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03-09-2006, 17:54
At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
I forgot all about this until I was bored silly this afternoon and found myself reading last weeks Observer again.
It would appear that Cllr Haworth does not have a sense of humour after Cllr Jones suggested the Tories could save more than £20,000 by not putting a candidate forward for the Spring Hill by election which Labour won last time by 838 votes to the Conservatives 338.
At least I found it funny Graham, thanks for the laugh. It's a shame some other Cllrs don't have your sense of humour. Then again saving £20,000 plus could pay towards a PCSO or lots of other things Hyndburn needs. Maybe it was a good idea after all.
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03-09-2006, 17:59
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
03-09-2006, 19:34
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Thanks Neil. I was unsure whether to print the truth or let it lie as a funny story. Sometimes you have to have a laugh.
I was asking about the Bold Street Off License fiasco. Marlene as Chair explained why she had reversed her decision. After about half an hour on the phone (I rang her) she said;
MH "Oh by the way Clr Jones, I and the rest of my party are very angry (jokingly) with you. Peter, Brian Roberts, Brian Walmsely ... other names .... are all on holiday and you have called this by-election whilst we are away."
GJ (Must be a wind up).. well you don't have to field a candidate if you feel that way. Just think of the advantages. Not only can you saty on your holidays but you can save money, could be about £20,000 I dunno*, and all that walking up and down Spring Hill. You have budgeted for only one by-election this year and you have a by-election coming up in Rishton** to fund." (tongue in cheek)
MH (Seriously) I totally disagree with that. Are you suggesting we deny the voters a right to vote?
GJ (Jokingly) Oh no, don't worry Marlene that won't happen.... We will be fielding a candidate... (lol)"
* £20,000 - speculative guess?
** The gossip is all about 'the Rishton issue' and the need for a by-election there soon as well.
The following day The Lancs Evening Telegraph phoned to ask all about this story. 'Clr Jones asks Tories not to field a candidate'. I laughed it off. LET don't print it. Following week Observer ring up same pitch. I said 'your having a laugh, what about policies and issues, don't you print them anymore?' Story is printed in Ob. Clr Haworth denies all responsibility that it was her that leaked the private phone call to the press. Says it was unidentified Tory colleague.
Meanwhile that week totally seperate;
Clr Tony Dobson gets 10 Tories in Spring Hill to sign the nomination form vouching for Munsif Dad. He goes to see Munsif at Spring Hill Community Centre and asks him to be the Tory candidate. Munsif says no, he has put his name forward for Labour. TD asks if he is not selected by Labour will he stand for the Tories. Munsif says no, he is committed to the Labour Party and if he is not selected he will canvass and support the Labour person who is chosen and work for them. TD says fair enough and leaves.
Tory Deputy Council Leader Tony Dobson approaches Deputy Labour Leader, Pam Barton and asks for private meeting. Clr Dobson meets myself, Clr Barton in the Labour rooms in Scaitcliffe House. TD suggests if we select Munsif Dad, he would be their choice and they may not field a candidate if Munsif is chosen. Will we come to arrangement and tell the Tories if we select Munsif, then they will consider not fielding a candidate as they think Munsif will make a good hardworking councillor. TD says they have had a selection meeting and Tories are split in whether to field a candidate or not. Can we ring them. I rang them, however they decide to field a candidate from Rishton?
Munsif Dad
I spoke with Munsif several times prior to him putting his name forward. He is a JP. I asked him about his previous loyalties and the current situation post Cantle/Burnley/Oldham and Hyndburn. I think he is a really nice guy, really committed to Hyndburn. Very honest and very straight.
Standing for the Tories
He stood for the Tories in 2001 in the County elections because he wanted to give something back to the community and the Labour Party had unsavoury people in Central ward (we did). He was led to believe that only the Tories could improve Hyndburn post George Slynn (Labour Council Leader for most of the 90's).
However he said he had come to believe that only the Labour Party represented his view on life and he had grown to dislike very much Conservative ideas and he is particularly upset by the current Conservative Council leadership. Munsif does a lot of community work and has had access to an inside picture on how rotten our Borough is. Munsif's committment to Labour was totally political from this point of view. Moreover Munsif feels Hyndburn has a lot of challanges and he wants to make Hyndburn better. He is not happy that the streets are filthy and the Community Wardens have been sacked as they did a lot of preventitive /community work. Another major concern is drugs from our conversations. He wants a crack down on drugs and drug dealers.
