropping the cart)
By exploiting the workers! By 'angin' on to outdated imperialist dogma
which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.
If there's ever going to be any progress,--
Woman: Dennis! There's some lovely filth down 'ere!
(noticing Arthur) Oh! 'Ow'd'ja do?
Arthur: How do you do, good lady. I am Arthur, king of the Britons. Whose
castle is that?
Woman: King of the 'oo?
Arthur: King of the Britons.
Woman: 'Oo are the Britons?
Arthur: Well we all are! We are all Britons! And I am your king.
Woman: I didn't know we 'ad a king! I thought we were autonomous collective.
Man: (mad) You're fooling yourself! We're living in a dictatorship! A
self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--
Woman: There you go, bringing class into it again...
Man: That's what it's all about! If only people would--
Arthur: Please, *please*, good people, I am in haste! WHO lives in that
Woman: No one lives there.
Arthur: Then who is your lord?
Woman: We don't have a lord!
Arthur: (spurised) What??
Man: I *told* you! We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune! We're taking
turns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week--
Arthur: (uninterested) Yes...
Man: But all the decisions *of* that officer 'ave to be ratified at a
special bi-weekly meeting--
Arthur: (perturbed) Yes I see!
Man: By a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs--
Arthur: (mad) Be quiet!
Man: But by a two-thirds majority, in the case of more major--
Arthur: (very angry) BE QUIET! I *order* you to be quiet!
Woman: "Order", eh, 'oo does 'e think 'e is?
Arthur: I am your king!
Woman: Well I didn't vote for you!
Arthur: You don't vote for kings!
Woman: Well 'ow'd you become king then?
(holy music up)
Arthur: The Lady of the Lake-- her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite,
held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by
divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why
I am your king!
Man: (laughingly) Listen: Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords
is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power
derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some... farcical
aquatic ceremony!
Arthur: (yelling) BE QUIET!
Man: You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some
watery tart threw a sword at you!!
Arthur: (coming forward and grabbing the man) Shut *UP*!
Man: I mean, if I went 'round, saying I was an emperor, just because some
moistened bink had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Arthur: (throwing the man around) Shut up, will you, SHUT UP!
Man: Aha! Now we see the violence inherent in the system!
Arthur: SHUT UP!
Man: (yelling to all the other workers) Come and see the violence inherent
Arthur: (letting go and walking away) Bloody PEASANT!
Man: Oh, what a giveaway! Did'j'hear that, did'j'hear that, eh? That's
what I'm all about! Did you see 'im repressing me? You saw it,

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Old 19-05-2005, 17:54   #25
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Classic stuff Bazf;one of my favourite bits of the film,apart from the killer rabbit,of course!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 19-05-2005, 18:03   #26
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Is it being so miserable and negative that keeps you all going ?
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Old 19-05-2005, 18:12   #27
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Yup;that and a healthy dose of realism coupled with being overcome by hotdog fumes thru out the day! Sadly we're not all as loved up as you mate;some of us are very bitter and twisted!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 19-05-2005, 18:18   #28
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Sadly we're not all as loved up as you mate;some of us are very bitter and twisted!
Looks like most of you.

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Old 19-05-2005, 20:19   #29
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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Where would the UK be without a bit of cap doffing and a dose yes Ma Lord.

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Old 19-05-2005, 21:26   #30
Foreign Correspondent

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Re: another debate ,,pagentry

Originally Posted by garinda
Head of State? Anyone who was democratically elected.
If you want to borrow a Bush or two.......

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