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View Poll Results: Which political party do you support?
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9.43% |
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12-08-2007, 08:01
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by Gayle
I think it's slightly easier to be the party that aren't in power - you can have a say without ever having to prove your point.
Yes, I think you're right there, Gayle. But, it applies just as much at national as local level. So, why aren't Conservative supporters coming on here in their droves, laying into the current government?
Could it be that to do so, would involve defending the policies and stance of David Cameron, and, apart from a few dedicated souls like Cyfr, none of them actually wants to do that because, deep down, they're all hankering after the "good old days" with Maggie? Just a thought...
12-08-2007, 08:44
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by steeljack
Sorry, disagree with you on this , any person who who puts themself up for elected office puts themself and their reputation under the public microscope .
Since the Churchs have abdicated their traditional postion as 'guardians' of public morals and standards/ethics over to the new self appointed guardians, the Politicians and Civil Servants, (the folks who change their minds about everything as often as I change my underwear,) who then cry foul when their hypocrisy and indiscretions are pointed out , I think they should be held to a higher standard. ( the recent UK case involving the immigration judges comes to mind)
As an example, on a local level I would want to know if a member of the local public health services commitee had ever had an aged parent admitted to hospital for unexplained falls and bruising ........if they can't look after their own parents why should they have the responsibility for yours .
Same will someone elected into higher office , using an ex President and his wife as an example , how can trust someone who has access to the 'Doomsday' button when he says to the world "I never had sex with that woman" and the little blue dress along with the stains are there for the whole world to see .......should that have been kept quiet from the public ? ......my view , if Monica Lewinsky had been in her late 30s or her 40s no problem , just an indiscret sexual liasion ,to be sorted out between husband and wife in private , but this was a young woman , late teens/early 20s......and he was in his 50s, this womans life has been ruined , not because of the Press that broke the story , but because Bill Clinton exploited his position of power and authority to 'get his rocks off', what guy in his right mind is going to take Miss Lewinsky home to meet the parents and say this is going to be the mother of your Grandchildren.... and any kids she may have in the future are going to be stigmatized throughout their lives through no fault of their own as the kids of the woman who b**w the President .
I say publish and be dammed, if the mud sticks so be it , if your living a decent honest life there is usually no mud to be thrown
[(note to US users of the group , Mitt Romney is looking good for the nomination , though I am still waiting for the press to decide if Mormons really do worship the Devil or not  ) absolutley no offense meant or intended to local users of this group , its an American media thing .]
In this case I still totally disagree.
We are talking local politics here. I don't think any of them hold themselves up as beacons of moral light, and I don't think any of us look to them for moral guidance.
If there was an undeclared interest, for instance a councillor had a relationship with the owner of a company that had just been awarded a large contract from the council, that is newsworthy, and should be made public. However, since lots of people have had more than one relationship in their life, I don't think that's anyones concern but their's.
Hypocrisy was the downfall of the Major government. They were preaching of a return to 'Victorian values', yet we had a situation were many of them were having clandestine affairs. Also at this time you had secretly gay M.P.'s voting against gay rights bills. Again that sort of hypocrisy should be made public.
Local politicans can dress up as Shirley Bassey every weekend for all I care, and go to wife swapping parties. As long as they aren't breaking the law, or frightening the horses, all I expect is that they do the job to which they were elected, to the best of their ability.
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12-08-2007, 11:49
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
So, why aren't Conservative supporters coming on here in their droves, laying into the current government?
Because there are enough 'Labour' supporters doing it for them 
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
12-08-2007, 19:55
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Re: Are you political?
I voted other.
I would vote for a socialist party but none exists.
With regards to John Farrer's letter, what he fails to see about this site is that the debates on here have viewpoints from across the political spectrum, which basically means it is an open forum.
If he wishes to join in a debate or put across a point of view he feels is under represented then feel free, I for one would welcome the opportunity to read and reply to his points.
However I won't hold my breath.
