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Old 17-03-2007, 14:05   #91
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Welcome Claire, you certainly made the right decision, I find it hard to believe that the other members of the commitee voted for his license, I'd put money on the fact that this man will offend again and as a taxi driver he has every opportunity.
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Old 17-03-2007, 14:14   #92
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
There's another similar case reported in this morning's Telegraph and from what I can see it's a different bloke.

This one works for CB radio cars - it says in the paper - I can't find the link though.
Yes it is a different bloke gayle the other one lives 3 streets away from me
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Old 17-03-2007, 14:20   #93
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

ClarePrichard. I must add though that it wasn't me who spoke to the press.
Whoever did should be awarded the freedom of the Borough.
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Old 17-03-2007, 15:31   #94
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Ladies his mugshot is on the front page,carry it with you so you know who is your driver & always sit in the back seat.Men his mugshot is on the front page,carry it with you sit in the front seat & give the pervert so much grief he'll never want to drive a cab again.I'm sure his exxxxxtended family will sort work out for him to feed his family,but then again maybe at our expense.
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Old 17-03-2007, 20:40   #95
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Good idea Maxwell.
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Old 17-03-2007, 23:32   #96
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

The one mentioned in the Telegraph was arrested but got to keep his licence because he hadn't actually been convicted, then according to the report in the paper he committed a second offence a few weeks later.

The boss of the firm he works for was unavailable for comment. The police have said the felt his licence should have been suspended.

A spokesman for HBC said "You can be assured that we take our responsibility to protect the travelling public very seriously and that we would not hesitate to act decisively and suspend or remove a licence whenever this is necessary. I would emphasise that we always work very closely with the police in all cases of this sort to determine the most effective timing of any action."

Tell that to the second woman he assaulted.

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Old 18-03-2007, 00:08   #97
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

This Council is a proven disgrace, vote catching is the name of the game, win at any price, as for assaults on women it may be common practice in some areas of the town. Please note I said this Council which goes accross all party lines, but some have more say than others.
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Old 18-03-2007, 10:36   #98
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
vote catching is the name of the game, win at any price, as for assaults on women it may be common practice in some areas of the town. Please note I said this Council which goes accross all party lines, but some have more say than others.
Don't think this decision was particularly 'vote catching' was it Ian ? Very unpopular with the public, even, I'm sure with the Muslim community, can't see them ever endorsing this type of behaviour. .. can't wait to see Letters to the Editor in next week's Observer, hope they are flooded with disapproval.

Wonder what sort of treatment he would have received in his 'country of origin' .. know which part of his body I would love to cut off first. Ok .. probably don't do this, but sometimes you just wish, don't you ?
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Old 18-03-2007, 11:24   #99
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
As a Councillor we need to have confidence in decisions
As one of those involved is a Labour councillor, then surely you must be in contact with him? As you are the leader of the Labour party on the council, doesn't he have to explain his actions to you?
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Old 18-03-2007, 12:13   #100
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Telegraph Sex Offender

He was arrested for 1st sex offence on 4 Feb. The police asked the Council to suspend his licence. He committed the 2nd offence, again in a taxi, on the 11 march if the LT is correct. HBC said they did suspend him, though this is not quite clear, and an appeal by him entitled to him to carry on, 'innocent until proven guilty'. This law changed on 16 March - 2 days ago.

Was he suspended? That is the first big question or did the Council just back off?

Secondly was he, and CB Taxis brought in for interview and told in the clearest of terms, whilst you can appeal and remain eligible to drive, do you not think for both the business and the alleged offender it might be better to take 'gardening leave'. As it is now CB Taxis was closed yesterday and the business and other drivers adversly affected.

The Councils Constitution

Last year, The Council (not being political but I am not being tarred with the brush) which is the Conservatives, voted to politicise licensing. All appeals and suspensions were taken from officers and now have to be channelled through the Chair and Vice Chair. Councillors Allah Dad and Peter Britcliffe. This of course was a very dangerous course of action should there every be a risk of interference or personal/prejudial interest, such as relatives or votes.

We don't know yet the details of the exact handling of this second case yet, but we do know under the Councils revised Constitution who is responsible for handling it.

Did we do enough - LT case

My questions remain. Did we do enough to stop this guy because I don't accept the legislation is th end of it, we have enough other powers to have pulled out all the stops to keep this guy off the road? The statement by the Council was weak and if there was a cover up, the type of statement I would expect to read, sheltering by one piece of law. I remain unconvinced as yet that we did anywhere near enough. As a result of events, a second woman has now been assaulted.

