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23-03-2007, 23:10
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Dear Pond Life,
I feel it an opportune moment to suggest, if i might, that my efforts to enable numpties on this thread to unearth the real facts in relation to the manner in which Council Committee's adjudicate are rather wasted. Numpties appear more inclined to discuss issues pertaining to the pond.
I have a better handle on this matter than most i suspect. Rest assured, I propose to elevate the issue going forward, though will proceed at a leisurely pace until i feel the timing is right.
In the meantime, I shall afford numpties on here the opportunity to drown in the pond.
Over to you.
Last edited by gondola; 23-03-2007 at 23:13.
23-03-2007, 23:32
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Originally Posted by gondola
if i might
Your use of a lower case 'i', in relation to yourself is very telling.
Dr. Garinda Freud.
Now, please back on thread.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
24-03-2007, 01:05
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Originally Posted by gondola
Using a pseudonym ought not be frowned upon - after all the facility exists for a purpose. It was not chav's username, but his actions that led me to address him as pond life. After all, his use of expletives was entirely unjustified. Yet i did not see his 'supporters' suggesting he maintain his counsel.
One rule for one and one for another. Double standards are the hallmark of those that choose to defend his moronic ways.
I refer you to my post #291 - the insults came fro you first and were totally uncalled for, now you have degenerated into referring to 'pond life'. You are turning a serious issue here into a farce.
24-03-2007, 01:31
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
gondola, I feel it an opportune moment to suggest, if i might, that my efforts to enable numpties on this thread to unearth the real facts in relation to the manner in which Council Committee's adjudicate are rather wasted.
The way the so called Council Committe's adjudicate is, and was the subject being discussed on this thread, until you chose to make it into a slanging match, so I suggest you elevate yourself and your infamous handle back from whence you came, and take i/s views with i before the pot you have i/s handle on boils over, chin chin ducky back to your own murky pond.
24-03-2007, 02:24
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
all i can say is that i am shocked and appauled by teh actions of you lot tonight and you should all be ashamed of yourselves..
usualy when a member gets personaly attacked for mereley asking a question they get given showers of karma as a sighn of support but i have just checked and not so much as a sniff of karma , not even the grey stuff
hang your heads in shame
thanx for teh support and continuing this thread while i was out guys its amazing how determined he was to cary on arguing even though i was not actualy here lol
2 pervs are now no longer taxi drivers which was the main issue at the time , as for who is responsible for it happening etc i am sure it will be dealt with at the next elections
it would be political suicide to give a taxi licence to a convicted perv again so i bet from now on things will be shook up a bit down at HBC and although it shoudlnt have happened in teh first place you cant turn back time so live with it
im pretty sure those people upset or annoyed enough about this issue will show their feelings at the next elections and be more effective than any witch hunt
if teh peopel resposible wont step down then vote them out , seems pretty obvious to me but then again me iz thik
24-03-2007, 02:36
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Originally Posted by gondola
Dear Supporters of Chavs,
I have found the responses posted by Chav complete and utter tosh. He ought to spend his time at an allotment or some such. Obviously others disagree.
For purposes of ensuring this thread is not hijacked by a discussion about the hallmarks of chaves, I suggest a line is drawn under it.
Your avin a larff!.. Chav wouldn't be seen dead at an allotment!.. spends all his time down the amusement arcade with his gang... but who are you?.. (I reckon this is a wind up..Bob springs to mind)
Last edited by Mancie; 24-03-2007 at 02:45.
24-03-2007, 04:59
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
I wouldnt be surprised this gondola isnt one of the committee or associate of it cos he/she is definately not ordinary
Mind u if he/she a potician - then be afraid as looks like the supporters of Chav are becoming a big party to be reconed with  
24-03-2007, 05:53
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Originally Posted by accymel
I wouldnt be surprised this gondola isnt one of the committee or associate of it cos he/she is definately not ordinary
Mind u if he/she a potician - then be afraid as looks like the supporters of Chav are becoming a big party to be reconed with  
ok , first time chipping in on this thread since I live outside the area , but I definatly think Mr/Ms Gondola has a burr up his/her backside regarding various/individual members of HBC , as to wether this involves 'anglo' or 'asian' members of the council I leave up to other readers of the thread to decide for themselves , after reading Gondolas posts , I come to the conclusion that the person has had a decent education in the English language , but lacks the ideomatic usage of someone who is of local origin (typical of someone born and raised in Accy or Hyndburn) , maybe I am 180 degrees off , but I think the posts from Gondola are more an attack on individual members of the taxi commision than the protection of women which was the theme of the original thead .
