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Old 15-08-2007, 17:08   #1
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Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

Just in case any of you have them ;

BBC NEWS | UK | Asda recall for Chinese bottles
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Old 15-08-2007, 17:29   #2
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Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

Before I clicked the link, I thought they were some kind of ceramic vase
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Old 15-08-2007, 17:41   #3
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Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Just in case any of you have them ;

BBC NEWS | UK | Asda recall for Chinese bottles

Could have stuck it up before I went shopping at the asda.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 15-08-2007, 17:47   #4
Full Member

Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

There has also been a recall of millions of Chinese manufactured toys as you have probably heard on the news. Dodgy lot these Chinese, they will take our jobs and turn out cheap s**t. They don't know the meaning of Health and Safety.
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Old 15-08-2007, 18:14   #5
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Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

I began checking labels some time ago. If the item is made in China, I won't buy it.
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Old 15-08-2007, 19:39   #6
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Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

they know the meaning of "Health and Safety" now whistler,the factorys closed down n the owners topped himself.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-08-2007, 13:32   #7
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Unhappy Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

As I recall the Veterans’ Lapel Badge was made in China and it was sub standard in that it had two dents in the face. I won’t even mention the clasp that was difficult to undo with old arthritic fingers. The fact that in all likelihood it would be old and arthritic fingers trying to affix the badge to a lapel seems to have escaped someone’s notice. In spite of my continued complaints about the badge the procurement office carried on accepting substandard goods from China. A distant friend of mine recently got the lapel badge and it was exactly the same as mine. I guess they were cheaper than if made in the UK.

As for the ‘bottles’. What puzzles me is why it happened. Does no one in the UK inspect the goods as they arrive and before they go on sale? Sorry I forgot – extra profit is god here.

Mattel have recalled millions of toys because of the lead in the paint. Meaning that no one checked the first batch. Maybe it was this ubiquitous god of profit that prevented an inspection.
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Old 16-08-2007, 17:59   #8
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Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

re. this toy recall for lead painted toys .........I'm more concerned about the affects of Plastics , considering they have only been around for a couple of generations, not really long enough for long term studies on exposure.
How many people can say they know someone personally that has been harmed by lead , seems to me at one time every house in the country had lead water pipes , and I'm sure 90% of males aged over 40 played with lead toy soldiers/cowboys/indians etc. and even inhaled the fumes when melting them down on the gas stove , every plumber in the country whoever soldered a pipe should be sick or simple by now from lead exposure. Have studies been done to find out if we are all walking timebombs ,(apart from the remains of a few dead Romans who ate off lead plates )? seems to me this is a complete over reaction just to sell newspapers

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Old 16-08-2007, 21:09   #9
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Cool Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
re. this toy recall for lead painted toys .........I'm more concerned about the affects of Plastics , considering they have only been around for a couple of generations, not really long enough for long term studies on exposure.
How many people can say they know someone personally that has been harmed by lead , seems to me at one time every house in the country had lead water pipes , and I'm sure 90% of males aged over 40 played with lead toy soldiers/cowboys/indians etc. and even inhaled the fumes when melting them down on the gas stove , every plumber in the country whoever soldered a pipe should be sick or simple by now from lead exposure. Have studies been done to find out if we are all walking timebombs ,(apart from the remains of a few dead Romans who ate off lead plates )? seems to me this is a complete over reaction just to sell newspapers

There is no doubt that imbibing lead can harm an individual and in particular children. But it has to be long term for the effect to be anywhere near serious. Stop taking in lead and the body expels the lead and other heavy metals in the normal fashion and recovers unless severe damage has already been caused
Lead Poisoning

Also called: Plumbism

Lead is a metal that occurs naturally in the earth's crust. People have spread it through the environment in many ways. Lead used to be in paint and gasoline. Lead can still be found in contaminated soil, household dust, drinking water, lead-glazed pottery and some metal jewelry.

Breathing air, drinking water, eating food or swallowing or touching dirt that contains lead can cause many health problems. In adults, lead can increase blood pressure and cause infertility, nerve disorders and muscle and joint pain. It can also make you irritable and affect your ability to concentrate and remember.

Lead is especially dangerous for children. A child who swallows large amounts of lead may develop anemia, severe stomachache, muscle weakness and brain damage. Even low levels of lead are linked to lower IQ scores.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
There is further information at

I know of a few people whose illness and eventual death was attributed to lead poisoning. None more so than the guy who got a lead bullet in his head.

Health authorities and government scientists have inevitably littered their warnings with cans, mights and maybes, even more so these days. It is very rare to read a health warning that is absolutely positive. Even today many of the warnings on cigarette packets include the word ‘may’.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 20-08-2007, 21:17   #10
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Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

seems cheap chinese textiles are now under the microscope for containing dangerous levels of formaldehyde in childrens clothes / In depth - Poison pyjamas add to China export scares

seems the sensible thing to make sure you give new clothes a good wash before using
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Old 21-08-2007, 14:45   #11
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Re: Asda Recall Chinese Bottles

Major western corporations have no sense of loyalty ... all they wish to do is increase their profits, without increasing the quality of their products. The Japanese seem to have a different industrial philosophy ... they increase their profits by manufacturing better stuff. It is not surprising that the top automobile manufacturer is Toyota ... they make damn fine cars at a reasonable price. Western corporations increase their profits, not by making better quality goods but by out-sourcing jobs to areas where wages and safety standards are low. The same thing happened in the shipping industry. Owners register ships in Liberia and Panama. Why?, because ships registered there are not subject to strict safety standards. The globalization of the economy results in crappy products, atrocious working conditions ... near slave labour in some cases. The Americans are actually importing this system into their own country by turning an almost blind eye to illegal immigrants who work for p**s poor wages in rotten conditions.

It's not really the Chinese who are to blame; it's western corporations such as Mattell.
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