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Old 06-03-2006, 19:26   #1
Resting in Peace

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Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

Doesn't it just **** you off when guests on the Antiques Road Show, after being told that their painting/pottery/jewellery is worth ' a lot of dosh' and they cooly reply with 'Gosh' or 'Really' and state would never sell as too much sentimental value !!
I wonder if they are telling the truth, and as soon as 'cut' is shouted from the Director, they don't rush off to the nearest Auction House ?
Know I would, but nothing in my loft that would bring this range of value.
You lot found anything like this and sold >> WARNING>> please don't say if you did keep it >> don't wish you to be another crime figure.
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Old 06-03-2006, 19:35   #2
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

Why else would you want to know what it was worth if you weren't thinking of selling it?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 06-03-2006, 21:29   #3
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

Originally Posted by Gayle
Why else would you want to know what it was worth if you weren't thinking of selling it?
Insurance purposes?

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Old 06-03-2006, 22:08   #4
Resting in Peace

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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

Originally Posted by K.S.H
Insurance purposes?
Ya' missining the point .. sentimental value versus monetary needs. (real tear jerkers excluded of course), If insurance purposes, then solvent enough to keep it, get it ? Just wondered if the cool ones really meant that it was just a 'pleasant' surprise and nowt else.
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Old 06-03-2006, 22:15   #5
Resident Waffler

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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

If I found I had something really valuable I'd seriously consider selling it, but looking around I doubt very much if anythg chez Willow'n'Busman would even be worth taking to an Antiques Roadshow.

I can see the point of needing a valuation for insurance purposes because if you were under insured and there was a fire or a burglary the company could refuse to pay out.

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Old 06-03-2006, 22:37   #6
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

I wouldn't sell anything of sentimental value, unless I was near destitute. Then I'm an old softy.

It makes me indignant with rage on Flog It, when someone takes something they purport to like, that their Granny was given as a wedding present, and they decide to 'flog it' for a pittance, saying they'll put the money towards a holiday..

I would rather send my knick-nacks to the charity shop than leave them to such mercenary relatives.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 06-03-2006, 22:40   #7
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

I wonder what value they would put on my mother in law she is an antique.

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Old 06-03-2006, 22:41   #8
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

i once discovered an item of approximatly 101 years old in the spare room but before i could get it to the nearest auction house my grandmother died resulting in a costly event totaling £1000

the £1000 wasnt the cost of a funeral but as i found out to my anger is the standard fine for fly tipping over whinnie hill
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Old 06-03-2006, 23:09   #9
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

It's more depressing when it seems like you used something yesterday, when it was new, and now it's a collectable, or 'an antique of the future'.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-03-2006, 11:02   #10
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

How do they know what is a possible collectable or antique worth money of the future with the exception of limited editions done in very small quantities?

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Old 07-03-2006, 11:10   #11
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
How do they know what is a possible collectable or antique worth money of the future with the exception of limited editions done in very small quantities?

They don't for sure, but it usually comes down to scarcety.

All the weird sixties and seventies stuff, that went out of fashion and a lot of people threw out when tastes changed, are a prime example. Troika pottery from Cornwall now proving thap point, and selling for a small fortune.

Even original coloured bathroom suites from the seventies are becoming sought after now that the fashion is for white.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-03-2006, 13:51   #12
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

I think most people who go to Antiques Roadshow do so in the hope of being told that their old bit of tat is actually worth a fortune. You've only got to look at the faces of those who are told "Well, it's nice, but it's not worth anything apart from the sentimental value". Mind you, if you find you have got an Old Master (apart from 'im indoors) could you afford to keep it? It's not just the insurance, it's the security the insurance companies insist on.
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Old 07-03-2006, 14:34   #13
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

i think g.plan furniture is collectable...after we got married we bought loads of it ,,,just think we might have been rich if we had put it in
Not a full brick
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Old 07-03-2006, 14:37   #14
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
i think g.plan furniture is collectable...after we got married we bought loads of it ,,,just think we might have been rich if we had put it in
You're right, it is now collectable, but not yet that expensive. What makes me puke is all the stuff we threw out of old grannie's and aunties' houses, all that old Victorian stuff that nobody wanted - you should see the prices stuff like that is fetching now! Those horrible bronze figures go for thousands, and the china dogs are fetching a mint. If only we'd kept all that .....

Makes you wonder what we shouldn't throw out now, doesn't it.
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Old 07-03-2006, 14:40   #15
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Re: Antiques >> Sell or keep ?
Not a full brick
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