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Old 25-03-2007, 11:28   #346
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by gondola View Post
I think it unfair of me to hijack this thread with discussions not directly linked to the title of the thread. This may disenchant some of the readers.

Perhaps someone would care to direct me to a link or some such on how to create a new thread for purposes of setting up a separate discussion. Unless of course readers do not mind unrelated matters being discussed here.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation here.
i know where i would love to direct you, if our paths ever cross.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-03-2007, 12:48   #347
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

click teh general discusion link then click teh big button that says new thread
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Old 25-03-2007, 13:28   #348
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi


Thank you for that.
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Old 25-03-2007, 13:34   #349
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by gondola View Post
G Jones wrote:

The papers print bits of what is usually said.

Safdar was behaving funnily and associating himself with Conservatives. He had done some bleating about selection. I was not told this until the day of selection when I raised the matter with Central Ward members because Safdar had issued threats to me the day before about the selection. "If the Labour Party don't select me I will get my own back, you'll see"

I was told Safdar's behaviour had been one of disloyalty to his colleagues and there was no chance he would be selected. Central Ward members had an idea of what Safdar was up to. He wasn't selected. About a week later a Tory told me they he had done a deal with them (with Peter Britcliffe) about 3 months earlier. To defect if labour did not select him.

In fact that Tory told me then that he had hinted at the deal to me about a month before and I wasn't quick on the up take. PB had been running around for about 2 months boasting of a another defector (last year it was Dennis Baron). So in the end it all came out.

Hope that clears it up Gondola.

Not quite. You state that there was no chance he would be selected. On the contrary, there was every chance. In fact the internal vote was marginal, as you know, and swung in favour of the other candidate by the vote of just one member. Thus had that member voted the other way, Safdar would now be the Labour Party candidate for the Central Ward.

In the press, you have been reported to say that his prearrangement with the tories 'was just one of the reasons he was not selected'. I put it to you that the prearrangement had no influence in his selection. If it had, he would not have been put forward for the selection process. The only reason that he was not selected was because he marginally lost out (by one vote) to the other candidate in an internal selection process. There is little point in avoiding the truth.

Hope that clears it up.
First of all you know a lot more than me. I have just had it confirmed Safdar lost by one vote.

So Gondola, for you to be at the centre of Asian politics in Central Ward, seemingly backing Safdar (Lab to Tory defector) BUT against Mr Allah Dad (Tory chair of Taxi Licensing) is interesting.

Safdar had old Labour supporters voting for him becuase if his years in the party, and Ayub the younger members voting for him because they wanted change.

The Safdar to Tory pact is now well documented, he had cut a deal ahead of selection. The deal was not exactly known but his daliances where. I am told Safdar's flirtations with the Tories over many years led to the younger Central Ward Labour Party members voting for Ayub.

All very interesting.

Last edited by g jones; 25-03-2007 at 13:41.
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Old 25-03-2007, 13:47   #350
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

I just voted for the guy who said he'd make sure the streets didn't look like Whinney Hill tip. Unfortunately they still do.

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Old 25-03-2007, 13:51   #351
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I just voted for the guy who said he'd make sure the streets didn't look like Whinney Hill tip. Unfortunately they still do.

then he is a liar . dont vote for him next time

Last edited by chav1; 25-03-2007 at 13:53.
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Old 25-03-2007, 14:05   #352
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

First of all you know a lot more than me. I have just had it confirmed Safdar lost by one vote.

So Gondola, for you to be at the centre of Asian politics in Central Ward, seemingly backing Safdar (Lab to Tory defector) BUT against Mr Allah Dad (Tory chair of Taxi Licensing) is interesting.

Safdar had old Labour supporters voting for him becuase if his years in the party, and Ayub the younger members voting for him because they wanted change.

The Safdar to Tory pact is now well documented, he had cut a deal ahead of selection. The deal was not exactly known but his daliances where. I am told Safdar's flirtations with the Tories over many years led to the younger Central Ward Labour Party members voting for Ayub.

All very interesting

Mr Jones,

Thank you for that. I am rather bamboozled by your assertion that i am 'seemingly backing Mr Safdar'. In my considered view he is entirely unfit for public office. More on that later.

It is interesting to note that you made reference to Mr Siddique. You are right that his command of English is limited, but that is not a major issue (I note that you have subsequently removed your comment in relation to him, and though i had copied it when i was in the process of responding to you, I have not pasted it here since it is not right for me so to do if you do not wish it to be noted). Now that chap Siddique is in a league of his own. He is probably more unfit to run for public office than any other individual I could think off. Rest assured, if i were to disclose revelations pertaining to him, the shock would make you fall off your stool.

