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Old 15-03-2007, 12:21   #1
I am Banned

Baxi in Padiahm to close

I used to work there for 19 months before they got rid of alot of us just before christmas so its not suprise that this has happened. I feel sorry for most people there but not all.
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Accrington Web
Old 15-03-2007, 14:36   #2
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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

More job losses is the last thing the area needs. Even after the 90 day cosultation there are no real gaurentees that it will all be ok and people will have jobs. Chances are those that are re employed will be on a lower rate and fewer benifits.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 15-03-2007, 17:30   #3

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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
Chances are those that are re employed will be on a lower rate and fewer benifits.
Those that do move will basically be doing the job they do now at Padiham but at Preston. Terms and conditions and rates of pay are similar if not the same.
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Old 15-03-2007, 20:20   #4
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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

My hubby worked for this company for 20 years.....1977 -1997...he had a stroke whilst at work and so they pensioned him off.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 15-03-2007, 20:38   #5

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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
My hubby worked for this company for 20 years.....1977 -1997...he had a stroke whilst at work and so they pensioned him off.
Was it Potterton then or Main Gas?
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Old 15-03-2007, 21:49   #6
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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

I think it was Potterton when he started there....then changed to Main Gas...or it could have been the other way round......Hell! I don't know.

He still sees guys that he used to work with, and they all say that it is not as good as it used to be way back then......but hey what is?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 16-03-2007, 13:54   #7
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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

I wonder where the casting of the boilers will now be performed, as this is one of the 'main' ingredients in a central heating boiler?, and how are they going to absorb all these extra people at the Club Street site? This looks like another 'China Syndrome' to me.
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Old 16-03-2007, 14:41   #8

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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

Cast iron heat exchangers are old school now and are only produced for the older range boilers and as spares for older boilers. Most new boilers use cast aluminium or fabricated stainless steel heat exchangers now.
Aluminium heat exchanger's will still be produced at Preston. Some of which are exported out of the country so nothing 'Chinese' going on.

The absorption will happen because the assembly lines at Padiham are moving to Preston. The business is consolidating into one site to save overheads and reduce the cost to produce boilers.

In the global market we (Companies in the UK) have to produce goods in this country at a cost and quality to compete with other countries. If we can't compete we will lose even more of our manufacturing industry. In the current manufacturing climate most plant moves east these days so maybe Baxi is bucking this trend by moving it's lines west to Preston
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Old 16-03-2007, 15:04   #9
Resting in peace
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Re: Baxi in Padiahm to close

A company started and run by a co-director and myself, was sent to the wall by large public companies we supplied taking 6 months to pay us for goods supplied, these were our biggest overheads in the 70 and 80s Neil, basicly using small companies as interest free banks was common practice in those days. Yes I aggree it makes sense to centralise their operation, but I think they are being economic with the truth by stating the will absorb most of the jobs. Thank's for the info on boiler updates.
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