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Old 18-02-2009, 07:42   #586
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Smile Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
You could go back to school and study English & Sums and get a degree In the Del Boy School of Literacy.
i dont know what your getting at but again another slur on my intelligence this time how low can one get.This is i feel bang out of order. I dont need to return to school with the qualifications i already have achieved and i tell you worked hard to get them. You are a pleasant person., and again rather discriminating, why would one speak to a member of the public in this way is it any wonder you dont get votes i have shown my work colleauges and friends all that has been written on here and they are absoulutely shocked by some comments about me and stated who do these people think they are its terrible the way some of them conduct themselves. i have never come across in all my life attitudes like on here very strange to me may be its because i live in a much nicer world.My conclusion was its really because people are passionate about what they believe in and thats fine but i suggest you go back to school and learn how to relate to people how to address members of the public i think thats of more importance than sums and literacy skills.
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Old 18-02-2009, 08:13   #587
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Just out of interest Andrew, what research at university prompted you to request the FOI and are you going to publish the information (for all councillors) that you obtained.

Hopefully you will consider this as being back on track
The freedom of information act was brought in by your Labour government. It allows anybody to make anonymous requests. Councillor Dawson for some reason believes it's his right to know who requested it, and for one I may agree with him that the law should be changed, but that is not how the law stands, and he has no right to know who it is. Graham has shown his usual irrational hatred against the Conservatives leading to errors of judgement. He has not posted on here when any other data has been requested, only when he can try and trip the Conservatives up, but then again, that's local Labour all over isn't it.

I did not have to tell you it was me who requested it, I did not even have to tell you why I requested it. If it was for mud slinging, then good, we should have a transparent expenses system. It's public money after all, if politicians are not wasting it then why are you all kicking up such a huge fuss? I'm not going into the detail of my research project, It's quite frankly, not yours as a councillor, or anybody elses businesses. Where as your expenses are peoples business.

I guess I should thank members for such an amusing thread, not so much Graham for his ill intentions, but his errors were rather amusing. This is the last I'll say on the matter.
formerly cyfr
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Old 18-02-2009, 09:29   #588
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
why would one speak to a member of the public in this way is it any wonder you dont get votes
What Benipete said may have been rude, but as far as I'm aware he isn't a member of any elected public body, therefore isn't seeking anyone's votes. Not everyone is playing political game.

As for Andrewb saying that the above post was his last on the subject, fair enoiugh. That's his right, and I'll take his word of a man of honour that it will have been his final word.

I'll just have to presume, probably like many others on here, that by his refusal to publish the information on this forum, as requested by several non-political members, that he discovered nothing to his advantage concerning opposition councillor's expense claims, otherwise he'd have been all too happy to share the information with us.

Unlike myself, not being cynical, some might wonder if his refusal to share the information might be because, rather than uncovering dirt on the opposition, he may have discovered something embarrassing about his own party, the Conservatives.

I guess we'll never know now, unless each and everyone of us wastes public time and money on requesting the information he did, for ourselves.
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Old 18-02-2009, 09:58   #589
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

I still can't grasp this thread really, I was never under the inpression that councillors exes were a secret anyway
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Old 18-02-2009, 10:00   #590
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

This might be of interest to some of you - it is a link to Hyndburn Borough Council's Members Allowance scheme for the current year 2008/2009.
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Old 18-02-2009, 10:21   #591
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
Jaysay i feel that you are the type of person i can relate too so i will ask you the question instead of another that is related to on here as i dont take kindly to being shot down people should have skills when addressing members of the public when i went canvassing with another it shocked me as we interacted with individuals just how many people had changed their vote to conservative these were working class people and living in very poor areas and some were on benefits due to being disabled or through no fault of their own. The question i pose to you why do you think this what is the explanation? I am trying to gain some knowledge in this area and is it the same in your district.
That question is a very hard one for me to answer really, as I haven't been on the knocker for many years due to Ill health. From my own point of view its not relevant as I've been a member of the Tory Party since I was 16 well before the onset of ill health. Some years ago a member of the local Labour Party wrote a letter to the Observer saying He could not understand why, a disabled person living in a council flat could vote Tory, my reply was simple, which was my disability is physical not mental and why, now that I'm a disabled person living in a council flat, not support the party I have supported since I was 16, he did not respond.

I think the thing to remember is that, as I have said many times before its not the Rich Toffs who elect Tory Governments, nor is it just the working classes that elect Labour Governments. I would think there are only 25% of the electorate who are committed to any one political Party even less now probably, its the floating voters that do that as no doubt we will see when Brown goes to the Country
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Old 18-02-2009, 10:42   #592
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
The freedom of information act was brought in by your Labour government. It allows anybody to make anonymous requests. Councillor Dawson for some reason believes it's his right to know who requested it, and for one I may agree with him that the law should be changed, but that is not how the law stands, and he has no right to know who it is. Graham has shown his usual irrational hatred against the Conservatives leading to errors of judgement. He has not posted on here when any other data has been requested, only when he can try and trip the Conservatives up, but then again, that's local Labour all over isn't it.

