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02-05-2007, 23:11
Accy Goddess
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Re: Beggers
No racism in tented by the remark I thought these people looked after there own.
Perhaps I should have written I thought Muslims took care of their own.
02-05-2007, 23:12
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Re: Beggers
Originally Posted by Remedi
As to the thread going 'off message' I thought that was a nautural evolution of the discussion- apologies if that is not acceptable but I thought that was kind of the whole point of a forum.
Just looked your a newbie.On Accyweb they try and keep thing 'ON TOPIC'
dont know what forums you go on but the others I go on are exactly the same to.As I am reading both threads you are participating in one word comes to mind 'TROLL'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you can actually understand the terminology
02-05-2007, 23:15
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Re: Beggers
Originally Posted by Remedi
'These people are Romanian gypsies. There was a plague of em down here until about 5 years ago'
and these people have what worthwhile redeemable qualities ?
nothing more than human vermin

02-05-2007, 23:50
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Re: Beggers
Originally Posted by ANNE
No racism in tented by the remark I thought these people looked after there own.
Perhaps I should have written I thought Muslims took care of their own.
That is exactly what the beggar was banking on isn't it? She was hoping that you would be a Muslim opening the door and that you would see her as a fellow Muslim and help her.
Would it have been racist if your beggar had claimed to be a Mormon and you'd said "I thought they looked after their own." Same difference. Islam is a religion, not a race.
02-05-2007, 23:56
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Re: Beggers
Originally Posted by Remedi
Of course and that is so easy and accessible for someone with a child to do- easy to not worry that your child will be taken into care for example and of course you would get so much help as a result. Getting back to reality this is simply not a viable option for many people.
Then I suggest that a child might be better protected by being taken into care by Social Services, than used as an accessory by a door to door beggar.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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03-05-2007, 00:03
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Re: Beggers
Originally Posted by Remedi
To suggest that Germany or France for that matter are safe countries for immigrants is naieve in the extreme.
I suggest it is you who are naive.
Have you been to France or Germany?
In both countries there are immigrants living quite safely and happily, from countries linked to both Germany and France's colonial past.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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03-05-2007, 06:39
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Re: Beggers
is it only me thats thinking Remedi is an anagram of gondola?
03-05-2007, 09:02
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Re: Beggers
Originally Posted by garinda
Then I suggest that a child might be better protected by being taken into care by Social Services, than used as an accessory by a door to door beggar.
Garinda, I agree wholeheartedly.
I understand that children are 'borrowed' from other beggars to be used in what might be described as emotional blackmail. I consider this to be abuse.
I don't give hard cash to anyone who begs although I have no problem buying them some food, but occasionally this is a mistake. A friend of mine gave a couple of Greggs pasties to a beggar sat outside Woolies on Broadway and was thanked by having them thrown back at her accompanied by a barrage of abuse. Obviously not as hungry as he made out!!
03-05-2007, 09:11
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Beggers
Personally, I do not part with cash to anyone at my front door unless I owe it to them. Therefore, I will happily pay my window cleaner at the front door but nobody else. This is not racist but sensible, it does not mean that I am not charitable but I will not be scammed by anyone and people asking for money in any way shape or form starts to ring alarm bells in my head. I will not give bank details at the door or over the phone but I have donated to several charities so far this year. These donations have been through sponsorship, ie walks, London Marathon etc...
I do not see the refusal to give money to a beggar as racist, it is personal choice (something that we are all entitled to). We have all seen instances where throwing money at problems does not solve them, even TB has admittd this recently. I would direct door to door beggars to Maundy Grange.
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
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05-05-2007, 04:25
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Re: Beggers
it was sooooooo funny today.
those romanian beggers were at it again today - this time outside the mosque at friday prayers - stood outside doin the whole allah will bless u thing. two women and a kid of around 6-7. everyone just blanked them and walked on. i thought more would've fallen for it but thankfully they didnt.
after they were over they were up and down blackburn rd doin the whole knockin on doors routine... in light of the elections i think we should bring this up to our newly elected council chambers...
oh and then i saw a real clash of cultures. working in manc *they're there too* a woman approached a girl who was clearly upset having lost her bag for some beggin money and the girl just snapped. does it effing look like i have a penny to give u!? as she swung her arm knocking the cup outta her hand. small pleasures make you smile.
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05-05-2007, 08:03
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: Beggers
they shouldnt come into this country bloody begging, probably not even supposed to be here!!
is it just me or do the romanian men give you the creeps, everytime i see one i get shivers, they look evil!!
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05-05-2007, 08:33
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Re: Beggers
Any aggressive begging gives me the creeps.
05-05-2007, 23:46
Accy Goddess
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Re: Beggers
They have been at it again. different woman same writing on note. When she opened her gob she had loads of gold teeth. If I hadn't been so tired after working a fourteen hour shift I would have told her to sell her teeth instead of pestering me.
06-05-2007, 01:45
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Re: Beggers
Originally Posted by ANNE
They have been at it again. different woman same writing on note. When she opened her gob she had loads of gold teeth. If I hadn't been so tired after working a fourteen hour shift I would have told her to sell her teeth instead of pestering me.
Bare faced cheek that. Never mind the dentist I would have done it there and then.
06-05-2007, 06:56
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: Beggers
where are all these beggers at? which part of accy?
so im prepared for the clampits 
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