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Old 20-01-2009, 14:42   #1

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Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Here is a link to the story

A TEENAGE girl is fundraising to save her cat’s life after it was targeted in a sickening attack.
Clitheroe Royal Grammar student, Muniza Mehrban, 17, said she needed to collect between £1,500 and £2,000 for an operation on elderly cat Tiddles after he was repeatedly kicked and left for dead in a gutter.......
Now the pet is in constant pain, cannot stand and has to have an expensive operation to repair his pelvis.
Am I being insensitive by thinking that if the cat is in constant pain it would be kindest to put him to sleep? It does not mention how old Tiddles is except to refer to him as elderly.

£2000 is a lot of money to spend on a cat, especially when you don't have the money and the cat is in pain.

I feel for the owners and hope the sick people that hurt the cat are punished but it is the cat the owners should be thinking about now, not themselves.
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Old 20-01-2009, 15:04   #2
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your right Neil, your not being insensitive, the poor cat sounds like it needs to be put down, yes fair enough the girl loves her cat and no cat should go through that but if its in constant pain now, is it going to be guaranteed a better life after the op?

so that cat will be in pain until the girl raises the money??? thats awful, it could take ages, months even

Last edited by flashy; 20-01-2009 at 15:06.
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Old 20-01-2009, 15:07   #3
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Here is a link to the story

Am I being insensitive by thinking that if the cat is in constant pain it would be kindest to put him to sleep? It does not mention how old Tiddles is except to refer to him as elderly.

£2000 is a lot of money to spend on a cat, especially when you don't have the money and the cat is in pain.

I feel for the owners and hope the sick people that hurt the cat are punished but it is the cat the owners should be thinking about now, not themselves.

I don't think you are being insensitive really, can understand where youre coming from and it would probably be the most humane thing to do but this obviously is a well loved family pet and they want to do all they can for it. No one wants to lose their pet but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind
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Old 20-01-2009, 15:27   #4
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

It would be kinder to put the animal down.... put I am sure someone will more than likely pay the vets bill for her..... crazy:
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Old 20-01-2009, 15:53   #5
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Should the cat's age matter, when deciding if it should be given an operation or put down?

What would you say if it had been the girl's granny who'd been attacked?
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Old 20-01-2009, 15:56   #6
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

I am a huge animal lover and firmly believe its quality of life over quantity.neil you are not being insensitive just realistic,many of us face heart breaking decisions when a much loved pet is ill or in this instance attacked.i do think its far kinder to put any animal to sleep rather than try and keep it alive for my own selfishness.And people are selfish when it comes tol oosing a pet
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Old 20-01-2009, 16:00   #7
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Odd how so many animal lovers are happy to have their pets put down when their quality of life is deemed unacceptable, yet there's so little support for human euthanasia.

People are strange animals.
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Old 20-01-2009, 16:06   #8
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Should the cat's age matter, when deciding if it should be given an operation or put down?

What would you say if it had been the girl's granny who'd been attacked?

hardly the same thing is it ... that said the cat will get more on the sympathy vote than had it been her Granny: if you can not afford vet bills ( taking into account that this kind of thing can happen ) then you should not have cats....
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Old 20-01-2009, 16:11   #9
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Should the cat's age matter, when deciding if it should be given an operation or put down?

What would you say if it had been the girl's granny who'd been attacked?
The cat is after all a cat, to compare it to someone's granny is unfair, but there are people that attack and harm both, perhaps in an ideal society we wouldn't have such a discussion, life isn't perfect, so I would choose the granny over the cat any time.
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Old 20-01-2009, 17:01   #10

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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Should the cat's age matter, when deciding if it should be given an operation or put down?
I was thinking of the cat surviving the operation depending on its age.
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Old 20-01-2009, 17:03   #11
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Unhappy Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

it would be nice if the vet did the operation free it wouldent cost any where near that
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Old 20-01-2009, 17:15   #12
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

We are in a position to decide if a cat is suffering to much to end its pain, I know Joan had to have her dalmation put to sleep a few months ago, the vet said that she would probable live for 3 to 6 months, but would be in great discomfort, even though she thought the world of the dog, she had her put to sleep there and then to save any suffering, the vet also said he would have taken the same decision if it had have been his dog
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Old 20-01-2009, 18:20   #13
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

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I would and have in the past had to put much loved pets to sleep. I equally support euthanasia. As a biker i always said i would hate to be a vegetable after an accident and would prefer the plug pulling etc. As another said quality of life is what counts.
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Old 20-01-2009, 18:30   #14
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I was thinking of the cat surviving the operation depending on its age.
I understand what you are saying, but the value we put on the quality of life of pets is very rarely applied to humans in a similar situation, where the sanctity of life is seen as paramount, and existence is usually prolonged as much as possible, despite any suffering, or with a thought to the quality of that person's life.

It just seems all a bit skewed to me.
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Old 20-01-2009, 19:25   #15
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Re: Baxenden girl needs £1,500 to save attacked cat

While this family is fund-raising the cat is suffering. It's a very sad position for the family to be in but I think they should put the immediate situation before the possibilities for the future. What if it takes weeks to raise the money? Is the cat to suffer until then?

I'd love to hear what the vet has to say. Is he/she just standing by, waving a scalpel, until they get the money together or is there another side?

I've had to make the final decision for beloved cats and dogs, in my lifetime, losing my 16 year-old bitch Jet just 3 years ago. I know how dreadfully difficult it is but I also know what's right.
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