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Old 02-07-2007, 20:39   #16
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

This is one that even I wont try to defend. I'm can't say I'm disgusted by it because for that I would have to be shocked by it, but i'm not at all because these things unfortunatly happen. Its just disappointing that people do things on such extremes that words can't even be put together to explain why someone would do that to such a young child, and one of their own relation.
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Accrington Web
Old 02-07-2007, 20:49   #17

Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Whilst somewhat nervous about posting here goes. Whilst I agree completely agree with the fact that this individual is the scum of the earth and comments that the life sentence should indeed mean life- I must comment that the case should not be seen as an argument for the re-introduction of the death penalty. No research has ever indicated that the death penalty acts as a deterrent and there are sufficient examples of miscarriages of justice to argue forcibly against the death penalty.
Of course this is only my opinion.
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Old 02-07-2007, 20:52   #18
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by Rosebud View Post
Whilst somewhat nervous about posting here goes. Whilst I agree completely agree with the fact that this individual is the scum of the earth and comments that the life sentence should indeed mean life- I must comment that the case should not be seen as an argument for the re-introduction of the death penalty. No research has ever indicated that the death penalty acts as a deterrent and there are sufficient examples of miscarriages of justice to argue forcibly against the death penalty.
Of course this is only my opinion.
I've just got a really good big book out of the library that has LOADS of good points about why the death penalty obviously proved no use. Its about all different types throughout history and around the world and its got loads of old drawings in and accounts from executioners and stuff.
Forgotten what its called as I dont have it to hand but its a good read!
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Old 02-07-2007, 20:59   #19
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I sincerely hope that life means life and not just a few years which are halved for good behaviour.
There are a couple of aspects which concern me about the sentence this creature received. Firstly, why did he only get 35 years? Why didn't he get locked up for the rest of his natural life? And if the law doesn't allow for that, why not? Secondly, Willow has raised a point that I've been wondering about - does a minimum of 35 years literally mean 35 years or will there be time knocked off the sentence for pleading guilty and for good behaviour?
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:08   #20
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

and if he gets out early will he get a cash hand out to compensate him for having to make his own way in life?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:17   #21
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by Rosebud View Post
Whilst somewhat nervous about posting here goes. Whilst I agree completely agree with the fact that this individual is the scum of the earth and comments that the life sentence should indeed mean life- I must comment that the case should not be seen as an argument for the re-introduction of the death penalty. No research has ever indicated that the death penalty acts as a deterrent and there are sufficient examples of miscarriages of justice to argue forcibly against the death penalty.
Of course this is only my opinion.
Yes I'm inclined to agree on the subject of miscarriages of justice. People say with improved forensics it can't happen these days but I'm not really convinced. I mean look at the woman who was convicted of killing her babies and then it turned out the 'expert' opinion was flawed and they had both died of natural causes.
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Why didn't he get locked up for the rest of his natural life? #
I really do think he should have been. Even if it's 35 years before he comes out will children be safe around him? For someone to do that to his own niece he can't be a normal human being.

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Old 02-07-2007, 21:19   #22
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

He's 21 now so that even if he serves the full sentence he is still going to be something of a danger.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:19   #23

Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
There are a couple of aspects which concern me about the sentence this creature received. Firstly, why did he only get 35 years? Why didn't he get locked up for the rest of his natural life? And if the law doesn't allow for that, why not? Secondly, Willow has raised a point that I've been wondering about - does a minimum of 35 years literally mean 35 years or will there be time knocked off the sentence for pleading guilty and for good behaviour?

With any life tariff the case will be presented to the Home Secretary or possibly now the Minister of Justice for review regarding parole at around the 15 year mark. NO Home secretary will ever agree to that parole and he will certainly serve the full sentence.
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:24   #24
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

35yrs isn't what we percieve as a life sentence but after 35yrs of prison, I can imagine that either a person will get too accustomed to prison lifestyle and either reoffend and get put back in or commit suicide at the huge time change that they often cant adapt to. The sad thing is that after such long sentences some people will obviously feel remorseful and never want to offend again, some feel remorseful after the moment they commit and offence, and they suffer with the bare memory of the incident for the rest of their lives. Its upto trained people to decide when a person has served enough time, not upto the public who want revenge, not pure justice.
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:26   #25
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Where does that pure justice leave the child and her family, who will also live with the consequences, in a much more negative way for the rest of their lives?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:27   #26

Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
35yrs isn't what we percieve as a life sentence but after 35yrs of prison, I can imagine that either a person will get too accustomed to prison lifestyle and either reoffend and get put back in or commit suicide at the huge time change that they often cant adapt to. The sad thing is that after such long sentences some people will obviously feel remorseful and never want to offend again, some feel remorseful after the moment they commit and offence, and they suffer with the bare memory of the incident for the rest of their lives. Its upto trained people to decide when a person has served enough time, not upto the public who want revenge, not pure justice.
I think you talk a good deal of sense blazey. Should you remember the nae of that book I wouldnt mind giving it a coat of eyes.
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:28   #27

Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Where does that pure justice leave the child and her family, who will also live with the consequences, in a much more negative way for the rest of their lives?

I think the point is that justice must be blind not borne of an emotional response to the horror of the offence itself. Nor can or should those most adverseley affected by the offence be the ones who decide on sentence.
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:34   #28
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

While I agree that emotions cannot come into play when justice is being meted out......I think that the victims and families need to feel that justice has been done and seen to be done.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:41   #29
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
While I agree that emotions cannot come into play when justice is being meted out......I think that the victims and families need to feel that justice has been done and seen to be done.
Is someone spending their life in prison with men who have mainly commited crimes such as theft, robbery etc who know about such a perons horrendous crime not justice enough?

Rape is often an occurence in prisons as are attacks on such people and the prison staff are known to turn a blind eye and let them be punished 'the real way'.

I'd be quite satisfied by a 35yr sentence knowing that they were being treated that way. Its more of a shame when they get put into secure cells by themselves but then they have to live with their minds and the silence for 35yrs. Ian Huntley got boiling water and sugar thrown on him before he got the 'luxury' of living alone. How many people can say they'd like to live out a life sentence by themselves for the rest of their lives.
I hate to be too observant but Ian Huntley doesn't seem to smile much when you see pictures of him and he released statements himself which seemed to show some remorse, though to be fair yes he showed more concern at maxine carr getting off so lightly, though he may have more worrying reasons for that.

I think prison serves its purpose via either the people your with, or on the other hand completely without. It takes a long time to live peacefully in a prison and it isn't often a child offender that gets to be top dog in there either.
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Old 02-07-2007, 21:43   #30
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Re: At Last Something Like A Proper Sentence.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Secondly, Willow has raised a point that I've been wondering about - does a minimum of 35 years literally mean 35 years or will there be time knocked off the sentence for pleading guilty and for good behaviour?
Can't answer the first point Wynonie but on the second it is 35 years before they can even consider him for parole, hopefully in this case he'll be Mr Big's bitch for the rest of his natural.
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