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20-08-2008, 15:31
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Re: Bad Reporting???
I would like to comment on emamum23's post. I am only 19, so what? Due to my own knowledge (BRAINS), dedication and the GREAT continuous support from my Manager- Carla (who has 2 children herself), I was able to pass both my Level 2 and Level 3 in Child Care, Learning and Development in under 2 years. I have attended several short courses regarding child care to further my knowledge, and am due to start my level four in September, followed by my level 5, then B.A! (Gosh feel like I'm in an interview lol)! Therefore, qualified enough for management, if not over qualified!!
With reference to those who refer to OFSTED being the people you trust and listen to, both myself, other staff members and parents of the setting find it rather worrying that you trust what OFSTED say so much (although they are only present for 2 days in 3 years),instead of trusting the Childcare Professionals that you chose to leave your children with. (Some 50 hours per week)!!
Well must go, just planning for next week- its running in the road exercise, knife throwing and fire starting!! WOO HOO!!!! 
20-08-2008, 15:39
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Re: Bad Reporting???
Originally Posted by Danielle Beech
I would like to comment on emamum23's post. I am only 19, so what? Due to my own knowledge (BRAINS), dedication and the GREAT continuous support from my Manager- Carla (who has 2 children herself), I was able to pass both my Level 2 and Level 3 in Child Care, Learning and Development in under 2 years. I have attended several short courses regarding child care to further my knowledge, and am due to start my level four in September, followed by my level 5, then B.A! (Gosh feel like I'm in an interview lol)! Therefore, qualified enough for management, if not over qualified!!
you have a level 3, a years experience and a few top up courses.... congratulations, you are actually less qualified than me!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
20-08-2008, 15:43
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Re: Bad Reporting???
This is the Pre School my son has just left,
Now this is what a report should be like!
Or are OFSTED lying and I should really believe that they let them play with knives and left the younger ones in dirty nappies? Hmmm
20-08-2008, 16:51
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Re: Bad Reporting???
Originally Posted by Danielle Beech
With reference to those who refer to OFSTED being the people you trust and listen to, both myself, other staff members and parents of the setting find it rather worrying that you trust what OFSTED say so much (although they are only present for 2 days in 3 years),instead of trusting the Childcare Professionals that you chose to leave your children with. (Some 50 hours per week)!!
Yes I trust OFSTED to their job. Same as I trust my GP to do hers, even if I only see her for 2 days every 3 years. Incidentally I wouldnt trust you with a snail.
Well must go, just planning for next week- its running in the road exercise, knife throwing and fire starting!! WOO HOO!!!! 
Glad you can make light from this damning report and peoples opinions. Perhaps you should recognise the fact that the people commenting on this report have a) mostly tried to be supportive in light of Carla's comments, and b) are the members of the public that are talking openly and letting you know our opinions. You can guarentee we are not the only people in Accrington that are concerned about the reports. However, we are the ones that you have the opportunity of discussing your side of it with. I personally would have taken this opportunity as your boss seemed to have), rather than use your attitude to wind people up even further.
20-08-2008, 17:18
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Re: Bad Reporting???
I think you should speak to your manager [Carla] before seriously coming on a forum spouting off about her business [she was handling it & doing a much better job politely], congrats that u have childcare qualifications not a doubt but seriously think any management is way above you & are therefore not qualified in any management skills nor have proper experience so which it shows. Therefore i'd worry about your job rather than a forum atm! As many parents come on this forum & want advice or is seeking good nursery care, you have placed Dolli Dimples is a precarious situation that despite even the ofsted report, the attitude of senior staff [other than owner so far] have jaded the possibility of encouraging new business or even business that you have already in serious jepordary. As qualifications are essential but after reading the response from the Ass manager Danielle, i think a few yrs experience & bit more life exp is a must too for that position & as an ass manager u need to accept responsibility also, not blame a forum, yr customers or potential customers - u have a duty & responsibility !!
20-08-2008, 18:18
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Bad Reporting???
Originally Posted by Danielle Beech
I would like to comment on emamum23's post. I am only 19, so what? Due to my own knowledge (BRAINS), dedication and the GREAT continuous support from my Manager- Carla (who has 2 children herself), I was able to pass both my Level 2 and Level 3 in Child Care, Learning and Development in under 2 years. I have attended several short courses regarding child care to further my knowledge, and am due to start my level four in September, followed by my level 5, then B.A! (Gosh feel like I'm in an interview lol)! Therefore, qualified enough for management, if not over qualified!!
With reference to those who refer to OFSTED being the people you trust and listen to, both myself, other staff members and parents of the setting find it rather worrying that you trust what OFSTED say so much (although they are only present for 2 days in 3 years),instead of trusting the Childcare Professionals that you chose to leave your children with. (Some 50 hours per week)!!
Well must go, just planning for next week- its running in the road exercise, knife throwing and fire starting!! WOO HOO!!!! 
I am only 19, so what? -- well it shows thats what! how to win friends n influence people. yer boss while under obvious stress,has come on here n put her point of view very well, and also gained good wishes n respect, you should bear that in mind, while you may be undoing her good work. i would send you on a public relations coarse n hope ya actually picked some of it up. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-08-2008, 20:57
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Re: Bad Reporting???
Originally Posted by Danielle Beech
With reference to those who refer to OFSTED being the people you trust and listen to, both myself, other staff members and parents of the setting find it rather worrying that you trust what OFSTED say so much
thats the best laugh ive had in this thread so far, how pathetic is that statement?
OFSTED are government officials, i'd trust them 100% more than i would trust a childish 19 year old
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
21-08-2008, 07:02
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Re: Bad Reporting???
I would trust a 9 year old more than SOME government officials... 
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
21-08-2008, 10:29
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Re: Bad Reporting???
has this thread not died on its arse yet ?
I wandered past yesterday and they looked like they were having a fab time.
21-08-2008, 11:12
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Re: Bad Reporting???
Originally Posted by keetah992000
...I wandered past yesterday and they looked like they were having a fab time.
Playing circus knife throwers? 
21-08-2008, 11:53
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Re: Bad Reporting???
lol actually they were playing chicken in the road
24-08-2008, 13:49
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Re: Bad Reporting???
Have we heard the outcome yet ? i thought it was going to be sorted by friday ?
05-09-2008, 20:00
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Re: Bad Reporting???
Originally Posted by keetah992000
Have we heard the outcome yet ? i thought it was going to be sorted by friday ?
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned this today.
There was an article in today's Observer stating that the ofsted report in question has been partially upheld, whatever that means.
A letter sent to the nursery from a regional complaints investigator stated:
1) Comments about staff interaction were harsh
2) Staff portfolios were of a good standard and should have been included
3) The original inspector apologised for the way she had made reference to staff not signing registers and implying that ratios of adults to children were not being met.
4) The reference to children regularly being left in soiled underwear and their noses never being wiped would be removed from the report
5) Children were not left unsupervised in the kitchen
What do you make of this? 
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
05-09-2008, 20:13
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Re: Bad Reporting???
i read it earlier H, i was quite surprised no one has said owt
i wont believe it till i read the report myself, anyone can say anything to a newspaper to make themselves look good
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
05-09-2008, 20:16
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Re: Bad Reporting???
Originally Posted by flashytart
i read it earlier H, i was quite surprised no one has said owt
i wont believe it till i read the report myself, anyone can say anything to a newspaper to make themselves look good
Hmmmm. I don't know what to make of it either. 
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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