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Old 03-02-2011, 23:46   #16
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

your still missing the point, there is some nutter wandering round accrington with a knife stabbing 22 times on something he just came across.
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Old 04-02-2011, 00:40   #17
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
your still missing the point, there is some nutter wandering round accrington with a knife stabbing 22 times on something he just came across.
No. You're missing the point.

Details are scant.

Most R.S.P.C.A. officers are very nice people, who just happen to like animals. They are not veterinary pathologists.

One minute they think it was attacked by another animal. Next they decide it was stabbed.

Factual evidence, and details are scant.

Whatever happpened was obviously horrific.

Every day gross acts of cruelty are carried out against living creatures. Little boys pulling the wings off insects, mice are poisoned, wasps are attacked by chemical weapons, and are gassed to death.

Never the same outaged cries when the creature isn't cute and fluffy, with a wet nose.

Apparently a man was stabbed in Accrington today. Judging from the number of concerned posts, we can arrive at a theory about which story provokes the most passion.

Still, if this justifies your decision to have left this area, there's always an upside.

Every cloud etc.
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Last edited by garinda; 04-02-2011 at 00:42.
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Old 04-02-2011, 01:03   #18
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
your still missing the point, there is some nutter wandering round accrington with a knife stabbing 22 times on something he just came across.
You write so much guff, you should apply for a job on the local rag.

You posted 'he'.
- Where is there any evidence as to the gender of the attacker?

'Some nutter wandering round Accrington'.
- There is no factual evidence as to who, or what, killed this dog. Therefore no comment can be passed, regarding their mental health. There is also no evidence the killer is still in Accrington, wandering or not. Or if they are carrying a knife.

'Stabbing 22 times'.
- That's just blatantly incorrect. All press reports, including the linked one you gave, refer quite clearly to '18' wounds. At least try to be accurate, with what few facts there are.

Other than that, what you say is spot on.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 04-02-2011, 01:16   #19
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Although I would tend to be a little less acerbic, and having re-read the article, I fully agree with Garinda's points. Repeating, editing, and amplifying sensationalist journalism tends to obscure issues. Obviously, animal lovers and, in general, decent human beings tend to react emotionally to this incident ... esp. with that pic. But I don't see it as a sign that society is descending into chaos. Or if it is, it's one of way too many.
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Old 04-02-2011, 01:17   #20
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

By the way, did I mention that I am an optimist
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Old 04-02-2011, 01:18   #21
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Someone in London told me some sicko had been going round the east end of the city, carrying out savage attacks on good time gals. Ripping out some of their body parts.

I decided there and then, after so many years, that leaving this terrible place was the only justifiable thing to do.

Imagine my horror, upon moving to sedate and genteel Gloustorshire, that my lovely home on Cromwell Street, would prove to be as shocking.

So, belongings packed, I moved on to...
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 04-02-2011 at 01:23.
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Old 04-02-2011, 01:21   #22
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Although I would tend to be a little less acerbic, and having re-read the article, I fully agree with Garinda's points. Repeating, editing, and amplifying sensationalist journalism tends to obscure issues. Obviously, animal lovers and, in general, decent human beings tend to react emotionally to this incident ... esp. with that pic. But I don't see it as a sign that society is descending into chaos. Or if it is, it's one of way too many.

This poor dog met a horrific, and sad end to it's life.

To me that doesn't signify there's some would be serial killer, roaming the streets of the town.

I'm yet to be convinced by any evidence as to what killed it. Man, or other beast.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 04-02-2011, 01:48   #23
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
By the way, did I mention that I am an optimist
Me too.

Making us easy targets, for any passing serial killer.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 04-02-2011, 10:23   #24
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
just did, not anything as sick as that within a 5 mile radius. i have got things into perspective both are highly sick.youve both missed the point people who kill people starton animals first to stab it 22 times is the sign of a nut case of the highest order.
But since you moved back over the border CS you keep pointing out what you see as faults, I worked in Glasgow on many occasions and there wasn't a day went by that there wasn't murders or violence reported, Its not just something that happens in Accy, watch some of these animal programs featuring the nspca and you'll find animal cruelty happening nation wide, unfortunately
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:15   #25
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
But since you moved back over the border CS you keep pointing out what you see as faults, I worked in Glasgow on many occasions and there wasn't a day went by that there wasn't murders or violence reported, Its not just something that happens in Accy, watch some of these animal programs featuring the nspca and you'll find animal cruelty happening nation wide, unfortunately
sweep sweep you's still dont get it
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:19   #26
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

even if it was killed by another dog there wouldnt be 22 puncture wounds its a known fact dogs go for the one area and dont mess around other parts of the body.
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:25   #27
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
even if it was killed by another dog there wouldnt be 22 puncture wounds its a known fact dogs go for the one area and dont mess around other parts of the body.

It was eighteen wounds, not twenty two!

You can't even get that right.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 04-02-2011, 13:14   #28
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
even if it was killed by another dog there wouldnt be 22 puncture wounds its a known fact dogs go for the one area and dont mess around other parts of the body.
And you know this how?

Its a "Known Fact" I have not heard of.
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Old 04-02-2011, 16:08   #29
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re: Beagle dog stabbed to death - This is sick

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

Every day gross acts of cruelty are carried out against living creatures. Little boys pulling the wings off insects, mice are poisoned, wasps are attacked by chemical weapons, and are gassed to death.

Your replies to this thread surprise me Garinda, the above is different ... they are vermin. It is noted though that kids that pulls wings off flies are showing early signs of cruelty. As to the wasps, yes, I spray them because they scare me and treat it as a form of defence before they get me...

Could you actually do this to someone's pet ? I feel sure you wouldn't, you are a kind person. They are accepted as part of a family and well loved. The 'killer' obviously had no thought for other people's heartbreak. I agree with the R.S.P.C.A. comment that it could lead later to attacking a human being as obviously was some sort of big kick to them, and would look for something more satisfying.

It is a criminal offence too.
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Old 04-02-2011, 16:23   #30
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Originally Posted by katex View Post
Your replies to this thread surprise me Garinda, the above is different ... they are vermin. It is noted though that kids that pulls wings off flies are showing early signs of cruelty. As to the wasps, yes, I spray them because they scare me and treat it as a form of defence before they get me...

Could you actually do this to someone's pet ? I feel sure you wouldn't, you are a kind person. They are accepted as part of a family and well loved. The 'killer' obviously had no thought for other people's heartbreak. I agree with the R.S.P.C.A. comment that it could lead later to attacking a human being as obviously was some sort of big kick to them, and would look for something more satisfying.

It is a criminal offence too.
You know him, he didn't surprise you, you are using your usual high and mighty tactic.
Curious children do and always have pulled the wings off insects, it depends on the adults around them to explain that it is cruel, without guidance we are all lost.
But surely, you can be forgiven for killing your wasps, you aren't doing it slowly or with pleasure, you are doing it because they give you fear.
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