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Old 15-02-2008, 00:52   #1
Coffin Dodger.

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another massacre in usa campus.

reports on BBC,24 hrs of another massacre in a chicago school campus, latest i heard 5 dead including gunman and 15 wounded, the "gun" argument gets weaker by the year in my opinion.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-02-2008, 01:05   #2
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Five dead in US college shooting

There you go cashy.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 15-02-2008, 01:09   #3
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post bad many more times
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Old 15-02-2008, 01:16   #4
Dawn-of-the-Shed's Avatar

Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
reports on BBC,24 hrs of another massacre in a chicago school campus, latest i heard 5 dead including gunman and 15 wounded, the "gun" argument gets weaker by the year in my opinion.
Just watching it now on sky news trentster said how many more times
Have It !!
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Old 15-02-2008, 03:53   #5
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Dont suppose its any excuse but I think when its my time to go I go out quick and a bullet seems preferable to being kicked to death by a mob of feral/drunken teens which seems to be the preferred method of population control in the UK at the present time .
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Old 15-02-2008, 04:04   #6
Dawn-of-the-Shed's Avatar

Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Dont suppose its any excuse but I think when its my time to go I go out quick and a bullet seems preferable to being kicked to death by a mob of feral/drunken teens which seems to be the preferred method of population control in the UK at the present time .
we're getting as bad as US doubt they had the knife problem about 10yrs ago were catching on
Have It !!
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Old 15-02-2008, 09:46   #7
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Dont suppose its any excuse but I think when its my time to go I go out quick and a bullet seems preferable to being kicked to death by a mob of feral/drunken teens which seems to be the preferred method of population control in the UK at the present time .
A bullet does not necessary mean a quick and easy death. It can also mean painful injury and ending up being maimed for life.

Earlier reports said 17 victims had been transported to Kishwaukee Community Hospital, several with serious head wounds.
Even if they recover how many victims with head wounds could end up brain damaged?

Just because yobs here have taken to kicking people to death I don't think that justifies the use of guns. Kickings tend to be centred on one individual, guns can be directed on numerous people at once. I would rather be in the vicinity of someone being kicked than someone being shot at. There is more chance of stopping a kicking than there is of stopping a shooting.

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Old 15-02-2008, 10:37   #8
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Dont suppose its any excuse but I think when its my time to go I go out quick and a bullet seems preferable to being kicked to death by a mob of feral/drunken teens which seems to be the preferred method of population control in the UK at the present time .
It doesn't matter which way it is no one should go before their time at the hands of a lunatic, either by a gunshot or by some young thugs boot. The only difference is when these things happen in the states the gunman usually kills himself. In this country the thugs get a sentence which doesn't fit the crime, to my mind anyone who kills in cold blood life should mean life, but in todays Britain the punisment never fits the crime
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Old 15-02-2008, 10:43   #9
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
to my mind anyone who kills in cold blood life should mean life, but in todays Britain the punisment never fits the crime
Quite right, Jaysay, but I'm sure Blazey will be along soon to tell us how wrong we all are!
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Old 15-02-2008, 11:33   #10
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

not a great comparison steeljack
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Old 15-02-2008, 11:55   #11
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Anybody who can do this, deserves a sentence on death row, having to wait to die.
Knowing they are going to die
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Old 15-02-2008, 15:50   #12
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

It is not possible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Are the people of Britain safer since the law banning all firearms went into effect? I think not.

There is a reason why mass shootings occur on U.S. campuses - it's because the majority are gun-free zones, making them an ideal target for any deranged person with an axe to grind. There is a sort of moral fatuousness in proclaiming yourself a gun-free zone. What you are actually doing is increasing the risk to students.

On the other hand, countless crimes and assaults are prevented each year because citizens in legal possession of firearms were on hand to protect themselves and those around them. Such was the case with a law college in West Virginia a few years ago, where a couple of students thwarted an event similar to the one we are discussing today because they were allowed to keep their guns on campus. They pinned down the perp and held him until the police arrived. This, of course, was not reported by the media as it did not fit their template.
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Old 15-02-2008, 15:57   #13
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

also read on ceefax today,there has been 4 school shootings in the last week in the states, now chicago is the first i heard of this last 7 days, so this makes me think- in the eyes of the worlds media, unless these a cartload of casualties it aint worth the newsprint. if that is so,its a very sad indictment of what happens over the pond.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-02-2008, 20:40   #14
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
It is not possible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Are the people of Britain safer since the law banning all firearms went into effect? I think not.

There is a reason why mass shootings occur on U.S. campuses - it's because the majority are gun-free zones, making them an ideal target for any deranged person with an axe to grind. There is a sort of moral fatuousness in proclaiming yourself a gun-free zone. What you are actually doing is increasing the risk to students.

On the other hand, countless crimes and assaults are prevented each year because citizens in legal possession of firearms were on hand to protect themselves and those around them. Such was the case with a law college in West Virginia a few years ago, where a couple of students thwarted an event similar to the one we are discussing today because they were allowed to keep their guns on campus. They pinned down the perp and held him until the police arrived. This, of course, was not reported by the media as it did not fit their template.
Are you trying to say that we would all feel safer if everyone was armed to the teeth? And that citizens would do nothing with their guns other than stop crime? Imagine road rage with a glock in the glove compartment. Then all cars could have the California bumper sticker: "Cover Me, I'm Changing Lanes." You ask if the British are safer since the firearm ban. Are you trying to suggest that the murder rate in Britain is the same as or worse than that of the US? I think that Detroit has more murders per annum than Britain. You visit Canada; do you feel unsafe because you can't carry your gun when you are here? Welcome to our country, but please check your guns at the border.
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Old 15-02-2008, 23:20   #15
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Re: another massacre in usa campus.

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Dont suppose its any excuse but I think when its my time to go I go out quick and a bullet seems preferable to being kicked to death by a mob of feral/drunken teens which seems to be the preferred method of population control in the UK at the present time .
I watched a documentary the other day about the shooting in america which is pretty famous, Columbine?... but there were many wounded who where paralysed from the wounds they received, so I wont say that is 100% the case, but I agree, I think I'd rather be shot than kicked to death.

At least if your shot you can make a good estimation of whether you're likely to live or die or it'll be immediate. Being beaten by someones hands and feet feels like it lasts a life time and how are you to know what extent you are injured inside or whether your to live or die?!

Americas issues with school shootings seem to be with troubled kids that could've received help and probably not have caused any harm at all, where as in this country it's just a trend to carry a weapon and use it. Our kids aren't found to have suffered from loneliness and psychological problems like the virginia tech shooter or columbines, they're just normal kids and I think that's far more scary.

According to wikipedia though there have been 5 school shootings in America just this month. Obviously it's wikipedia and it's not to be held as solid fact but that obviously doesnt look good.
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