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Old 26-06-2007, 18:20   #16
Senior Member
bullseyebarb's Avatar

Re: Assault

Glad it wasn't any worse, Cyfr. Hope you heal soon. Bet it's going to make you nervous walking around town alone, though. People who do this sort of thing obviously believe they are going to get away with it. I think PC definitely plays a role. To make matters worse, I know it is frowned upon over there by the "powers that be" for you to defend yourself in any meaningful way. It is indeed lucky that you were able to exit the scene. Hope there will be a prosecution forthcoming. Is the Broadway/Union St. area considered to be particularly dangerous?
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Accrington Web
Old 26-06-2007, 18:21   #17
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Re: Assault

Glad it wasn't any worse, Cyfr. Hope you heal soon. Bet it's going to make you nervous walking around town alone, though. People who do this sort of thing obviously believe they are going to get away with it. I think PC definitely plays a role. To make matters worse, I know it is frowned upon over there by the "powers that be" for you to defend yourself in any meaningful way. It is indeed lucky that you were able to exit the scene. Hope there will be a prosecution forthcoming. Is the Broadway/Union St. area considered to be particularly dangerous?
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Old 26-06-2007, 18:26   #18
Resident Waffler

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Re: Assault

The Broadway/Union Street area is slap bang in the middle of town and should be one of the safest places to be. I'm horrified that this has happened Cyfr but glad to hear it wasn't any worse.

I don't think it's so much a case that attacks against white people are not taken seriously as racism, it's just that they don't get reported by the press the same and they should do.

What time of day did this take place? I know you said you were walking home at night but was that after a night out or walking home for tea?

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Old 26-06-2007, 18:34   #19
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Re: Assault

It was about half 10 at night, but I hadn't been out drinking or anything.
formerly cyfr
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Old 26-06-2007, 18:41   #20
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Assault

Cyfr......that is terrible. I am sorry to hear that you were the victim of this cowardly act, and I am pleased to hear that due to your quick thinking you were not more seriously hurt.
I am glad that someone was held responsible, though it is bad that not ALL the culprits were apprehended.
It surely is coming to something when the law of the jungle prevails in a town like Accrington.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-06-2007, 18:53   #21
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Re: Assault

Cyfr, if you do manage to make it to the meet, you'll be on free drinks all night!

(This is an observation, not a promise, though I may buy you one or two glasses of pop.)
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-06-2007, 19:18   #22
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: Assault

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
It was about half 10 at night, but I hadn't been out drinking or anything.

So is the town centre to become a no-go area at night? I sincerely hope not.I don't like being out alone in the evenings.

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Old 26-06-2007, 20:08   #23
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Re: Assault

I got beaten up by a group of chav girls once on the way home from the shop, got taken by behind and pinned down while the main girl smashed me in the face. Didnt prosecute though as I knew I didn't have much evidence it was her against a full group of her friends who could provide alibi's and there is no cctv on the road I was on.

On a brighter note, asians commit the least crimes statistically (or thats what it says in my sociology book in front of me)
Saying that when your of a minority (yes a minority) its bound to look like they commit less than white people.

Black people are well known for being racially discriminated against by the police as well. 1 in 5 black youths are stopped more than 5 times a year. I imagine its probably a lower figure for asian lads but i bet the statistics still show some discrimination of ethnicity!
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Old 26-06-2007, 23:15   #24
Yank in King Art's Court!
LancYorkYankee's Avatar

Re: Assault

I too am very sorry this happened to you Cyfr. What a terrible experience to have and completely unprovoked. I would never had even thought of that happening as I strolled all around Accy downtown.

Thanks for sharing as it puts more Accy members on alert to this. Both for themselves and then for their loved ones. I know Ianto does alot of walking around down there so be careful out there . . . No, not from Ianto . . . for all who stroll the streets!

I'm curious, are there any/alot of self defense courses taught over there. Having a couple of Bruce Lee's kicking the crap out of these thugs might make em think twice!


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Old 27-06-2007, 00:10   #25
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Re: Assault

Sorry about that Cyfr hope you are feeling better. At least they got the one who punched you. Why do people do this when its unprovoked though. What kicks do they get. I dont understand why they do it maybe because i was brought up not to get into fights unless i was defending myself. Always got told let them throw the first but always make sure you throw the last and harder!!!
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The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 27-06-2007, 08:24   #26
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Re: Assault

Thanks for the positive responses guys.

I just feel I need to post again because I didn't write just how helpful the police have been. On the night they were brilliant, they phoned the next day early in the morning, they phoned later on in the day and I got a phonecall today as well.

It's great to be updated like that it feels like you matter and the case is being dealt with.

Unfortunately hes on bail. Which isn't great news but i've no idea how the legal system works in that respect but I doubt its the fault of the actual police officers.
formerly cyfr
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Old 27-06-2007, 08:39   #27
Resting in Peace
Ber999T's Avatar

Re: Assault

Glad your ok Cyfr. Think it is down to the CPS to decide what charges (if any) to take them to court and NOT the police. Also glad they keeping you up to date with what's happening.
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Old 27-06-2007, 08:41   #28
Resident Waffler

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Re: Assault

That's good to know that the police have been keeping you informed.

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Old 27-06-2007, 12:59   #29
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Tealeaf's Avatar

Re: Assault

How much is a bust nose worth these days from the CICB? I reckon you should get your application in ASAP and on the form play up on the trauma side. Put in a claim for a least a grand - they'll probably give you five hundred quid, which should mean you'll be able to get at least two or three full rounds in at the following Accy Web meet. Let us know when you get the dosh so we can all plan for free drinks that night.
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Old 27-06-2007, 14:51   #30
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Re: Assault

Cyfr, I'm really sorry to hear about this and hope that the idiots who did it get some sort of retribution. I would hope that whether they were Asian or white or any other colour for that matter - it's good that you managed to identify them to the police and they can keep their eye on them.

I know you said it was four Asian lads who did this but how can you be sure it was a racist attack? I'm not trying to say that it was any less of a crime - just want to know if you're absolutely sure it was because of race. There are many incidents of attacks where the victim and attacker are of the same race so why if the two are of different races should it automatically be assumed that that is the reason for the attack.

Just checking.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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