11-01-2006, 10:21
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Re: Are YOU a Minority??
Who are Minorities?
There is no universally accepted definition of 'minorities', and the word is interpreted differently in different societies. The United Nations (UN) has failed to agree a definition of what constitutes a minority, beyond that implied in the title of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. Attempting a more precise statement has been fraught with difficulties: in some cases the motivation for a tighter definition has been to deny certain rights to certain peoples.
Our response
Minority Rights Group International (MRG) focuses its work on non-dominant ethnic, religious and linguistic communities, who may not necessarily be numerical minorities. MRG's work includes initiatives with indigenous and tribal peoples, migrant communities and refugees. These communities may not wish to be classified as minorities for various reasons. We also recognize that these groups are not homogenous - some members face further marginalization due to age, class, disability, gender or other factors.
The groups MRG works with are among the poorest and most marginalized groups in society. They may lack access to political power, face discrimination and human rights abuses, and have 'development' policies imposed upon them. MRG seeks to protect and promote the basic rights of these communities. We believe that recognition of minority and indigenous peoples' rights is crucial to establishing and maintaining just and peaceful societies.
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