17-02-2009, 23:15
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
What ward does councillor Jones come under i dont even know im in Peelpark ward never see a councillor i wouldnt even have heard of him if i hadnt been on here today.
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
I dont know the local councillors as i only vote in a general election only interested in that not local although i did help Andrew canvas in the summer and now remember a name Tony Dobson i dont know were your coming from stateing a motor mouth mummy im a mum and a person too at the end of the day and find this interesting may be i will learn something my connections arnt politcal but similar. I did go to a meeting once with Andrew listened but didnt really take notice of who was who And yes i am a labour voter but wont be in the next election.
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
okay i feel for some reason your trying to have a go at me what harm have i caused you Andrew is more than capable of defending himself if need be and so am i at the end of the day im a good mum and also an individual person who has a right to speak and have an opinion even if im not that into local politics im too busy working to go to meetings in the evenings maybe if i get the chance i will try to attend one. i am behind my son 100per cent in his education and always have been we all have are own field of expertise and unfortunately mine is not politics although i could become interested. forgive me if im wrong but you appear to feel bitter towards me i dont understand.
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
I will probably get some comments for this but honestly i havent come across any labour supporters im surprised there are still out there really i am and i used to be one every one i know has changed there vote from labour to tory and believe me i know a lot of people
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
I dont understand i havent ever lied on here its not something i do clarify please what you mean thanks.
well seems to me fer someone who knows nowt about local politics yet goes canvassing n also been to a meeting etc a very strange how do ya do.   aint meaning to offend,but i just can't buy that one.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.