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Well sorry,if that aint criticizing someone who served in Afghanistan, I must be stupid.
I should of said I'm not going to criticise him (anymore).
I had a dipstick moment an yes I should of known better .
I was however rather reserved with my comment as I really do hate war,especially the one in question.
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
Now,Benefit sanctions and their consequences hmmmmm.
Have they have thought it through,Do they know the consequences of sanctions?
Yes I certainly think they have and they do know.
Surely they know how poverty causes social decay,Are they are trying to break down society to create fear? It certainly looks that way.
I'm beginning to think the powers that be want people to give up an hurt,rob,even kill each other
It's not about not wanting to admit failure,to them, they didn't fail, they have succeeded in their goal to create a divided society, a vicious and scared out of control world, where the majority of folk feel unsafe...well they've certainly done that .
For a lot of folk there is no solution to their predicament, no light at the end of the tunnel so they turn to substances to escape which in a lot of cases turns into substance abuse an more anti social behaviour/misery.
Anyway I'm going to leave it there (for now),rant over
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
Pardon me for asking this, but haven't we done all this to death in the previous posts?
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Pardon me for asking this, but haven't we done all this to death in the previous posts?
I wouldn't say we've done "all this to death",it's a tricky subject with lots of different avenues.I maybe wrong though (wouldn't be fist time,probably won't be the last)
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
I don't think that the 'Majority' of folk feel unsafe.
Nor do I think what you posted was a rant, I'm sorry to have to repeat myself, more like the ravings of someone that is yet again attempting to appear knowledgeable and failing.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
I don't think that the 'Majority' of folk feel unsafe.
Nor do I think what you posted was a rant, I'm sorry to have to repeat myself, more like the ravings of someone that is yet again attempting to appear knowledgeable and failing.
I disagree less,also its not a attempt to appear knowledgable.
And I'm sorry to have to repeat myself,but your boring me 'again'
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
I really think we have discussed it fully. There are many people out there who fail to take responsibility for themselves, preferring to let the government do the legwork.
There are always going to be people in need, but there is not in inexhaustible pot of money.
Until some kind of reform takes place there is going to be arguments about who are the worthy ones to get benefits.
I have said much about this in both this post and others before it.
I am definitely not against helping those in need, but I am against those who feel that the rest of us should pull our tripes out while they sit on the sofa and do precious little to look after themselves.
I do not begrudge the chancellor taking tax out of my pension to give to those who are in need - I do begrudge it being given to those who have no intention of working and think that working(when you can get more in benefits) is a mugs game.
With rights go responsibilies...much is made of rights, but not much is made of responsibilities.
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
I really think we have discussed it fully. There are many people out there who fail to take responsibility for themselves, preferring to let the government do the legwork.
There are always going to be people in need, but there is not in inexhaustible pot of money.
Until some kind of reform takes place there is going to be arguments about who are the worthy ones to get benefits.
I have said much about this in both this post and others before it.
I am definitely not against helping those in need, but I am against those who feel that the rest of us should pull our tripes out while they sit on the sofa and do precious little to look after themselves.
I do not begrudge the chancellor taking tax out of my pension to give to those who are in need - I do begrudge it being given to those who have no intention of working and think that working(when you can get more in benefits) is a mugs game.
With rights go responsibilies...much is made of rights, but not much is made of responsibilities.
I agree Margaret.
I'm not trying to be clever,but your missing the Point of my post (sactions and the aftermath).
Benefits or entitlements as they use to be known,along with how they are distributed have (most likely) been discussed "to death".
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
No. I am not missing the point at all.(and nowhere have I implied that you are trying to be clever) I appreciate that sanctions will cause hardship....but I realise that the welfare system is unable to cope with all those who expect to be able to draw from it.....I also realise that something has to be done.
All options will have some degree of hardship for those who are targetted.
Many of the problems exist because no single party has had the guts to do something radical with the benefits system...they have just tinkered around the edges.
It hasn't helped that people who have migrated here from European countries have been able to claim benefits for which they have paid nothing...that benefits go out of the country, back to their country of origin. Where the money buys much more because of the low cost of living in their home countries.
These issues need to be addressed and whichever party does this will be the villains of the piece.
Frank Field(the Labour MP for Birkenhead, Minister for Benefit Reform for 97 -98) tried for years to reform benefits....but came up against all kinds of opposition.
If benefits had been reformed then we would not be in the position we are in.
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
For what it's worth ( and believe me,I know) people's benefits are usually sanctioned because they have either failed to attend appointments, aren't showing enough effort in looking for work, haven't provided the information they have been asked for, the DWP have been informed of some change or other from a third party or they simply haven't signed on. Not rocket science, and once the Jobseekers or ESA gets suspended the local authority is informed and the Housing benefit also gets suspended. Local Authorities mirror the DWP decisions, that's the way it works.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
Thank you for your input Lindsay. Very enlightening.
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
For what it's worth ( and believe me,I know) people's benefits are usually sanctioned because they have either failed to attend appointments, aren't showing enough effort in looking for work, haven't provided the information they have been asked for, the DWP have been informed of some change or other from a third party or they simply haven't signed on. Not rocket science, and once the Jobseekers or ESA gets suspended the local authority is informed and the Housing benefit also gets suspended. Local Authorities mirror the DWP decisions, that's the way it works.
Thanks for your input Lindsay.
I'm aware it's not "rocket science",If I can get it,then it must be child's play
Genuine folk who are unlucky enough to find themselves on benefits are struggling,while folk that know how to play the system,for example,criminals on benefits are doing alright from said system.
Its the genuine claimants though that are losing everything because they might have missed a appointment or didn't fill in their job search correctly so them bleeps at the job centre sanction them,it's these folk that I'm concerned about not the lazy,criminal ones.
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.