No-one from the Council has thought of publically apologising to the victims which I thought would have been the first thing to do inthe Observer and the Telegraph, even if it was not in the second case to accept liability, an apology would have been right. PB's only comment so far has been; "It was cross party". Obviously a damage limitation statement by the Council.

In the Observer case, the parent of the woman is up in arms. Events could possibly have been much worse had this case not come out now by the 'mole/whistle blower'. An apology would have been right in my view.

Decision making process

Various decisions have been condemned by Committee members who have approached me as being 'dubious', even when passed with a majority. I have never been approached by a Conservative, they may well have taken their issues to Clr Britcliffe. It is important to point out that Councillors have not turned a blind eye.

PB said that to me back in 2005 when he was Chair (he's now Vice Chair) when I sat in on that Committee I was not fit to be on the Committee and what I personally experienced was bullying and intimidation. I would not back down from my view to his, and it has affected our working relationship. I am one of several Labour Councillors who has been subjected to intimidation and emotional blackmail.

In the end it shouldn't be politics. We just want the right people to make the right decisions. I know deep down and however unpleasant, this one is. I suppose Councillors get accused of throwing mud at each other and this creates a climate where Councillors are reluctant to go against the majority for fear of 'not seen working together'. However sometimes, as with this issue, you have to stand your ground.

Between the decision (19 Feb) and the Observer (16 March), Councillor Clare Pritchard was humiliated in private and in public by certain Councillors who I have no political control over. Barracked, shouted out, called at, in front of other people, for reporting the Observer case to the Managing Director. One day she was in floods of tears with the level of intimidation she had received.

The way forward

We now need a full review of Taxi Licensing, but we will be asking for an independent chair probably from another authority because we cannot turn our backs on the politics of it, people who say politics should come second are obviously putting putting taxi customer's third because, if there is proven political interference, we want to know about. Not shuffled under the carpet so that the same mistales can be made again. No stone should be left unturned.

As well as a public apology we also need to protect the hard working lads who drive taxis and have done no wrong. Their profession in Hyndburn has been dragged through the mud.

Last edited by g jones; 18-03-2007 at 12:18.
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Old 18-03-2007, 12:22   #101
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

thanks for that insight/explanation graham, as for The Way Forward, the only sensible way is for P.B. and his underlings who voted to re-instate this man, to hang their heads in shame. THEN RESIGN. i just hope the snakes read this.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 18-03-2007, 13:53   #102
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

[quote=g jones;399170]Telegraph Sex Offender

The Councils Constitution

Last year, The Council (not being political but I am not being tarred with the brush) which is the Conservatives, voted to politicise licensing. All appeals and suspensions were taken from officers and now have to be channelled through the Chair and Vice Chair. Councillors Allah Dad and Peter Britcliffe. This of course was a very dangerous course of action should there every be a risk of interference or personal/prejudial interest, such as relatives or votes.

surprise surprise it seems that every criminal activity is 'politicised' so that certain councillers can help their mates out when they commit crimes. peter britcliff is ultimtely responsible as he geedily feeds into his vote chasing mentality. by the way alla dad can hardly speak english. how has he been appointed to the position of chair?
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Old 18-03-2007, 14:11   #103
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

spinner, by the way alla dad can hardly speak english. how has he been appointed to the position of chair?
Well that is a supprise, only one of the committee save Clr Prichard, so can he /they read English as well spinner, if they can I only hope they are reading this thread.
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Old 18-03-2007, 14:40   #104
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

CB Taxis will probably rue the day they took the decision to keep him on because their business will surely suffer. How many people will start wondering if they have other dodgy drivers? Might it just be the tip of an unsavoury iceberg?

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Old 18-03-2007, 14:43   #105
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Re: Are You Safe In His Taxi

Originally Posted by g jones View Post

Between the decision (19 Feb) and the Observer (16 March), Councillor Clare Pritchard was humiliated in private and in public by certain Councillors who I have no political control over. Barracked, shouted out, called at, in front of other people, for reporting the Observer case to the Managing Director. One day she was in floods of tears with the level of intimidation she had received.

Those who behaved so appallingly should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. I would be disgusted with my children if they acted like that. What a lovely example of mature adult behaviour from people who should know better.

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