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Old 27-01-2017, 22:52   #1
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Article 50

I have a plan for the treaty negotiations… cost effective for the electorate (only needs one 10 minute meeting)

1 - We won’t chuck out anyone from the EU currently in our country if you don’t chuck out any UK citizens currently in EU countries, but from now on we can both look at the value they will bring before we allow them in, the final decision being based on the needs of the individual country.

2 – We won’t add any additional taxes to your stuff coming into our country, if you don’t add any to ours coming into yours

3 – We won’t try to mess with your judicial system, and you don’t try to mess with ours

4 – We’ll agree to the European arrest warrant because it benefits you as much as it benefits us

5 – We can have Dundee cakes made in Cornwall, Chorley cakes made in Newcastle and buy bananas that ignores the EU directive "free from malformation or abnormal curvature" (even though the EU has never given an exact definition of what exactly ‘abnormal curvature’ is)

6 – Finally....we can trade with whoever we want, we can negotiate and agree on price and amount all by ourselves with anyone on the planet, whenever we feel like it.

If you don’t agree to these proposals.. Tough! We are doing them anyway, screw with them at your peril!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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Old 28-01-2017, 01:32   #2

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Re: Article 50

Will all the people from the EU that are here still be getting free NHS and benefits hand outs etc? It's been said that there are more Poles living in the UK than Brits living in the rest of the EU.
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Old 28-01-2017, 07:50   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: Article 50

Everyone coming here who has not paid into the system should have to have health insurance(or we should be able to Bill their country for the exact cost of the treatment as it is given here).
You should have to have paid contributions for five years before you can access the NHS without cost, but given the fact that the NHS is useless at determining who should pay. I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-01-2017, 08:18   #4
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Article 50

Thats quite simple,yeh pay in to the system then yeh get treatment, i discovered that when i lived in Spain, didn't bother me at all cos i had been paying into their system. By the way Spains a member of the E.U.
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Old 28-01-2017, 15:23   #5
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Re: Article 50

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Will all the people from the EU that are here still be getting free NHS and benefits hand outs etc? It's been said that there are more Poles living in the UK than Brits living in the rest of the EU.
the figures were on teh radio today and we do very badly on the free movement thing

lets be honest who realy wants to live in the majority of the countries immigrants come from

they arnt coming here because their country is awesome
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Old 28-01-2017, 15:25   #6
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Re: Article 50

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Thats quite simple,yeh pay in to the system then yeh get treatment, i discovered that when i lived in Spain, didn't bother me at all cos i had been paying into their system. By the way Spains a member of the E.U.
when i was i n spain the hospital would not entertain the European medical card thing that is supposed to ensure you get treated etc

they insisted upon my travel insurance so they could screw every penny from it they could

80 euros before the ambulance would even set off to come get me

imagine if our ambulances wouldnt set off until the immigrant had coughed up 80 quid
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Last edited by accyman; 28-01-2017 at 15:28.
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Old 28-01-2017, 16:08   #7
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Re: Article 50

We applied for, and received, French Medical (Green) Cards. Just like a bank card which you had to produce at the Doctors, Pharmacy and Hospital. I never worked in France (well, a bit on the black), but we were paying tax - National and the two forms of Council Tax. For certain health problems everything was free but for everything else you paid a proportion - 3E at the GP Surgery, 1/3 of cost at Pharmacy, and 14E for food (?), per day in the Hospital. Top-up insurance was readily available if wanted, which covered all the additional costs.
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Old 28-01-2017, 17:40   #8
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Re: Article 50

If the EU say no deal to a reciprocal agreement regarding people from the EU already here, do you think our Border Agency know where all the EU migrants are? And if by some chance they do, do you think that they would all be rounded up and sent home?
We don't deport the illegal immigrants who commit crimes. They only have to cite article 8 of the human rights act(I think that is the one that says they have a right to a family life and privacy) and the judiciary disappear up their own bottoms.
We just need to get it over with...tell them we are leaving and get out by the nearest door.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-01-2017, 21:55   #9
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Re: Article 50

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
We don't deport the illegal immigrants who commit crimes. They only have to cite article 8 of the human rights act(I think that is the one that says they have a right to a family life and privacy) and the judiciary disappear up their own bottoms.
And then you have our MP having a go at the UKIP leader for agreeing with Trump over the use of torture on terrorists, (as do many Hollywood luvvies from behind their security gates, panic rooms, gun totin' bodyguards and VIP treatment whisking them through airport security)

It's an emotive subject, but I make no apologies for my own stance...if you are prepared to strap a bomb to your body, make a plan for others to strap a bomb to their bodies and bomb public places, behead innocents, stone women and children to death because of their beliefs or fly planes into workplaces etc... You lack even base 'humanity' and therefore lose your right to be treated humanely.

