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Old 28-02-2008, 22:17   #16
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Re: Arndale expansion?

i go to boots, i like the way they did the new store in 2006 and the friendly staff, there is an asian lady there she is really nice, she comes to ethels a lot
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Old 28-02-2008, 22:26   #17
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Re: Arndale expansion?

the staff in accy Boots are very helpful, but new things or not,i now have to go elsewhere for an item i always got before the alterations, so has paris for 1 of hers.
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Old 28-02-2008, 22:29   #18
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Re: Arndale expansion?

Pm me with details Cashy; it maybe summat we can order in for you !
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Old 28-02-2008, 22:42   #19
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Re: Arndale expansion?

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
folk want River Island, a Next, it ain't gonna happen, Sainsbury's is too upmarket for Accy; it couldn't survive in Burnley !
I'd love a town where a Booth's could thrive and a TJ Hughes could come and make a go of it; sadly it isn't Accy.
Well, it did survive in Burnley, with a much larger store.

I have a positive confidence with the Masterplan and lots of 'Yuppie' flats in the centre going up that these stores could survive, and stop people like myself going out of town to shop.
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Old 28-02-2008, 22:47   #20
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Re: Arndale expansion?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Well, it did survive in Burnley, with a much larger store.

I have a positive confidence with the Masterplan and lots of 'Yuppie' flats in the centre going up that these stores could survive, and stop people like myself going out of town to shop.
kate i luv ya to bits, but Yuppies in accyyer losing the plot.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 28-02-2008, 22:54   #21
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Re: Arndale expansion?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
kate i luv ya to bits, but Yuppies in accyyer losing the plot.
We will see cashy, we will see .. all those modern flats in the centre are not going to attract many of our residents are they ? Will be too expensive for our young couples, but to someone who works out of our boundaries on a high income, with easy access to the Motorways plus cheaper living ..they will be a big magnet.
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Old 28-02-2008, 22:56   #22
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Re: Arndale expansion?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
We will see cashy, we will see .. all those modern flats in the centre are not going to attract many of our residents are they ? Will be too expensive for our young couples, but to someone who works out of our boundaries on a high income, with easy access to the Motorways plus cheaper living ..they will be a big magnet.
sincerly hope yer right,cashys view= more chance of being struck by lightening.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-02-2008, 09:48   #23
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Re: Arndale expansion?

That artist's impression looks totally incongruous. If they do expand I too hope they do it in a way which blends with what we already have. However, just building more shop premises isn't going to improve anything if they end up empty. Look at Peel Street and the empty shops there in the "Wilkinson's block". They have changed hands umpteen times since being built and still ended up empty.

I would love there to be a supermarket in the town centre though. I think that would be a great asset for people without transport.

I would like to add a few words of praise for Boots pharmacy. Until recently I had been getting our repeat prescriptions from a particular chemist's because it was handy for me, being located near the bus I catch. Annoyingly nearly every time I go they had run short of something and could only give me some of one or other item and an IOU for the rest. I also seemed to have to wait an eternity, even if I'd left the prescription with them and called back later. An added complication is that our doctor will not issue a new prescription until you are almost out of the supply you have so it's a fine balancing act to ensure you don't run out. This last time I went to collect the stuff the pharmacy told me that they didn't have ANY of one tablet and it would be a couple of days before they got any in. That would have meant actually missing taking a repeat medication as we had completely run out by then. Just an unfortunate combination of doctors, chemists and my ability to get into town. They gave me the prescription back and suggested I try somewhere else so I went to Boots. Not only did they have the items in stock, the pharmacist assured me that they would always have them in stock and suggested that I left the re-order counterfoil with them and they would get the repeat prescriptions from the doctor and have them ready for me to collect every 4 weeks. I had made an attempt to do the re-order palaver through the previous chemist but it was only a half job because it still meant me taking the re-order into the doctors myself, on top of getting other forms filled in by each member of the family who needed repeats, and having to list what the current medication actually was (which is impossible as it can change month to month with some items only being required every other month) Boots made it so simple - all I do when I collect the next lot is tick the boxes for the following month's requirement. Couldn't be simpler.

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Old 29-02-2008, 10:34   #24
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Re: Arndale expansion?

Originally Posted by panther View Post
SHOPPING centre bosses have unveiled a £15million expansion plan in a bid to 'fight back' against retail parks and other town centres
Bosses at the Arndale Centre, Accrington, said the development could include a new supermarket - and that talks with Sainsbury's were already at an "encouraging stage".
How the expansion of the Arndale Centre towards the viaduct roundabout might look

well i never
is the new bit gonna face the vets?...cant think whereabouts that it only near the vets.
From what today's papers say it is Sainsbury's that are putting the money up
Sainsbury plan for Arndale? - News - Accrington Observer_

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Old 29-02-2008, 13:19   #25
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Re: Arndale expansion?

I always use Boots rather than my local chemist, everyone is very helpful especially Richard.
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Old 29-02-2008, 17:27   #26
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Re: Arndale expansion?

i have to say i am usually going with everybody in the arguement against tesco, but i decided to have a go at making my own sushi the other day
what did asda have ? none of the things that i needed not even the rice
so i ordered online at tesco ( yes i can hear the boos and hisses now lol)
there is a better and wider range of foods so is it any wonder they are taking over ?
maybe it's about time that other supermarket woke up and realised that people may want to make thier own foods - not buy ready made preservative filled stodge.
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Old 29-02-2008, 17:43   #27
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Re: Arndale expansion?

I find that Tesco has a bigger range of organic food than Asda, so I usually shop with them.

However my last order was from Sainsburys because they were the only one which sells Rosehip teabags, (got 3 months supply)

I agree that Asda has a reputation for selling junk food cheap

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Old 29-02-2008, 18:32   #28
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Re: Arndale expansion?

I use Tesco online, it's easy and reliable and they have stuff you don't get at Asda, I am happy to pay a delivery charge that would equate to what my taxi back from Asda would be !
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Old 29-02-2008, 18:33   #29
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Re: Arndale expansion?

BTW the service Willow was describing is available to anyone, and it's free, if it might be of use to you or an elderly relative please come in and we can sort it out !
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Old 29-02-2008, 19:07   #30
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Re: Arndale expansion?

The picture was part of the Town Centre masterplan I think. The new building added on to the Arndale is where the roundabout is now - I think it means that there won't be a roundabout but that the road will be a ringroad type affair. I'm pretty sure it's dependent on other things like the bus station relocation etc.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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