Originally Posted by pendy
Anyone seen the new Racial and Religious Hatred Bill?
If this goes through, it will be a crime to speak ill of any religion, including Satanists and those African cults that believe in abusing children (members of which were recently convicted of child cruelty). It will be no defence to have good reason to make such remarks. The fact that they are true is also no defence.
What price freedom? - except for lunatics and sadists.
That is why we should all start doing something about it, but would rather waste our lives
living a dream instead of focusing on the reality that this country is becoming the most retarded soft headed nation of all time, you beleive everything your government says and
never question authority because you dont want to beleive in the truth because deep down you know that in order for this corruption to be eliminated many billions of humans will die
including servants, masters, and even monarchys...all because of your genuine but distorted
charitable attitude which has led you to be deluded in the beleif that if the problem is silenced
it may go away...(the same happened with child abuse in 19thc ) NOW...if there are any smart honest decent people out there who beleive in the truth (and of course not offended by these written words) these next words only apply to you...as for the rest of the b.b.e.,s
on this planet, you can go back to your vodka and viagra, bmw,s and rockports, unisex clothing and sodomite designed accessories, nhs precribed drugs and money worship (i could go on for eons), and an omnibutic soapfest thrown in to provide maximum distraction / DELUSION...(9)
The world is on the brink of collapse, we are being dictated to by brussells (and paying them for this torture), nations are rising up against nations, the churches are corrupted by sodomites, the dead are walking the earth (george best is a good example and children born through ivf etc) newer more deadlier deseases and viruses are being brought in through the front doors of every airport in britain by "carriers", and by the time the government act it will be too late, resulting in anarchy and chaos which will spell the end
to what was (and could be still) the greatest country ive ever been born in, i love this country so much that i would, and will if it comes to it die fighting to save us all from this absurd notion that everyone on this planet is born equal...that mistake will cost you your souls,(some peoples brains run on slower frequences and are slower to take things in!) my family have spent over 1200 years in this land, laying down our lives so that you all could live with relative freedom and ease...power to the people? YOUR A JOKE...(the bbe,s)
i would rather trust one person with real intellect and wisdom rather than a billion pretentious cretins with a voting slip any day! the problem is that when the sheep realise the truth is actually The Truth, will their tiny minds be able to hack it, considering the things they are going to have to do in order to stay alive? ...still they can always get something stronger from the doctor so that they can take their little pills and sit on their asses and rock away like theres no tomorrow while all around them all hell breaks loose...
incidently if you are offended by this then i can only say GOOD.
if ive exited your neurons and made your synapses leap about in your brain looking for a conclusion then im half way there, and so are you...
the truth is like an event horizon whereas if you go near it, it will suck you in...
then when you digest the truth and accept the truth, and realise you have all been had
you will explode with such rage you will want to inflict maximum damage to all the corruption which surrounds you, that is your own personal SUPERNOVA of the mind...
now you have the same problems as i do...you tell people the truth and they laugh in your face and call you mad and then they bend down and take it up the ass from europe as usual...its about time the true patriots of this country get together for the last time before the final battle which is to come in the not so distant future commences ...
...end of note...(3)
this is some text i got from a taped interview with a good freind who has been treat like **** in his own country by nothing more than ignorant morons who like to conform to mans
laws (politics) i beleive him cus ive just received a comprehensive history of the conclusions he has come to and i cannot say he is a liar, or deluded...far from it...i can only say in my own opinion that something really bad is going to happen within the next decade...and we should all be preparing for the worst possible scenario...
all the best....Michael