Last edited by gondola; 25-03-2007 at 14:08.
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Old 25-03-2007, 14:37   #353
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi


In your message to me you wrote: ''you obviously have inside information that we'd all love to debate so please stick around''

The fact is I am only asserting information that I feel the public have a right to know. I feel that those in public office ought to be of impeccable moral rectitude, otherwise they ought to step aside and allow others with sufficient moral fibre to serve the public that elect them.
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Old 25-03-2007, 16:16   #354
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by gondola View Post

In your message to me you wrote: ''you obviously have inside information that we'd all love to debate so please stick around''

The fact is I am only asserting information that I feel the public have a right to know. I feel that those in public office ought to be of impeccable moral rectitude, otherwise they ought to step aside and allow others with sufficient moral fibre to serve the public that elect them.

every single polotition in the land steps down

hey seen as your anonymous spill the beans , anyone with a shred of common sense knows they are all crooked one way or another but you cant beat details

ive always wanted to know how much the backhander was that teh guy got who said all hail and ride taxis had to have a disabled chair in teh front that nearly kills able bodied people

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Old 25-03-2007, 19:24   #355
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

I was going to just see how this thread went then I see I missed a new member. Wow what a pratt, if he is thinking or is already a politician then god help us all.

Dear Pond Life,

I feel it an opportune moment to suggest, if i might, that my efforts to enable numpties on this thread to unearth the real facts in relation to the manner in which Council Committee's adjudicate are rather wasted. Numpties appear more inclined to discuss issues pertaining to the pond.

I have a better handle on this matter than most i suspect. Rest assured, I propose to elevate the issue going forward, though will proceed at a leisurely pace until i feel the timing is right.

In the meantime, I shall afford numpties on here the opportunity to drown in the pond.

Over to you.
If you go somewhere, besides a political convention, would you talk to people like that, or are you just trying to take away the impact of the story by alianating these board members. You could then report back to who ever told you to come on here.
Do you have a hidden agenda, you say you are not Labor, you say you are not Conservative. Are you Asain? if so why not say so. Are you a cab driver? again why not say so. Earlier someone explaned to you that everyone on here says what the want, and in fact 80% know each other and can have banter with each other. Why are you scared of divulging who you are or who you represent.
You keep claiming in more then one reply that you know more about this and that workings in the council, yet you still have shown no proof, you come out with information that is available to the general public and claim to know more.
I doubt it, I think your a blow hard, a shtstirrer, and have just joined to have an argument about something that really you know very little about.
I remember that women who kept coming on here a couple of years ago, talking about a panopticon for the coppice, she said she had inside information, she claimed to be our friend, told us it was going to happen, lost her rag a couple of times, what ever happened to her?

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Old 25-03-2007, 19:26   #356
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by Bazf View Post
I remember that women who kept coming on here a couple of years ago, talking about a panopticon for the coppice, she said she had inside information, she claimed to be our friend, told us it was going to happen, lost her rag a couple of times, what ever happened to her?
she changed her username from gayle knight to just gayle

well not just gayle

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Old 25-03-2007, 19:55   #357
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Sorry Chav I was trying to do a tongue in cheek thing, forgot the smiley.

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Old 25-03-2007, 21:23   #358
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by gondola View Post
Mr Jones,

Thank you for that. I am rather bamboozled by your assertion that i am 'seemingly backing Mr Safdar'. In my considered view he is entirely unfit for public office. More on that later.

It is interesting to note that you made reference to Mr Siddique. You are right that his command of English is limited, but that is not a major issue (I note that you have subsequently removed your comment in relation to him, and though i had copied it when i was in the process of responding to you, I have not pasted it here since it is not right for me so to do if you do not wish it to be noted). Now that chap Siddique is in a league of his own. He is probably more unfit to run for public office than any other individual I could think off. Rest assured, if i were to disclose revelations pertaining to him, the shock would make you fall off your stool.
As you are privy to the breakdown of the selection meeting in Central Ward, I think that you should inform this thread how you obtained this information.

I have the distinct impression that you are either a member of the Central Ward branch of Hynburn Labour Party, or a cose relative of a member.
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Old 25-03-2007, 21:42   #359
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi


For the avoidance of doubt, I am not a member of the Central Ward, nor am I affiliated to any members as you suggest. Such speculation is well wide of the mark.

It was not I that raised the issue about members of the Central Ward. I merely asked Mr Jones his view on comments he made in the local press. That is what sparked off discussion pertaining to some of the other members.

Rest assured I am able to elaborate in relation to other wards and councillors in Hyndburn. That does not mean that my comments in relation to those would be debasing. However, when discussion is raised about those I think are not fit to run for public office, then I have an inalienable right to express my view. Such is the principle of democracy.

Rest assured, there is more to come going forward. With tangible evidence.

Gondola tells it as it is.
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Old 25-03-2007, 21:50   #360
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

gondola. The only reason that he was not selected was because he marginally lost out (by one vote) to the other candidate in an internal selection process
Will you kindly explain what an 'internal selection process' is gondola, in my book it means he was not wanted, but let's pay lip service to him to keep the/his followers happy.
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