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Old 06-05-2006, 17:08   #1
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any comments on this?
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Accrington Web
Old 06-05-2006, 17:45   #2
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: any comments on this?

Protect your livelyhood get a criminal record. Do nothing and pay the price for it. A no win situation for those in that job.

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Old 06-05-2006, 17:46   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: any comments on this?

He'd have been within his rights to kill the dog according to the article. What would have happened to him if he had done? Would he still be in jail?

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Old 06-05-2006, 17:48   #4
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Re: any comments on this?

Having read the article I find it absolutely disgraceful that this elderly man was given the "heavy" treatment by these thugs masquerading as law enforcement officers. He is a farmer for goodness sake, he is not a terrorist and the dog was on his land by all accounts and he believed his livestock was being threatened so he opened fire to warn off the dog which unfortunately caught a few stray pellets. I think this neighbour should think himself extremely lucky the dog wasn't blown to bits, but having said that in truth there is only one person to blame here and that is the neighbour for allowing his dog to roam around on farm land unsupervised. It seems in this case the long arm of the law panicked when the word firearm was mentioned, and this was the result.
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Old 06-05-2006, 18:07   #5
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Re: any comments on this?

1 question

if a farmer is withing his rights to kill a dog that is on his property why cant i kill a cat thats in my back yard..?

either way its disgusting what happened to this old farmer and perhaps next time he wont fire warning shots and execute the dam dog out right and its pompous owner
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Old 06-05-2006, 18:07   #6
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Re: any comments on this?

Originally Posted by bad breath brown
No comment from me on cut and paste threads which have no opinion offered.
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Old 06-05-2006, 18:21   #7
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Re: any comments on this?

If that had been my dog I would have been truly grateful that the farmer hadn’t shot my dog.
We know It shouldn’t have been there, perhaps it had escaped?

A friend of mine once had a red setter a quite a big dog which they had had for a few years but one day the setter escaped and wondered of to a field which was full of sheep (laming season). No one had realized that their dog had gone walk- about.
Unfortunately the dog found the sheep to be great play things and started chasing and basically worrying the sheep, not a good idea when the farmer was watching. Understandably the farmer could have lost a small fortune if he had lost his lambs and seeing that there was no one around to call the dog off he had no choice but to cull the animal, which he did.
The farmer had even taken the trouble to contact the dogs owner, which he found on the dogs collar and tell them what had just happened and apparently he wasn’t a happy farmer but at least he had told them.

Last edited by Len; 06-05-2006 at 18:51.
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Old 06-05-2006, 19:01   #8
Resident Waffler

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Re: any comments on this?

I'm just wondering if it could have happened somethng like this:

Dog gets out of house alone.
Dog returns to house wounded.
Dog's owner assumes that some young hooligan has been taking pot shots at their dog and phones police.
Farmer contacts dog owner to explain what has happened.
Ooops too late, says owner, we already phoned the police.
Owner then tries to tell police who shot dog and why.
Police instead of cancelling hunt for terrorist gunman now descend on farm.

Just a thought.

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Old 06-05-2006, 20:33   #9
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Re: any comments on this?

Willows sugestion has merit and as the ball had stated they followed through. Heavy handed yes but unfortunately as a firearm was involved all precautions are taken. Wonder if the heavy handedness from the police was because it p'd them of a bit.

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Old 07-05-2006, 00:54   #10
God Member

Re: any comments on this?

I really cant see why anyone should be allowed to have firearms?as for the rough stuff, if you get arrested for anything you get this. so whats new?
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Old 07-05-2006, 01:33   #11
God Member

Re: any comments on this?

oh and bye the way.. a bloke got shot dead by the police using the tube to get to work.. no gun.. just going to work.. get it into respective
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Old 07-05-2006, 03:51   #12
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Re: any comments on this?

feel sorry for the poor man


god bless the police

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