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Old 15-11-2012, 12:16   #1
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Arndale car park..... Suicide

Just heard that someone has jumped off the Arndale today and commited tragic feel for the family and friends left behind.

Why cant it be secured on the top floor with railings and also the other floors need making more closed in to stop people doing this.

May he/she rest in peace and sending thoughts and prayers to the family left behind x
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Old 15-11-2012, 12:20   #2
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Why so publicly? How many people that saw this will now be traumatised? Why Why Why?

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Old 15-11-2012, 12:23   #3
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

suppose you never know what is going on in the persons head I find it sad that they feel so low and probably feel they have no one to turn to it is tragic.
I do understand though what your saying about the people who have seen it and how it will affect them I would be sick to the stomach to have witnessed something like that and I hope no young kids saw it.
Such a sad waste of life x
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Old 15-11-2012, 14:17   #4
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Entrance/Exit was closed off by the Police at 1100 when I drove past.
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Old 15-11-2012, 17:18   #5
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

The car park was all blocked off when I passed on the bus at 11-20am
As for putting railings up I don't see how that would stop them there are plenty of high places they could find the viaduct for one all these high places would need railings to stop someone determined to commit suicide.
If someone is determined to jump off somewhere they will find a place to do it
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Old 15-11-2012, 17:45   #6
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

really sad and feel for their familes and friends: and anyone who saw it happen:
It does appear to be a magnet though.... I think its four people up to now:

very upsetting: RIP
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Old 15-11-2012, 18:12   #7
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Railings aren't gonna deter anyone who is determined enough to end their life that way. RIP to the individual in question, I hope you are now at peace.
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Old 15-11-2012, 19:03   #8
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Very sad news, RIP.
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Old 15-11-2012, 19:07   #9
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Railings on yon won't make the slightest difference IMHO. Worked wi guy fer 6 yrs in early 70s, Good bloke, good workmate, He went out one time n Jumped off railway viaduct into Milnshaw Lane, No hint of what he was gonna do, just went out n did it. in fact lindashanks brother will verify if she asks him.
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Old 15-11-2012, 20:06   #10
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Yes Cashy, I now who you mean. Terrible tragedy. How awful it must be to hit rock bottom and not be able to pick yourself up.
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Old 15-11-2012, 21:42   #11
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Railings on yon won't make the slightest difference IMHO. Worked wi guy fer 6 yrs in early 70s, Good bloke, good workmate, He went out one time n Jumped off railway viaduct into Milnshaw Lane, No hint of what he was gonna do, just went out n did it. in fact lindashanks brother will verify if she asks him.
Seems like that's often the way ... those who talk about suicide don't usually go ahead and do it. I guess it's maybe because those who really intend to do it don't want someone trying to talk them out of it. I don't have any figures to back me up, but I would be willing to bet that there are more than a few folks ... including some on here ... that have at least considered suicide.
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Old 15-11-2012, 22:11   #12
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

i believe the deceased in question was an asian male lived on blackburn road near where the new clinic

no reason as to why he did jump though.
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Old 16-11-2012, 03:16   #13
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

Originally Posted by lindashanks2 View Post
Yes Cashy, I now who you mean. Terrible tragedy. How awful it must be to hit rock bottom and not be able to pick yourself up.

i dont particulary care if this sounds mean or harsh but if you must kill yourself dont make such a public display of it.I loose all sympathy when i hear of school children finding people hanging from trees,people chucking themselves under trains while people on the other side watch in horror or idiots who throw themselves off motorway bridges infront of arctic lorrys and killing the driver as well.

Just because their life has gone down the toilet these no need to take others with them
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Last edited by accyman; 16-11-2012 at 03:20.
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Old 16-11-2012, 07:42   #14
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

While I understand your point of view accyman, it isn't something that the person committing suicide will(generally) consider....unless they do not mean to do it.
By that I mean that some people will stage a suicide attempt to get noticed.
Someone who jumps from a tall building onto hard concrete doesn't fit this category......they just want to end it.....they do not give a fleeting thought to the consequences, because they know they aren't going to be there to be affected by them.

Somewhere in our town this morning, a family is in bits. Asking themselves why?
Also questioning whether they should have spotted it coming and been able to help.

If you, or your family, has ever been touched by a suicide you will know a little of the pain they are feeling today.
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Old 16-11-2012, 08:45   #15
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Re: Arndale car park..... Suicide

According to Telegraph he was 20 years old.
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