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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 15-05-2005, 22:26   #31
Senior Member
big al's Avatar

Re: Beer prices...

Seems like the issue of generic fuels could make a seperate topic & could be split off as it is detracting from the landlord issue.
I don't know much about the development or past of this "new" fuel other that a mention on a news channel. I do know that Saab/Ford do claim to have a new engine capable of running on the stuff as this is on the search engine site I accessed when looking up on the web under green fuels. It is definitely not LPG as you have used Entwisi, but a by product of vegetable oil called Mono-alkyl ester. I am not certain of the similarity with the German product. I wouldn't expect Tesco to sell something that had a history of damaging engines though, would expect they have enough backup to ensure safety of such a large selling product. I assume that this is primarily a diesel engine fuel though, not petrol.
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Accrington Web
Old 21-05-2005, 10:29   #32
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Driller's Avatar

Re: Beer prices...

Originally Posted by fireman
Can anybody tell me why beer is over £10. 00. per gallon when petrol and diesel is under £4.00. per gallon. You dont have to build a platform in the middle of the ocean, and then drill for years, to make beer, the main ingredients grow in fields and fall from the sky?
I can get 4 cans odf tennats super frommy my offie for £4.00 and it gets me ok ... stop moanin
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