12-08-2007, 20:23
Accy Red
Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by Stanaccy
I would vote for a socialist party
on here have viewpoints from across the political spectrum
I can't argue with that, me an Stanaccy are worlds apart when it comes to politics but Mr Farrer seems to pick and choose when it comes to the facts and the truth. 
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
12-08-2007, 20:26
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Re: Are you political?
i see mr jones hasnt commented on this yet
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
12-08-2007, 20:31
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Re: Are you political?
Well, I think it's just possible that Graham might vote Labour - lol
Funny thing - the first time i met Graham and we were chatting about this website, he said that he thought this website was a right wing, conservative site.
It's either gone full circle or people read into it what they want to read into it.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
13-08-2007, 01:08
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by garinda
Accy Web has been accused in this week's Observer of being a Labour biased website.
Personally I think we cover all areas of the political spectrum.
Please feel free to use this poll to show which party you support, if any.
Thank you.
I'm probably a bit more right of centre if ya get what I mean
Duct tape is like the force,it has a dark side and a light side,used correctly it holds the world together,used incorrectly it sticks your cat to the wall
13-08-2007, 08:59
Accy Red
Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by Accy Red
I'm probably a bit more right of centre if ya get what I mean
So why not vote in the poll?
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
13-08-2007, 10:39
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
So, why aren't Conservative supporters coming on here in their droves, laying into the current government?
I don't think there is really a need to do that...the wounds are self inflicted.
Let's see what hair brained ideas they come up with for taking more money from the taxpayer and what restrictions they impose on our leisure time and way of life when they return from their holidays in the Highlands. 
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13-08-2007, 14:39
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by Royboy39
I don't think there is really a need to do that...the wounds are self inflicted.
Let's see what hair brained ideas they come up with for taking more money from the taxpayer and what restrictions they impose on our leisure time and way of life when they return from their holidays in the Highlands. 
Holidays in the highlands?    I though they were all away on freebies etc in lovely hot climes were no one will see or bother them. As for taxes they will have a meeting and pull one out of the tombola bin once they return. Lets see heavy taxing of golf, fishing, cycling, get fit classes walking the dog are possible.   
13-08-2007, 16:04
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Re: Are you political?
Supporting Barcelona 2012/2013
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13-08-2007, 16:26
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Re: Are you political?
Just voted none..
Someone once said to me. "It doesn't matter who you vote for. It's just like swapping deckchairs on the Titanic".
I never vote.. but I have a view.. the only person worth voting for in my voting lifetime is Maggie Thatcher.. The only prime minister we have ever had with balls. The only prime minister that didn't let other countries push her around.. She wouldn't be told what to do by anyone.. including the unions.
Just look at the wussies we have had since ...
Anway...just my view 
13-08-2007, 16:33
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by Royboy39
So thats how they do Highland Clearance 21C style this lot appear.   
Maybe they do not know anyone rich enough or who wants a favour to give em a freebie. 
15-08-2007, 18:06
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Re: Are you political?
Originally Posted by steeljack
Same will someone elected into higher office , using an ex President and his wife as an example , how can trust someone who has access to the 'Doomsday' button when he says to the world "I never had sex with that woman" and the little blue dress along with the stains are there for the whole world to see .......
[(note to US users of the group , Mitt Romney is looking good for the nomination , though I am still waiting for the press to decide if Mormons really do worship the Devil or not  ) absolutley no offense meant or intended to local users of this group , its an American media thing .]
Monica was the least of President Clinton's transgressions, in my opinion.
I wouldn't peg Mitt Romney yet. He paid heaps to get those votes in Iowa. The bigger story there was Mike Huckabee.....who is firmly in the Fair Tax column, amongst other things. Rudy Giuliani is still leading in national polls - and I believe we can expect more candidates to declare by Labor Day. There are also some rumblings here that former Democrat Senator Sam Nunn, (Georgia), may run as an Independent. I'd like to see that.
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