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Old 05-06-2014, 13:06   #31
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

That is so sad.
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Old 05-06-2014, 13:48   #32
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smobile's Avatar

Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Heartbreaking. RIP
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Old 05-06-2014, 14:29   #33
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

And they have detained another one this afternoon for threatening to jump !!!!!!
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Old 05-06-2014, 14:56   #34
Junior Member

Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

You're just as disgusting and as disrepectul as the low life scum that led to her wanting to kill herself, it doesn't affect your life so why do you feel the need to give negative comments towards her actions maybe you should be criticising those that lead people to wanting to end their lives, those who witnessed the tradgic incident can receive help but the young girl obviously didn't feel that any amount of help could get her through what she has experienced and not even her family or friends could help her through what others put her through, and for what some petty amusement knowing they are making someone else feel ashamed of who they are :@ keep your negativity to yourself and show some respect for the family of the girl who felt the need to take her own life.
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Old 05-06-2014, 15:13   #35
Beacon of light

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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Just go back and read what has been written......where is it disrespectful to say this is a sad event?
We do not KNOW why she did what she did.
We are all entitled to express an you have done. Because some of us do not hold the same opinion does not make yours more valid, and ours less valid.

I do not know if you knew the lass who jumped...but you sound very angry.
If your rant made you feel better......then OK......but no one has been disrespectful.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 05-06-2014 at 15:18.
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Old 05-06-2014, 15:19   #36
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

See all the clowns aint in the circus.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-06-2014, 15:24   #37
Beacon of light

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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

No Cashy, they aren't, but we knew that anyway.
I just hope that if Anonymous joined us to have a rant, that this has made them feel better.
If this person thinks that we gain any pleasure or enjoyment from hearing that a young person has ended their life in such circumstances, then they surely know very little about any of us on here....but have made judgements about us...which is just a tad ironic and a bit hypocritical, since they are telling us that we should not be doing that.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 05-06-2014, 15:56   #38
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
You're just as disgusting and as disrepectul as the low life scum that led to her wanting to kill herself, it doesn't affect your life so why do you feel the need to give negative comments towards her actions maybe you should be criticising those that lead people to wanting to end their lives, those who witnessed the tradgic incident can receive help but the young girl obviously didn't feel that any amount of help could get her through what she has experienced and not even her family or friends could help her through what others put her through, and for what some petty amusement knowing they are making someone else feel ashamed of who they are :@ keep your negativity to yourself and show some respect for the family of the girl who felt the need to take her own life.
At which point has anybody given negative comments towards her actions ? All I can see is sympathy. If somebody is responsible for her taking her life then hopefully they are brought to justice.
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Old 05-06-2014, 16:03   #39
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

after all these suicides and attempted suicides from the arndale you would think security woudl have been beefed up a little surely

i know you cant catch every possible jumper but the rate of which people are succeding or trying to do it is getting pretty high
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Old 05-06-2014, 16:08   #40
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Like others, I'm saddened at the news and feel so sorry for the state of mind of the youngster and for those who are left behind to grieve.

Her friends will need a support system and in case it helps I'll tell you how my grandson and his friends supported each other when one of their friends departed this life. The group were between the ages of 17-18 and 21-ish having known each other through school and sport and the fact that some of their parents were friends of friends.

They were all shocked and when one or two girls started feeling suicidal the others became really anxious and it was decided that they'd stay together as a group to support each other. That first night my daughter had over a dozen shocked youngsters awake in her living room all night - apparently another group had sought refuge sitting on cushions on another parent's floor. They moved about in groups for nearly three weeks utilising each other's sitting rooms, reminiscing and helping each other over morose thoughts until they were sure everyone had become rational again. One thing I think is important is that due to their spirits being so low they didn't feed themselves, it was their mothers who prepared sustenance. Goodness knows what would have happened if they didn't have some mature support too.

Last edited by Lucysgirl; 05-06-2014 at 16:14.
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Old 05-06-2014, 16:24   #41
Beacon of light

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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Yes, Lucysgirl you are right about needing support.

Anonymous talks as if this girl had sought help...but many do not seek help or support.
Mental health teams are just that - Mental Health teams...they are not clairvoyant and can only give help and support if someone actually presents and ask for help.
It seems that frequently it is assumed that the support systems have failed in some way, when the failure is that of the person to seek help.

I feel for her immediate family and her friends...especially if this young person had kept her feelings to herself(which many of them do).
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 05-06-2014, 17:38   #42
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Anon. Please sign up if you have something to say... Read more carefully before having a stab at the users here that you might see truly feel sad about another loss via the carpark.

Of all the crap I have been through. Drugs, pain-killer abuse,Alcoholism, anxiety and depression- I somehow made it through to the other side. At 36 I am still trying to piece it together.... It makes me immensely sad for this girl, that unfortunately did not see that life has so much to give and that, in turn, she had to so much to input to the world...
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Old 05-06-2014, 17:49   #43
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
You're just as disgusting and as disrepectul as the low life scum that led to her wanting to kill herself, it doesn't affect your life so why do you feel the need to give negative comments towards her actions maybe you should be criticising those that lead people to wanting to end their lives, those who witnessed the tradgic incident can receive help but the young girl obviously didn't feel that any amount of help could get her through what she has experienced and not even her family or friends could help her through what others put her through, and for what some petty amusement knowing they are making someone else feel ashamed of who they are :@ keep your negativity to yourself and show some respect for the family of the girl who felt the need to take her own life.
I find you far more disgusting than anyone that posted before you, No-one knows why she did it, it has to be considered as a loss for the whole community.

You however, call yourself Anonymous why? if you believe in what you say, be brave enough to call things in your own name.
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Old 05-06-2014, 18:39   #44
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

@ Anonymous, I think you may be a little to close to the young Lass concerned & her family so you're emotionally reacting to the comments of the folk on here. As far as I can see the comments made have been expressive of sympathy & condolences for the sad loss to family & friends, furthermore there appears to be a sense of bewilderment at how a young life can so tragically be ended.

Not having access to the background or history of the events that led to such a desperate action people can only go on hearsay & the local press release to form an opinion. That opinion in the main, to my view, is one of compassion. So please, don't chastise those who are only offering a sense of sympathy & shared loss.
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Old 05-06-2014, 18:53   #45

Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

I can't see any negative comments on here just pure sympathy, the anonymous person must be close to the family of the girl, such a shame though only young but age is nothing really, cuz if you aged 17 or 99 it's a shame to take your own life, RIP young girl
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