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Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by Robert Owen
That is really the key question. I would not have known which year to ask for and am councillor
I think is there is probably about 3 or 4 people who would have known. I know who my money is on.
I'm sorry but this is quite hilarious. I cannot stop laughing when I read this thread. Who are you suggesting? Peter, as your esteemed leader Councillor Jones, thinks? If so, I hope you also apologise to him.
You'd be much closer if you started with A, ended in B and added 5 letters in between.
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by Robert Owen
Neil That's what area councils should be doing, the problem is in the council itself. There is no opportunity for councillors who not in the cabinet to ask questions on any subject, and that includes Tory councillors.
It is partly down to changes in local government, that replaced the old committee system with an all powerful cabinet. But has to be said that Peter has to take some of the blame. He just will not let any councillor speak or ask questions.
I would think that statement to be far more open to discussion than claiming a few bob?..........It is not my idea of democracy.
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Andrew, I see you don't want to answer my question about members of the public being able to ask questions at the meetings of HBC Cabinet, as they can in both Blackburn with Darwen and Pendle Councils.
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by claytonender
Andrew, I see you don't want to answer my question about members of the public being able to ask questions at the meetings of HBC Cabinet, as they can in both Blackburn with Darwen and Pendle Councils.
No I didn't, go and ask Mr Britcliffe, I'm not his mouthpiece.
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by Royboy39
I would think that statement to be far more open to discussion than claiming a few bob?..........It is not my idea of democracy.
At last we agree on something. At other local councils in the area, such as Blackburn with Darwen and Pendle members of the public are also allowed to ask questions at meetings of Cabinet. Whereas in Hyndburn virtually no-one other than the Cabinet members are allowed to speak.
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by claytonender
I am not saying you are his mouthpiece but as a student of politics I would have thought you would have some view on the matter.
I, personally, think it is an excelent idea.
I can see the chaos that would ensue. Councillors on this very forum cannot even get their facts right. I imagine you would use it as an opportunity to try and trip the Conservatives up, as usual, rather than working with them. Do you think the public should be able to go into Gordon Browns cabinet meetings? No, we have representatives for a reason. All of whom can be e-mailed. You can even freedom of information request on them.
Peter Britcliffe claims to be democratic. but he does not allow questions from residents and only allows questions (or comments) from non Conservative party members if he thinks the the opinions expressed will be in agreement with his own.
I appreciate that residents can speak at meetings of Area Council, but these meetings are regarded by many residents as 'talking shops' with all the decisions arrived at by the elected members prior tot he meeting.
I haven't been to a council meeting for 15 years when they became a farce when Slynn and co had already made the decisions and just used council as a rubber tamping forum. I have had very little political contact, save occasionally at election times and have had no input into the last two in any shape or form. I can also say that I have not seen PB (I have spoken to him by phone very occasionally) since Mayday 2007 when he popped into see me with his daughter. I haven't a clue what goes on a council meets because to be quite honest I don't give a stuff, I did my bit for forty years starting when I was 16 not 60, is that plain enough for you
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by g jones
Lets just put this into perspective.
1. I spend 99% of my time (deliberatly so) going forward and doing positive things. Eg I just spent hours getting successfully £114,000 Lottery funding for Peel Ward last week (with Bernard and Wendy).
I have had one invitee to Peel Ward already AND the upshot was "what the bloody hell is my councillor doing then!". I am not important. Let's stick to the issues.
2. I HAVE TO spend 1% of my time (reluctantly as Bagpuss who I know is not Labour - suggested) on issues like this. Andrew FOI 'd the Council for one reason.
Rather than back peddle to defend a slanted view that was unrepresentative which is what Andrew does I am happy to come clean and tell the truth up front.The 'mud slinging' accusations don't matter as they don't account for the 99% good work that I do.
The only thing that matters of course (if Hyndburn wants to be great)is The Truth. Burying one's head in the sand to these people will not achieve that.
Let's really put thing's in perspective, you and the Councillors of whichever party, didn't Originally put yourselves up for self gratification or financial reward.
Unfortunately as keeps happening, the main aim often gets obscured by the fog of war, not intentionally but you all, from all parties are that busy trying to defend what you can or are trying to do that there are moments of frustration.
You Graham tend to shoot from the hip, you know Andrew, you know what he is like and 2x2=5, (because you feel hurt), and you want to kick back oops a daisy as I've already said shot yourself in the foot.
That doesn't mean you don't care, it perhaps shows you care too much!
What is needed by we the poor electorate is for you and everyone else to work for us as a team, you have all been voted in, ignore the party, look out for the people that put you there,
All of you!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Re: Anyone made a secret Freedom Of Info request about me ? Andrew?
Originally Posted by Less
Let's really put thing's in perspective,
What is needed by we the poor electorate is for you and everyone else to work for us as a team, you have all been voted in, ignore the party, look out for the people that put you there,
All of you!
spot on, but as " Buddy Holly" sang.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.