On a second note , I would just like to add that I never heard of a woman being assulted/molested when the Accrington area had a decent public transport system , i.e. Accrington corporation buses , but the powers that be decided for whatever reason to get rid of them and hand public transit over to every cowboy in town.
seem to remember from previous posts that flashy has some sort of experiance in psychological profiling , let me have your thoughts 
24-03-2007, 08:26
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Let's ignore Gondola (the attention seeker) - my other half said it worked with his kids every time
To get back on topic my concern is that as it is the driver who receives the licence, and not the taxi operator, they can turn up anywhere in the area that they hold the licence for. Altaf may work for CB one day, Betty's the next - worse, he may even set up on his own!
It would be interesting to see how many 'skeletons' there are in the cupboard?
A proposal: Would Cllr Jones make the freedom of information request and post the findings on AccyWeb?
Suz x.
24-03-2007, 09:32
Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Originally Posted by garinda
Garinda. Accy Web's Asian Babe. 
I am sorry but no self respecting Asian babe would be seen dead with a fringe like yours.
Originally Posted by gondola
Just as you do chav!!. I think it is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
A lot of us on here know who he is and actually like him (I hope he is not reading this or I will never be able to slag him off again). A lot of people have joined and then wished they had used a different name once they have been on the forum for a while.
Originally Posted by gondola
Cashman, Idiots such as yourself.....
There is no need to insult people. That in itself suggests the type of person you are.
Originally Posted by suzster
A proposal: Would Cllr Jones make the freedom of information request and post the findings on AccyWeb?
Suz x.
Seeing as you seem so keen on a freedom of info request why not do it yourself? I think it only costs £10.
Maybe someone can rename Chav1 to Pondo as it does suit him very well.
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Last edited by Neil; 24-03-2007 at 09:35.
24-03-2007, 09:33
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Just to clear things up
I do not know Gondola and I do not know anyone who posts political posts for me under a psuedonym. Jaysay (John Farrer tried that one and was outed quite rightly).
Further more I would prefer to speak for myself and try and use the English Language to it's fullest to express a view which otherwise may result in a solicitors letter.
Its not Labour v. Tory (and their sidekick the Independent). I can understand PB and some die hard Connservatives wanting it to be Lab v Tory, but it's not, it's right verses wrong and nothing else. Sex Offenders should not be driving taxis.
24-03-2007, 09:35
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Lordy!!!!! I go to work for a night and look what I've missed!!!!
I'm surprised that the mods didn't close this thread during the uncalled for slanging match, but despite Mr/Ms Gondola's vicious outburst about our lovely Chav, he/she does have a point about getting to the bottom of this unacceptable taxi situation.
However, I am inclined to think that if the Council are left to get to the bottom of it, it will not be objective, will cost money (as it always does), the public won't be given all of the facts (we rarely are) and the most important aspects of any investigation will be brushed under the carpet (where the insults in this thread should be).
I can appreciate Gondola's point of view but have to object to the childish name calling, therefore, I am reporting Gondola's post. (can you tell I'm in a bad mood yet)???????
Remember that it may feel like you are anonymous when you hide behind a pseudonym Gondola, my pseudonym is part of my name and I am definitely not anonymous, but, the powers that be on here, aka. Roy!!!! know who you are..  (my money is on Tealeaf)........ 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
Last edited by lettie; 24-03-2007 at 09:38.
24-03-2007, 09:49
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
''but, the powers that be on here, aka. Roy!!!! know who you are''
Oh dear. I find myself quaking in my boots.
Please keep your contributions germane to the title of this thread.
24-03-2007, 09:56
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
'' but it's not, it's right verses wrong and nothing else. Sex Offenders should not be driving taxis''
Indeed. Notwithstanding the accusations of some that I am here merely to score points against certain councillors, my interest is solely to ensure that irrespective of what led to this decision, it is not repeated. This can only be made certain if it is known how the decision was arrived at. Was it ignorance of rules of regulations? A preferential bias perhaps, inadvertent or otherwise? Thus far, I know not the exact reason, hence my efforts here.
24-03-2007, 10:00
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi
Incidentally, for those that suspect I am a councillor or some such, they are well wide of the mark. I would not allow myself to be so insulted. It is apparent that most of the councillors in the Borough of Hyndburn are unemployed and cannot string a few words together. Further, and more importantly, they have shown complete disregard (as in this case) for those that have elected them.
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