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Old 08-05-2005, 18:32   #1
land of hope and glory

staggeringman's Avatar

Apologies Mr Jones.

first of all i would like to apologise to graham jones,yes we all say things in the heat of the moment but as graham has said in other posts we still have freedom of speech! an apprentice councillor yes!k...h...d no your not,d..k...ds this applies to a few i know on the council and should not be taken personally graham.

I am a working class lad with working class mates who works very hard, both in a factory and as a working class resident on the council. I dont need lessons on grafting, factory work, long hours, gravyard shift in pie factories, part time work, 14 hour shifts, unemployment, paying taxes, low wages, redundancy, bully bosses, making ends meet, doing overtime to pay the bills or rubbing shoulders with other real people. I've got those medals thank you and if you actually knew me you'd know it.
i actually do know you!and your lovely wife paula and i know how hard you both work,but i still have my beliefs on what are taxes are spent on,not something stuck on top of a hill!more cleaning for the town yes!the roads leading into the town yes instead of the first impression people get as they drive towards accrington and do an abrupt about turn and leave like all the shop keepers are doing! i still believe that you are only posting on this site to gain in your line of work for your political party i have also noticed that all the information you are posting is have not posted on any other thread apart from the ones that have to do with politics,take a break and join in some fun on the other threads, you might even get to like us.
my apology to graham jones.
ps i owe you a beer for help in the past..?
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Accrington Web
Old 08-05-2005, 20:18   #2
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Apologies Mr Jones.

Originally Posted by staggeringman

ps i owe you a beer for help in the past..?
Obviously Mr. Jones won't be able to accept your kind offer of a beer, for fear of it being considered a bribe at some time in the future so, if it helps to breech the gap between you both I will volunteer as a member of no political party to drink it for him!

Cheers staggers.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
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Old 08-05-2005, 22:18   #3
I am Banned

Re: Apologies Mr Jones.

Originally Posted by staggeringman
first of all i would like to apologise to graham jones,yes we all say things in the heat of the moment but as graham has said in other posts we still have freedom of speech! an apprentice councillor yes!k...h...d no your not,d..k...ds this applies to a few i know on the council and should not be taken personally graham.

I am a working class lad with working class mates who works very hard, both in a factory and as a working class resident on the council. I dont need lessons on grafting, factory work, long hours, gravyard shift in pie factories, part time work, 14 hour shifts, unemployment, paying taxes, low wages, redundancy, bully bosses, making ends meet, doing overtime to pay the bills or rubbing shoulders with other real people. I've got those medals thank you and if you actually knew me you'd know it.
i actually do know you!and your lovely wife paula and i know how hard you both work,but i still have my beliefs on what are taxes are spent on,not something stuck on top of a hill!more cleaning for the town yes!the roads leading into the town yes instead of the first impression people get as they drive towards accrington and do an abrupt about turn and leave like all the shop keepers are doing! i still believe that you are only posting on this site to gain in your line of work for your political party i have also noticed that all the information you are posting is have not posted on any other thread apart from the ones that have to do with politics,take a break and join in some fun on the other threads, you might even get to like us.
my apology to graham jones.
ps i owe you a beer for help in the past..?

cheers... c u in the Peel Park Friday night. No problem with anyones constructive view. Only part of me is political, but your right, on here it is all i post to and yes I defend the progressive cause [which is Lib Lab politically]. And I have said several times, "I am not always right". Thats progression.

I wish I had more time to post on other threads.
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