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21-04-2008, 05:55
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Re: Ask a Tory
At local council level does the Tory party allow their councillors to vote the way their consciences dictate or do they have to vote according to party line?
21-04-2008, 07:33
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by shillelagh
Long term incapacity benefit. Registered disabled. Live on my own. What else do you want to know? Part time employed.
It depends what the incapacity was I guess, as they're trying to get those that can work, into work. However since you already do work then I see no reason for you to be any worse off financially. If you fall within the 10p tax band then the likely hood is you'll be worse off this year than in previous ones, which both Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems have highlighted.
Does that help, if you think I can expand or have a counter question please feel free!
formerly cyfr
21-04-2008, 07:35
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by polly
At local council level does the Tory party allow their councillors to vote the way their consciences dictate or do they have to vote according to party line?
I presume you're talking about Hyndburn and party line being what Peter Britcliffe says? If so then I don't know. I'm not involved enough in local politics to say how people vote. Sorry!
My own personal view is that they should be allowed to vote with their consciences, especially in ethical situations. Although most of the time they'll vote with each other because they have similar political opinions.
formerly cyfr
Last edited by andrewb; 21-04-2008 at 07:41.
21-04-2008, 07:39
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by blazey
I struggle to see how this thread isn't just ANOTHER reason to draw upon the negativities on the Conservative Government, so I think this thread is pretty stupid, especially as the person answering the questions may have done his politics assignments but he still has no real ground as a Tory...
I don't think anyone 100% backs a political party and its policies. I for one am against the Tory notion of saving the post offices, but still I vote Conservative, so the fact that there are differing views within the party regarding homosexual marriage is hardly surprising is it? I'd be a bit concerned if an entire party of politicians shared the same views about everything, it'd suggest that they're either lying or they aren't focusing on enough issues, at least that's what I think.
I also think that one person on a forum dominated by everything but tory voters who claims to be able to answer everyones questions in general about the Tory government is naive, and the amount of time people have had to wait for responses pretty much shows this.
Now look, you've turned the tory supporters against you, whatever next?!
See post #1. I'm not claiming to represent the whole party on every issue, it's about me as a Conservative letting people know how I think. It's already quite clear that I differ from the party on several aspects. I'm only writing about 'the party' in respect to what I feel about it. If they've made policy about something, that's when I'll respond with the party line including my own opinion if it differs. Any questions?
formerly cyfr
Last edited by andrewb; 21-04-2008 at 07:48.
21-04-2008, 08:58
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by Cyfr
At face value it would seem that Conservative MP's are not in favour of equality for all. I'd like to know more about the poll however, as the way it is written could well indicate gay marriage, not civil partnerships. I'd like to see one conducted in direct reference to civil partnership.
The question asked was
'Gay couples should have exactly the same rights as heterosexual couples',
which resulted in only 46% of the Conservative M.P.s polled agreeing, compared to 83% for Labour, and 92% for the Lib Dems.
Populus Limited > Poll Archive > Parliament Panel - 09.05.07-01.06.07
Another question.
Considering so many areas of the country are affected by the blight of drugs, isn't David Cameron's repeated refusal to answer the question as to whether he has taken illegal drugs, either at school, university, or before becoming party leader, another indicator that he is just another politican who cannot answer a straightforward question, or is his refusal to answer truthfully for a totally differing reason?
I'm not asking you to answer for Cameron, but do you think he should answer what to all extent and purposes a fairly straightforward question?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
21-04-2008, 09:08
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Re: Ask a Tory
Why on Earth is David Cameron elected as leader of the party, when he has the leadership qualities of a sheep???
The only thing on his side is the fact the the labour party are so far up the USA's lower orifice that Cameron cant fit. Dont get me wrong, he may be someone you can nip to the pub with, but to run the country? Maybes not.
21-04-2008, 09:13
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by onlyme
he may be someone you can nip to the pub with
As long as you have a couple of million quid to spare, which would buy you a house in Notting Hill, so you could share his local boozer. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
21-04-2008, 09:22
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Re: Ask a Tory
Was planning on inviting up him up here, preferably on a friday night, might open his eyes a tad 
21-04-2008, 09:41
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by onlyme
Why on Earth is David Cameron elected as leader of the party, when he has the leadership qualities of a sheep???
The only thing on his side is the fact the the labour party are so far up the USA's lower orifice that Cameron cant fit. Dont get me wrong, he may be someone you can nip to the pub with, but to run the country? Maybes not.
So you would like this present resident of Downing Street to carry on would you, The Ditherer in Chief, I didn't think anybody could be worse than Blair, but this guy is a joke, and the thing is if you went to the pub with Gordon you'd be paying 
21-04-2008, 10:24
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by onlyme
Was planning on inviting up him up here, preferably on a friday night, might open his eyes a tad 
At the weekend he's more likely to be found on the estate near Scunthorpe where his wife was brought up.
By the way, that's not a sink estate, but the 300 acre Normanby Hall estate, where the family has resided since 1590.
Very man of the people.
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21-04-2008, 10:33
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Re: Ask a Tory
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
21-04-2008, 10:39
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
Guy Fawkes had a good idea, blow the lot of them up.
A Tory advocating terrorism? 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
21-04-2008, 10:57
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Re: Ask a Tory
Next question.
Would a Conservative government redress the anomalies where by, in a supposed United Kingdom, Scotland allows it's elderly people free residential care, without the need to sell their homes or use their savings, unlike in England, and gives Scottish students free university tuition fees, again unlike England. In Wales prescriptions are free, which is not the case in England.
We also have the case where Scottish M.P.s vote on legislation that only affects English and Welsh law. Would a Conservative government change this stupid situation brought about by partial devolution?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
21-04-2008, 11:22
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Re: Ask a Tory
Originally Posted by jaysay
So you would like this present resident of Downing Street to carry on would you, The Ditherer in Chief, I didn't think anybody could be worse than Blair, but this guy is a joke, and the thing is if you went to the pub with Gordon you'd be paying 
Not at all, at the present time we may as well be singing the stars and stripes every morning, just if Mr Cameron is the best the tories have to offer, I suggest they start looking for a man with his vitals still attached.
On the subject of devolution also, would the conservatives stop the funding that is issued to Scotland and Wales for the very voter friendly intiatives that are subsidised by the English tax payers, but cannot be offered to them?
21-04-2008, 11:49
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Re: Ask a Tory
Best grounding you can have Mr. Cyfr is out on the doorstep doing a bit of canvassing 
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