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Old 18-01-2007, 08:42   #46
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: Apologize for Slavery?

You are quite right Billcat I don't wish to apologise. I'm more than willing to apologise for anything which I may have done wrong but I fail to see any merit in apologising for something I didn't do. Nor do I want anyone else to apologise for it on my behalf. You say it does nobody any harm. I don't agree with you there. I believe it does. Apologising implies guilt which then leads to resentment which in turn leads to racism. Have you not noticed how people already resent what they percieve to be an unfair advantage in 'positive discrimination'? Add undeserved guilt on top of that and your just heaping coals onto an already smouldering fire.

What's past is past. We live in the present. We didn't do it. We aren't responsible. It's time for everyone to stop blaming other people and move forwards. IF there are African Americans today who do not have equal opportunities and equal treatment with any other ethnic group then that should be tackled but not by dwelling on the past.

Would the descendants of the slaves prefer their anscestors to have remained in Africa? If so then they, the descendants would probably not have as much opportunity in life as they now have where they live now.

Let's stop being so racist and start just looking at each other for who WE are not by racial or ethnic group and ancestors we may or may not have had.

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Old 18-01-2007, 12:08   #47
Resting in peace
Ianto.W.'s Avatar

Re: Apologize for Slavery?

This discussion could go on for ever and never reach a conclusion, why because in one way and another it has been and still is part of life, there are and will be people getting rich of the backs of lesser educated/informed individuals whether you pay them a pittance or just feed them. What we have to do is try to learn from the lessons of history, this lesson was not heeded after WW1 when the French bankrupted Germany and caused WW2, I have also read in this discussion about how we robbed/ raped India etc, I think they have more than had their money back. No as willowthewhisp stated we should move forward and not be forever looking over our shoulders at the wrongs, yes, and the rights our forebears did. All the apologizing in the world can not change history.

Last edited by Ianto.W.; 18-01-2007 at 12:14.
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Old 18-01-2007, 13:24   #48
Yank in King Art's Court!
LancYorkYankee's Avatar

Re: Apologize for Slavery?

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
This discussion could go on for ever and never reach a conclusion, why because in one way and another it has been and still is part of life, there are and will be people getting rich of the backs of lesser educated/informed individuals whether you pay them a pittance or just feed them. What we have to do is try to learn from the lessons of history, this lesson was not heeded after WW1 when the French bankrupted Germany and caused WW2, I have also read in this discussion about how we robbed/ raped India etc, I think they have more than had their money back. No as willowthewhisp stated we should move forward and not be forever looking over our shoulders at the wrongs, yes, and the rights our forebears did. All the apologizing in the world can not change history.
Well said Ian! Also, please know there are many blacks who are not in favor of all this talk of "whoa is me." They feel, as do I, that this is a devicive issue that causes more separation and anger then it problems it may attempt to solve.

IMO, I believe issues like this are used for mainly political reasons. Allows folks like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton to stay in the forefront as the self presumed/proclaimed leaders of American blacks.

To understand these issues, I attend a black church up the road from my house after attending a church in town with the family. Actually for any issue I struggle with, I try to talk to as many different people as possible to get their opinions. These are then weighed then digested, allowing me to reach a defensable conclusion.

Nuff said (by me)!


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