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Old 10-03-2010, 18:22   #1
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Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

BBC News - Apology to daughters raped by Sheffield man

I really dont even know where to start with this one....unbelieveable is a word used often these days, but certainly fits this!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 11-03-2010, 00:27   #2
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

It said on the news that many of the Social Workers who knew, and were told of the incest/rape, didn't want to get involved because they were 'frightened' of the father.

Er...isn't that exactly why they should have got involved?

I imagine the two little girls who needed protection, were quite frightened too, whilst this long period of abuse was taking place.

Another example of the wooly liberalism that poisons child protection and it's so called workers, who are more than happy to get involved with soft targets, and take kids away from safe and loving homes, whilst other children suffer real acts of evil alone.

No one was sacked, or reprimanded over this sorry case....what a suprise!
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 11-03-2010, 02:29   #3
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

No one was sacked, or reprimanded over this sorry case....what a suprise!
Are you really surprised , most Council employees owe their jobs to political patronage of the wooly headed left wing (no one is bad , just misunderstood ) you either tow the line or you won't get hired , hardly surprising since most Local Govt. jobs are only advertized in the uber Left leaning Guardian .........
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Old 11-03-2010, 10:03   #4
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Are you really surprised , most Council employees owe their jobs to political patronage of the wooly headed left wing (no one is bad , just misunderstood ) you either tow the line or you won't get hired , hardly surprising since most Local Govt. jobs are only advertized in the uber Left leaning Guardian .........
As I've said on here before the best use or the Guardian is cut into 6 inch squares for the we small room
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Old 11-03-2010, 10:07   #5
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

What I can't understand is how any human being can treat their own children like this. I have two daughters and the thought just makes me want to retch, to use your kids as sex objects is just to awful for words really
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Old 11-03-2010, 10:43   #6
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
What I can't understand is how any human being can treat their own children like this. I have two daughters and the thought just makes me want to retch, to use your kids as sex objects is just to awful for words really
Some people have been born with animal souls.

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Old 12-03-2010, 01:25   #7
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

is this idiot related to Josef Fritzl ?

how people like this are allowed to live is beyond me

do teh world a favour and start executing animals like this along with teh rest of his kind like pedos and rapists
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Old 12-03-2010, 07:44   #8
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

Makes you wonder about these so called social workers......I would have cut his bits off and fed them to him, very very slowly.

Not only should the people who were involved in the case be sacked but they should also be prosecuted for allowing this disgusting man to carry on abusing his children.

I'm not even gonna mention what I would do to his wife
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Old 12-03-2010, 09:52   #9
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
is this idiot related to Josef Fritzl ?

how people like this are allowed to live is beyond me

do teh world a favour and start executing animals like this along with teh rest of his kind like pedos and rapists
Ya accyman but some people think that this guy has rights
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Old 12-03-2010, 10:41   #10
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

I think we're being a bit unfair to the animal kingdom.

The vast majority of other species wouldn't do what this man did.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 12-03-2010, 19:44   #11
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

considering this is the second recent thread (other being the Venables thread) about folks being let down by "social workers" and others in positions of power who decide that they know best ...... maybe its time to take a leaf out the Japanese book . The Japanese live in earthquake country and the law has a clause that states the Architects of high rise office buildings are required to occupy/use the top floors for ten years after completion as a sort of guarantee of the integrity of the building (personal responsibility) .
It's just an idea, but maybe if the "do-gooders' were to face something similar, maybe the idea of a similar jail sentance to the miscreants they have vouched for, when any offence is commited after the initial release, they would think twice about any other lives they are putting at risk .
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Old 12-03-2010, 20:01   #12
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Re: Apology to Two girls raped by their Father!!!!

There should be a special place where creatures like this are locked away with others of their kind including the violent ones, who would turn this lowlife & his Ilk into their "Bitches" then they & others like them would be subjected to the same vile abhorrent acts as they've inflicted on others.

They'd all be locked in a Dormitory so there would be nowhere to hide, they'd be fed & wateread but with the basic amount for them to survive, minimum term 15 years. The only remission would be a length of rope, the choice would be theirs, hang or live with it. That is often the result to the victims of these things.

Barbaric yes, but they deserve nothing for the way they've treated others. Human rights are granted to humans, they have crossed a line there is no remorse or repentance, they have passed beyond humanity so humanity should not be extended to them. They deserve & should be put down.
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