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Old 30-07-2009, 22:11   #31
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
What the hell's "litter and dog pooh" got to do with it? They're offensive substances anyway - hardly comparable to a simple badge.

We're not talking here about police personnel wearing political or religious symbols. They're simply displaying the national flag of the country we live in which crosses all political and religious lines, combined with a gesture of support for the brave lads and lasses who risk their lives to protect ALL of us, whatever our creed or political persuasion.

As for the type of person who objected to the badge, I would imagine it was someone who had a totally pedantic approach to "uniform discipline".
Maybe the guy had trouble with his potty training
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Old 30-07-2009, 22:18   #32
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

You're obviously missing my point completely and twisting my words to make it look like I would not support our soldiers in anyway .. which is totally untrue. Sure any of our soldiers who have to lick and polish their boots so that they can see their reflection, will understand completely what I was trying to say.

Just that discipline starts at small beginnings to carry on to emerge into a competent, efficient and well-disciplined soldier, giving them the best chance of survival in action .. again that is why we have the best armed forces.
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Old 30-07-2009, 22:30   #33
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by katex View Post
You're obviously missing my point completely and twisting my words to make it look like I would not support our soldiers in anyway .. which is totally untrue. Sure any of our soldiers who have to lick and polish their boots so that they can see their reflection, will understand completely what I was trying to say.

Just that discipline starts at small beginnings to carry on to emerge into a competent, efficient and well-disciplined soldier, giving them the best chance of survival in action .. again that is why we have the best armed forces.
I don't think I'm twisting your words; and definitely not questioning your support of the British troops in Afghanistan .... I think that there are things more important than spit and polish ... and morale is right up there. I believe that knowing they are supported is a big morale booster for the troops. The public display of tokens of support is important. And if it doesn't affect the efficiency of the police, I can't see why there is a problem. And we are not talking about the troops wearing badges .... I assume British troops in Afghanistan wear their national flag or symbol ... Canadian troops wear the maple leaf ... doesn't seem to adversely affect their fighting qualities.
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Old 30-07-2009, 23:36   #34
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by katex View Post
... uniform discipline is the first discipline in any force and should be adhered to, no matter what the cause.
As stated earlier, the police are allowed to wear poppies, and they aren't standard issue as part of their uniform.
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Old 30-07-2009, 23:45   #35
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Just came across this, whilst looking at patriotic tattoos, and it made me laugh.

I think she's holding her St. George's cross knickers in her hand.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 31-07-2009, 00:43   #36
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Just came across this, whilst looking at patriotic tattoos, and it made me laugh.

I think she's holding her St. George's cross knickers in her hand.

They look more like WWll utility panti .... sorry, knickers, to me ... you know the kind: one yank and they're off.
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Old 31-07-2009, 01:08   #37
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

or they could even be "Tate @Lyle" suger-bag knickers.
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Old 31-07-2009, 07:20   #38
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by katex View Post
You're obviously missing my point completely and twisting my words to make it look like I would not support our soldiers in anyway .. which is totally untrue. Sure any of our soldiers who have to lick and polish their boots so that they can see their reflection, will understand completely what I was trying to say.

Just that discipline starts at small beginnings to carry on to emerge into a competent, efficient and well-disciplined soldier, giving them the best chance of survival in action .. again that is why we have the best armed forces.
No, your missing MY point. I agree that it wouldn't be right for police personnel to wear badges supporting political parties, religious groups, or any other organisation from the Freemasons to the Elvis Presley Fan Club. However, we're talking here about a badge containing two elements which transcend mere divisions of politics, religion, beliefs or taste - two elements which are woven into the very fabric of our national life. Firstly, our national flag, which I've seen serving soldiers wearing on their uniforms as woven patches anyway. And secondly a gesture of support for those who put their lives on the line to protect us - not support for individual wars - but support for the defenders of our nation as a whole. As Gary says, a precedent has already been established for this by policemen wearing poppies.

As for whether soldiers would understand your point of view, I couldn't really say. However, faced with a choice between small-minded, petty pedantry and a gesture of support from the folks back home, I can hazard a guess...

Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 31-07-2009 at 07:29.
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Old 31-07-2009, 09:08   #39
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
No, your missing MY point. I agree that it wouldn't be right for police personnel to wear badges supporting political parties, religious groups, or any other organisation from the Freemasons to the Elvis Presley Fan Club. However, we're talking here about a badge containing two elements which transcend mere divisions of politics, religion, beliefs or taste - two elements which are woven into the very fabric of our national life. Firstly, our national flag, which I've seen serving soldiers wearing on their uniforms as woven patches anyway. And secondly a gesture of support for those who put their lives on the line to protect us - not support for individual wars - but support for the defenders of our nation as a whole. As Gary says, a precedent has already been established for this by policemen wearing poppies.

As for whether soldiers would understand your point of view, I couldn't really say. However, faced with a choice between small-minded, petty pedantry and a gesture of support from the folks back home, I can hazard a guess...
Agree with everything you've said Wynonie, the problem we have in this country is we have too many people who think the Unon Jack as a nono in case it offends other nationalities, my answer to them is without the smile
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Old 31-07-2009, 09:20   #40
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

I agree that all this banning of flags and national symbols is ludicrous.. but I would ask who are the ones implementing these bans ?...I don't recognise the so called "PC brigade" and never seen any evidence of it's's all rubbish souped up by the media.
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Old 31-07-2009, 09:29   #41
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Well, must learn to express myself better, apologies if I appear to have offended anyone on this issue.

Daft thing is .. has been allowed, so was a non story really.
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Old 31-07-2009, 09:38   #42
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Agree with everything you've said Wynonie, the problem we have in this country is we have too many people who think the Unon Jack as a nono in case it offends other nationalities, my answer to them is without the smile
Which people are offended..who are you talking about? I don't know of anyone in everyday life that has stated they are offended by the Union Jack, do you?.. it's all Daily Mail kak.
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Old 31-07-2009, 09:43   #43

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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
What the hell's "litter and dog pooh" got to do with it? They're offensive substances anyway - hardly comparable to a simple badge.
You would be the first to complian if the Police started to wear "simple" KKK badges or something similar.
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Old 31-07-2009, 09:46   #44

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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Why don't our Police Officers have our National flag on their uniforms anyway?
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Old 31-07-2009, 09:47   #45
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Re: Banned, the police Union Flag badge that backs our troops

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You would be the first to complian if the Police started to wear "simple" KKK badges or something similar.
obviously ya aint read wyns last post.
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