Live by the prepared to have the sword stuck under your fingernails
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round

Last edited by Guinness; 28-01-2017 at 21:59.
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Old 28-01-2017, 22:17   #10
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Re: Article 50

Yes,it is an emotive subject. We have ducked it for too long. Since when have the rights of the criminal few weighed heavier than those of the many law abiding citizens.
We must be the laughing stock of the world. There are other countries who are bound by the EHRC that seem to fare better with their judiciary. They seem to interpret the rules so that those who flout criminal law get what they deserve...and it isn't a council house and benefits.
A lot of what the courts are doing right now is secret too. So we are not allowed to know these things about illegal immigrants who perpetrate criminal acts.
Justice not only has to be done, it has to been seen to be done.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 29-01-2017, 09:46   #11
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Re: Article 50

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
And then you have our MP having a go at the UKIP leader for agreeing with Trump over the use of torture on terrorists, (as do many Hollywood luvvies from behind their security gates, panic rooms, gun totin' bodyguards and VIP treatment whisking them through airport security)
well, we ALL know what a success our current representative has been.
His success has been in the pursuit of feathers for his own nest...not ours.
I certainly will not be voting for him again. I had high hopes that we would be represented by someone with an eye to making our town a better place to live.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 29-01-2017, 10:40   #12
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Article 50

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
And then you have our MP having a go at the UKIP leader for agreeing with Trump over the use of torture on terrorists, (as do many Hollywood luvvies from behind their security gates, panic rooms, gun totin' bodyguards and VIP treatment whisking them through airport security)

It's an emotive subject, but I make no apologies for my own stance...if you are prepared to strap a bomb to your body, make a plan for others to strap a bomb to their bodies and bomb public places, behead innocents, stone women and children to death because of their beliefs or fly planes into workplaces etc... You lack even base 'humanity' and therefore lose your right to be treated humanely.

Live by the prepared to have the sword stuck under your fingernails
100% CORRECT in my view, its certainly not nice but the only sensible way forward in my view, our M.P. would probably give em a beer and a fag,like the other useless Luvvies would.sorry Graham but thats my honest view.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-01-2017, 12:31   #13
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Re: Article 50

I think it is time the judges changed their way of thinking about most of the sentences etc that they deal out. People who kill with a vehicle because they are over the limit or just down right dangerous driving and only get a couple of years. The High Court that announced Parliament had to vote on Article 50 had all been in favour of staying in the Eu so there was no way they would rule against. There needs to be a radical overall of the judicial system and the victims given far more consideration than the villians.
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Old 29-01-2017, 12:33   #14
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Re: Article 50


A rump of Labour MPs are plotting to thwart Brexit completely next week.

Ringleader Heidi Alexander backed up by a dozen other Labour MPs plan to put a motion forward in Parliament next week that would effectively stop the Article 50 Bill to begin the Brexit process.

The pathetic justification for such a move from the group seems to be that there is no mandate for leaving the single market. Yet again they ignore the reality that all of the major players during the referendum from Cameron and Osborne to Farage and Gove made clear during the campaign that a single market exit was inevitable if the country voted Leave.

The Brexit blocking goes on from a political class who are doing their best to ignore the will of the British people. No wonder some of them love the EU way of doing things so much! Democracy is so inconvenient, right?
Labour showing exactly why they are no longer the party of the people yet again
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Old 29-01-2017, 12:37   #15
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Re: Article 50

Rowlf, just don't hold your breath. These judges are part and parcel of those elite who think that the rest of us(the ones who pay their wages) are just serfs...plebs,to be ignored because we (they think) do not have the brains to bless ourselves.
How can these judges judge fairly when the majority of them have some kind of ties to the EU. They can dismiss the votes of the 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU...and that is democracy in action.
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