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Old 27-11-2005, 17:10   #16
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Re: Asda packers

Originally Posted by Debbie J
I too have my own system when packing my shopping, so I don't let others do it for me either. This is since some kind person did it for me and crammed too many items into too few bags and they split before I was out the door sending my goods everywhere.
Nothing wrong with having a system especially if everything for 1 cupboard is in one bag. Hate having everything spread out on the bunker to orginise what I have when I could have done it when buying the stuff.

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Accrington Web
Old 27-11-2005, 22:13   #17

Re: Asda packers

Originally Posted by Alec_Ish
I go to moorhead but i dint do it as i know that i like to pack our own bags so im fussy that way to lol

Im gonna wind up my classmates now HeHe.
(Over kill - yes lol)

GO to moorhead heeeeeeeeee! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Wot year r u in!
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Old 27-11-2005, 23:15   #18
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Re: Asda packers

Originally Posted by Gayle

I buy my shopping in an order, I put it on the trolley in an order and I pack it into bags in a certain order - all so that when I get home I put the right bags in the right place to unpack them.
Sounds like OCD to me.
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Old 28-11-2005, 20:20   #19
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Re: Asda packers

You can always say no you know, I had my bags packed for me yesterday and they did quite a good job, I too put my things in a certain order, but the young lass did really well.
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Old 28-11-2005, 20:58   #20
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Re: Asda packers

Lassies are more orginised that way.

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Old 30-11-2005, 02:43   #21
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Re: Asda packers


i put all my shoppin on the scanner in the order i'm gonna put it back into the trolley

it peeves me off when the assistant - never mind the packer - starts to put in stuff i'm thinkin no u stupid cow thats meant to go in this bag etc...

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Old 30-11-2005, 16:02   #22
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Re: Asda packers

Do you have an order for all your shopping or is it just your supermarket shop?

I have a system when the assistant asks do you want help with your packing i always say no thank you he will do it.

he has to i hate packing im rubbish at it!

When i am on a register at work i dont do peoples packing as i don't have people do it for me. Im not being ignorant the thought just doesn't occur to me i always help people who are struggling eg the elderly, people who have child in arms etc but it takes more time to pack a persons shopping and when you have a line full of people glaring at you because you are taking some time to get them served its not a good idea.
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Old 30-11-2005, 21:41   #23

Re: Asda packers

got to agree its bugging when they are packing for you and they put soap in the same bag as meat or fruit!!! i feel like saying sod off ill do it my bloody self!!!!!
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:37   #24
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Re: Asda packers

I agree that it's annoying when they put soap in with meat. It just shows they have no idea how to pack a bag. And tins on top of bread! Anyone with half a brain cell should realise that is going to squash the bread.

If they ask "Would you like help?" it's easy enough to say "No thank you". If they don't ask then I would just say "Please let me do that". I know they are trying to raise money for assorted causes and if I feel it's a worthwhile cause then I'd donate anyway but if they ruin my groceries by incorrect packing I'd be far less likely to want to give them anything.

Whoever organises these things should give the kids some bag packing lessons before they are let loose in ASDA.

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Old 01-12-2005, 11:23   #25
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Re: Asda packers

What a bunch of moaning minnies. You have a flapping piece of tissue in your mouths that when used can simply issue the word NO or can you do it this way please (Wonder how many of the kids heard that word?). The kids at Moorhead kindly gave up their day on Saturday to raise funds to make Moorhead able to achieve sports college status & provide even greater facilities for us all to use sportswise. They need to raise £50.000 to do this however. My daughter was one of the packers and gave her time even though she had lost her gran fourty eight hours earlier. That is what I call commitment cos she dearly loved her gran. If anyone could have had cause to complain about being there on Sat she had more than the lot of you put together.
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Old 01-12-2005, 17:23   #26
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Re: Asda packers

Sometimes we are to polite to interfere.

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Old 01-12-2005, 21:44   #27
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Re: Asda packers

I think you'll find that this thread wasn't necessarily about the inconvenience of the odd time but the fact that it's every week at the moment. I don't mind my routine being disrupted every now and then just not every week.

And I don't begrudge them the money, in fact, I want them to pack it so I can justifiably give them some cash. I think they should have a training session first.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-12-2005, 22:29   #28
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Re: Asda packers

I'm not against Moorhead raising money for their sports college status. Both my girls go to Moorhead and have participated in fundraising but Gayle has a point about them being given some "training" first before being let loose to pack bags because getting home with damaged shopping such as squashed bread or broken eggs does nothing to endear people to the packers or indeed the supermarket itself.

I know they have to try to come up with different fund raising ideas and keep trying to get people to sponsor them isn't always the answer because people get fed up of being asked to do that too.

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Old 01-12-2005, 23:25   #29
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Re: Asda packers

My daughter gets training every week cos she helps with our packing when shopping at ASDA. However she did let us know that nothing was given or said in the way of instruction last Saturday. Maybe one for the ASDA question board?
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