I did not have to tell you it was me who requested it, I did not even have to tell you why I requested it. If it was for mud slinging, then good, we should have a transparent expenses system. It's public money after all, if politicians are not wasting it then why are you all kicking up such a huge fuss? I'm not going into the detail of my research project, It's quite frankly, not yours as a councillor, or anybody elses businesses. Where as your expenses are peoples business.

I guess I should thank members for such an amusing thread, not so much Graham for his ill intentions, but his errors were rather amusing. This is the last I'll say on the matter.
I'm pleased we agree on one point Andrew. I support the freedom of information act. But I also believe that an individual, whether they be councillor or not, also have a right to know who is seeking information on them.
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Old 18-02-2009, 10:53   #593
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post
I'm pleased we agree on one point Andrew. I support the freedom of information act. But I also believe that an individual, whether they be councillor or not, also have a right to know who is seeking information on them.
Quite right Robert (why do I keep calling you Robert) I think this is a two edged sword, if somebody was seeking information about me I would like to know, but unfortunately I don't think this has happened in my case
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Old 18-02-2009, 10:56   #594
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
The freedom of information act was brought in by your Labour government. It allows anybody to make anonymous requests. Councillor Dawson for some reason believes it's his right to know who requested it, and for one I may agree with him that the law should be changed, but that is not how the law stands, and he has no right to know who it is. Graham has shown his usual irrational hatred against the Conservatives leading to errors of judgement. He has not posted on here when any other data has been requested, only when he can try and trip the Conservatives up, but then again, that's local Labour all over isn't it.

I did not have to tell you it was me who requested it, I did not even have to tell you why I requested it. If it was for mud slinging, then good, we should have a transparent expenses system. It's public money after all, if politicians are not wasting it then why are you all kicking up such a huge fuss? I'm not going into the detail of my research project, It's quite frankly, not yours as a councillor, or anybody elses businesses. Where as your expenses are peoples business.

I guess I should thank members for such an amusing thread, not so much Graham for his ill intentions, but his errors were rather amusing. This is the last I'll say on the matter.
whilst its not in the law to name who requested it n is yer right. i assume also that its not in the law that you don't ya don't have to tell anyone why ya requested it etc etc that is yer right, then if it should be a transparent expenses system, fer my money this is a classic case of "Hiding Behind The Law."
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Old 18-02-2009, 16:24   #595
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post
I'm pleased we agree on one point Andrew. I support the freedom of information act. But I also believe that an individual, whether they be councillor or not, also have a right to know who is seeking information on them.
Politicians aren't individuals though, are they. At least not according to Mr Jones who believes that the snakes of Toryland are goading politics students into seeking out the scandals of Labour angels.

I personally believe that politicians should be exempt from the right of knowing who requests FOIs on them. They should be confident that anyone, anywhere can look at their finances and see no discrepancies. Knowing who made the request would a) achieve nothing, and b) only add fuel to the party politics fire should an opposing politician request an FOI - take for instance Mr Jones' cornered rat behaviour in this thread.
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Old 18-02-2009, 16:51   #596
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
i dont know what your getting at but again another slur on my intelligence this time how low can one get.This is i feel bang out of order. I dont need to return to school with the qualifications i already have achieved and i tell you worked hard to get them. You are a pleasant person., and again rather discriminating, why would one speak to a member of the public in this way is it any wonder you dont get votes i have shown my work colleauges and friends all that has been written on here and they are absoulutely shocked by some comments about me and stated who do these people think they are its terrible the way some of them conduct themselves. i have never come across in all my life attitudes like on here very strange to me may be its because i live in a much nicer world.My conclusion was its really because people are passionate about what they believe in and thats fine but i suggest you go back to school and learn how to relate to people how to address members of the public i think thats of more importance than sums and literacy skills.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much .... you gotta admit, though, he does have a point And this forum most certainly is, as John Donne put it, a "little world made cunningly."
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Old 18-02-2009, 16:51   #597
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I would think there are only 25% of the electorate who are committed to any one political Party even less now probably, its the floating voters that do that as no doubt we will see when Brown goes to the Country

And in most elections, especially General Elections, the majority of people who vote do not for for the winning party, which says a lot about our political system
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Old 18-02-2009, 17:01   #598
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
And in most elections, especially General Elections, the majority of people who vote do not for for the winning party, which says a lot about our political system
That's the system that served us well for many years Dave, its not perfect, but its a sight better than the carve ups they have in the States AKA GWBs first election, when they were counting everything but votes
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Old 18-02-2009, 18:01   #599
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
That's the system that served us well for many years Dave, its not perfect, but its a sight better than the carve ups they have in the States AKA GWBs first election, when they were counting everything but votes
I agree with you wholeheartedly - here in the UK we do keep counting our votes until the results tally to the number of votes cast.

I wonder if the 2nd Gulf War would have happened if GWB had not been declared to be the President.
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Old 18-02-2009, 18:41   #600
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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
not to good on computers but burnley rd area top end
Hazarding a wild guess that you live on Turkey St , your councillors are Graham Jones and Bernard Dawson.
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