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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 22-04-2005, 23:42   #16
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chav1's Avatar

Re: BA pilot wins discrimination case

good to know airoplanes are now going to be piloted by people with less flying experience than recomended

she knew the policy before deciding to have a baby so she should have planned around the policy it was her choice and not B.A's fault in any way

plenty of women go from full time employment to part time employment so thet they can both work and be a parent

what exactly was this womam looking to get for doing what millions of other women already do

a blue peter badge perhaps ...?

if she wanted to work hours that suited her she should have either not had children or looked for employment elsewhere

when you have a family scrafices have to be made and the first place that takes a hit is your job
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