15-07-2008, 09:31
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Another Government Crackpot Initiative
Originally Posted by jaysay
I'm in the zero tollerance lobby on this one, drinking and driving don't mix no matter how much you've had
As much as I agree with you that drinking and driving do not mix, zero tolerance is going to catch the innocent because they have a tiny amount of alcohol in their system without knowing it. But then the government’s declared aim is to get motorists out their cars. This could be one more way of doing so.
There is a tolerance on breaking the speed limits, allegedly 10% plus 2 mph, to take into account the inaccuracy of speedos. Even those signs that show what speed you are doing as you approach them show about 3 mph less than your own speedo does.
So why not a small tolerance on the breathalyser?