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Old 20-06-2013, 16:11   #16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: arndale death.....

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
some people also call them cowards as well as selfish an din some cases its acurate to do so.

some people choose suicide because they dont want to face terminal illness and pain where as others choose suicide because their girlfriend left them or vice versa

many reasons as to why folk top themselves ,not all of them deserve sympathy
Of course they do, you have been through many things in your life and been strong enough and determined enough to overcome it, did you do it on your own or did you have help?

They may have thought there was no help or not been as strong as you.
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Old 20-06-2013, 16:54   #17
God Member

Re: arndale death.....

like i said theres many reasons for folk topping themselves

folk who break the law then do themselves in rather than go to prison,folk who commit awfull deeds to others then top themselves before it gets out rather than face public shame.

cowards is what id call em and if one of teh above slung themselves off a roof id be more concerned about the clean up bill and the victims that never get to see justice

dunno why folk need to make such a public display im sticking by my view that theres no need for kids and innocent people to witness someones demise and if they are thinking straight enough to make their way to such a public place then they can think straight enough not to make such a spectacle of their demise.

folk dont seem to remember teh truck driver who dies because somone jumped off a bridge into tehir windscreen
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 20-06-2013 at 16:59.
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