I explained to Munsif in our conversations that I believed religion is for the home (I actually think it should be protected in a Bill of Rights) and NOT in the public realm in any way. That faith schools (and gender schools) should be phased out and this was the view of many Labour Councillors. Munsif accepted this and was committed to talking about improving all of Hyndburn. Helping improve the Council estates in Spring Hill and sitting on all resident groups. He never doubted standing for Labour in the face of my views.
Being a Councillor for Spring Hill
I asked about what about if someone abused him, said they were a BNP voter and what was he doing about their problems in Spring Hill. Munsif said he would be help that person no matter what there politics if he was elected. He believed his role was to help all people which kinda brought it back to core Labour principles.
Last edited by g jones; 03-09-2006 at 19:48.
03-09-2006, 20:07
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Hypothetical question
If a Councillor stood for one party - what would happen should they decide on being elected that they didn't wish to be a councillor for that party and they defected to another?
Not at all suggesting that Munsif Dad will do that as I don't know him and if Graham trusts him then he's probably a straight up sort of guy - just wondered?
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
03-09-2006, 20:40
Accy Red
Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Originally Posted by Gayle
If a Councillor stood for one party - what would happen should they decide on being elected that they didn't wish to be a councillor for that party and they defected to another?
Didn't something like that happen in Blackburn if I remember correctly?
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03-09-2006, 20:48
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Can you do that? I thought you had to state a party, if any, that you represented. Therefore you can't officially change your party while in office. Surely if you do not represent that party then you should resign.
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03-09-2006, 20:54
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Originally Posted by Bagpuss
Didn't something like that happen in Blackburn if I remember correctly?
Yes it did. A Councillor is elected in name only. He can on his ballot paper declare an association if he so wishes such as a political party, but essentially that is nothing to do with the legal process. Once in Councillors can support whoever they want. To be constructive though it is illogical and impractical to go around horse trading every issue so we have political alliances for clarity of purpose.
Every meeting of Council, Councillors vote. If they switch their voting and this switches the majority then the majority becomes the minority and vice versa.
In Blackburn (asian politics) 6 asians were booted out of the Labour Group after demanding their own way. A Mr Hussain was sacked as Portfolio for Education and he alleged it was racist (by the Labour Group) or something. They were not asked back (and never have been). This meant the Council had no party with 50%+.
The Labour Party on the night of the vote to determine who would be elected the Leader of the Council, expected it to be a Lib Dem and for the Lab Party to be in opposition. However the gang of 6 voted with the Labour Party of their own will. Since then 5 of them have asked to rejoin and have been accepted. One remains on his own.
03-09-2006, 21:10
Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Thanks Graham, its always nice to hear the full story and not just the manipulated newspaper version.
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03-09-2006, 21:18
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Thank you for answering Graham.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
03-09-2006, 22:19
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
If it was a farce no one would believe it. 
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04-09-2006, 08:14
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Originally Posted by g jones
That faith schools (and gender schools) should be phased out and this was the view of many Labour Councillors.
Utterly agree. 
formerly cyfr
04-09-2006, 08:29
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Phasing out faith and gender schools sounds ok but what about public schools will they be chopped? The backlash from closing schools if faith only and gender only will cause a serious backlash and accusations of discrimination.
04-09-2006, 08:44
Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
The backlash from closing schools if faith only and gender only will cause a serious backlash and accusations of discrimination.
They are discriminating NOW. How can a school turn away children because they are not Catholic or don't go to church on Sundays for example? I find it hard to believe that schools and the Education Authority still allow this discrimination to continue.
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04-09-2006, 08:52
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Originally Posted by Neil
They are discriminating NOW. How can a school turn away children because they are not Catholic or don't go to church on Sundays for example? I find it hard to believe that schools and the Education Authority still allow this discrimination to continue.
No argument there Neil it is because of the fear of the backlash that they ignore the discrimination as it stands. It comes down to politics at the end of the day not what is best for the child.
04-09-2006, 09:02
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Re: At least some Councillors have a sense of humour
Originally Posted by Neil
They are discriminating NOW. How can a school turn away children because they are not Catholic or don't go to church on Sundays for example? I find it hard to believe that schools and the Education Authority still allow this discrimination to continue.
Hang on Neil, they have to allow it because more often than not these schools fund themselves, if they do ask for funding they have to take more children from outside their faith.
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