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Old 17-03-2007, 01:57   #1
God Member

Another kid killed

This may not be specific to Accy but something that is becoming common place in this country. The lastest case is of a 16yrs old being run down, cornered, stabbed and beaten to death by a mob of teens. 2 of the 4 arrested and charged are 13yrs old!
In the past Iv'e had the view that today's teens are no worse than at any other time.. but this is the 4th case in a matter of weeks were 15and 16yr old kids have been murdered in cases involving teens with guns,bats and knives.

I don't think anyone should get to thinking it only happens in the black community .. any impressions of that would only serve to make the wider community to thinking it can't happen here!
This sort thing was extremly rare in my youth.. Mods Rockers.. football aggro.. not on the same scale. When did it come to this?
A more detailed report is here:
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Old 17-03-2007, 04:14   #2
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Re: Another kid killed

Its a very sad case, when it comes this. Some people will let this happen. I hope this never comes to my friends.
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Old 17-03-2007, 14:46   #3
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Re: Another kid killed

It is very sad that this gang culture has been imported to our country, this 'fallen soldier' as one of the messages of sympathy read,is some mothers/fathers son cut down at 16years of age by children younger than he was is a very disturbing trend indeed. This type of crime needs addressing and the sooner the better.
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Old 17-03-2007, 15:09   #4
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Re: Another kid killed

We all know this is imported from the black ghettos of america,where black on black killing is commonplace among youths.I had a run in with a white youth who thought he was black at Accy bus station the other day,no weapons involved,but he was determined to stand his ground,hood up & all,i ended up throwing the arrogant little s**** accross the pavement......with hindsight he could have had a blade,but fortunatley we don't live in London or Moss Side,he was just a wannabe & his mates were'nt there.Problem is he may well remember me but because of the hood i would'nt know him from Adam.Anyway,had to share that with you,but yes the days of boots & fists have long gone today alas it's to the death & the quicker the better.
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Old 17-03-2007, 15:14   #5
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Re: Another kid killed

Imported? from where?.. I think I know what you are getting at Ianto..but as I said the feeling that this sort of thing only goes on within a specific group/culture is a very dangerous attitude.. this is not imported it is here and will be far after the likes of you and me are gone.
The kids that have run down a boy and beaten him to death are British with a capital B.. born here.. this thing will happen again and it could be closer to home.. white kids would not exempt themselves from this aggression...god help us .. but it will happen
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Old 17-03-2007, 15:25   #6
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Re: Another kid killed

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Imported? from where?.. I think I know what you are getting at Ianto..but as I said the feeling that this sort of thing only goes on within a specific group/culture is a very dangerous attitude.. this is not imported it is here and will be far after the likes of you and me are gone.
The kids that have run down a boy and beaten him to death are British with a capital B.. born here.. this thing will happen again and it could be closer to home.. white kids would not exempt themselves from this aggression...god help us .. but it will happen
Point taken mancie, but I bid not single out any group be it white or black, this type of crime has been the norm of the USA street gangs for a number of decades, so that is where I am assuming it has been imported from, now does that clarify my last post.
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Old 17-03-2007, 15:41   #7
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Re: Another kid killed

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Point taken mancie, but I bid not single out any group be it white or black, this type of crime has been the norm of the USA street gangs for a number of decades, so that is where I am assuming it has been imported from, now does that clarify my last post.
No.. how has this been "imported"?.. How? from television..msn..gansta video's on mtv?.. just because you presume this sort of thing happens in America means it is imported?.. it's not a cheeseburger...this is not some sort of gang culture.
It is the same thing that has been here and anywhere else in the world but it has come to an attitude were kids (KIDS) not 30yr old teddy boys or skinheads.. have got into their heads that they can use bats,lumps of wood, or any weapon to attack someone and expect them to just be wounded for a few days.
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Old 17-03-2007, 16:48   #8
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Question Re: Another kid killed

But aren’t these young thugs copying what they see in films and on TV?

I would call that importing a culture.

Wouldn’t you?
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Old 17-03-2007, 16:58   #9
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Re: Another kid killed

Geez guys, back to your corners please and take a breath!

I would agree that first this youth violence is becoming epidemic. In this country, I put much of the blame on the whole "gangsta rap" crap. Both the music videos and the crappy crap they call music. Oh yeah and the horrendously violent video games.

Have you ever seen or listened to it. It is all about killing cops, other gangstas, or anyone who ****es ya off. Then it's on to beatin' the bitches, do drugs, stealing, raping and pillaging!

I would think that the kids listen and watch enough and they start imitating it. Heck, just last week in church. I was sitting next to these 2 little kids (6 and 8 years old) They were both playing the latest Grand theft Auto games. It was all killing. It did happen to be black kids in a black church. I could not understand what the Grandparents (for both boys neither of them had parents around) were thinking!


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Old 17-03-2007, 17:00   #10
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Re: Another kid killed

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
But aren’t these young thugs copying what they see in films and on TV?

You mean Maxwell & Mancie ?
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Old 17-03-2007, 17:02   #11
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Re: Another kid killed

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
But aren’t these young thugs copying what they see in films and on TV?

I would call that importing a culture.

Wouldn’t you?
Yes,& a supposedly innocent 7 year old feels he has to repeatedly stab his mums female friend,because they were rowing(though i dont know how serious this argument was),he didnt learn that at play-school.....or did was in Liverpool......maybe Nancie,sorry mancie can tell us his,white...whats the difference at the end of thew day.Like i said a lot of white youth go around acting as though they want to be black gangstas these days.
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Old 17-03-2007, 17:28   #12
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Re: Another kid killed

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Geez guys, back to your corners please and take a breath!
Have you ever seen or listened to it. It is all about killing cops, other gangstas, or anyone who ****es ya off. Then it's on to beatin' the bitches, do drugs, stealing, raping and pillaging!
This is England LYY .. this latest murder ..nor the last 4 killings of these kids have been about killing cops,ganstas or beating bitches!.
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Old 17-03-2007, 18:06   #13
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Re: Another kid killed

Whether or not Mancie, when killing, maiming and mayhem is see in their daily lives as "normal and acceptable" does it matter where it is happening? Also, IMO, I don't believe it matters who, what or where it is happening. Culture has allowed this type of behavior to become more desensitizing to the youth commiting these acts.


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Old 17-03-2007, 19:01   #14
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Re: Another kid killed

as far as i,m concerned its down to lack of respect, which sadly is no longer instilled into many of todays youth.there is no line drawn any more it just dont exist to these people.
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Old 17-03-2007, 20:18   #15
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Re: Another kid killed

doesn't the violence portrayed in video games somehow have an dulling the shock of death....ah, but in a video game you have more than one life, so when you are killed you can get up and fight again.
Well, someone should tell these kids that in REAL life when you kill someone....they stay DEAD.
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