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Old 07-09-2014, 08:25   #301
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Yes, we had those similar which I replied 'my house, my rules...if you want something different go and live with them'.
These days children are treated as equals(too much 'lip' and answering back)...when they cannot be equal until they have some experience of life.
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Old 07-09-2014, 10:04   #302
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

I think secondary schools are also very different now too. Years ago, kids were being prepared for the big wide world of work and reality,,some of the teachers were pretty fierce too. These days, a lot of the teachers don't seem much older than the year elevens, I've seen the teachers 'high fiving' the kids on the corridors and treating them like mates. Where's the respect ? Kids need some sort of discipline and guidelines rather than just indulgence, no wonder they're leaving school behaving like they did when they started.
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Old 08-09-2014, 23:28   #303
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
...Where's the respect ? Kids need some sort of discipline and guidelines rather than just indulgence...
I fully agree. Every year, teachers are facing an incoming cohort of kids with reduced morals, respect and motivation. Teachers are supposed to be part of the solution, not the only solution. Your stories of younger teachers high-fiving kids just seems (to me) to be them trying to connect in a different way to what was acceptable a quarter century ago.

When you get a legal system with teeth and parents who care, that's when you can start complaining about teachers' methods that you don't agree with.

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Old 09-09-2014, 13:58   #304
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
I fully agree. Every year, teachers are facing an incoming cohort of kids with reduced morals, respect and motivation. Teachers are supposed to be part of the solution, not the only solution. Your stories of younger teachers high-fiving kids just seems (to me) to be them trying to connect in a different way to what was acceptable a quarter century ago.

things are different now because teachers cant punish kids and your right part of it is that they try to be pupils mates so the pupils behave but also part of it is so that pupils like them enough so that they dont get mum or dad battering down the doors trying to smash their faces in.

parents used to back teachers up or if a child got in trouble it used to be a long walk home trying to think of how you can break the news to yuor parents that you had got in trouble.These days its how dare you shout at or punish my child ill kick your teeth in.

things have got so soft schools from what i was told by my youngests school are no longer allowed to give lines out .It may not be that they are banned it maybe in the process of trying to be best mates with pupils the practice has been abandoned.

for every 100 people that want tougher rules in schools there will be 1 person who objects and sadly it will always be that 1 person who gets listened to
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Old 09-09-2014, 18:06   #305
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Bedroom Tax 'tormented cancer victim to death' when she was forced to move home despite illness - Mirror Online

Another example of someone who's a victim of IDS's vile policy
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Old 09-09-2014, 22:15   #306
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
also the council have a descretion over this and could very easily have prevented this from happening infact the council are fully to blame and although the policy is vile the council did not need to impliment it to this woman
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Old 10-09-2014, 05:37   #307
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

The 'true cost' of the governments/councils callous disregard for's sick (even to me).
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Old 15-10-2014, 23:50   #308
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

"Disabled not worth Minimum wage"

Looks like one of tories has let slip their true views about the disabled although scameron says it's not the Tory view (cough cough BS).

Esther McVey said "These words will haunt him"

BBC News - Welfare minister apologises for disability pay comments

This (sick) excuse of a human should resign or be sacked imo.He reflects the increasingly Nazi approach by UKIP and the Tories on welfare and compassion in society. The very same society that arch Tory Thatcher said did not exist.
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 15-10-2014 at 23:55.
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Old 16-10-2014, 00:58   #309
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
"Disabled not worth Minimum wage"

Looks like one of tories has let slip their true views about the disabled although scameron says it's not the Tory view (cough cough BS).

if it wasnt the official tory view they would never have had the purge on the ill and disabled they did when they contracted ATOS to kick as many people off benefit as they could.

they made been ill and disabled a social stigma just as they do the poor and poverty stricken and to be honest i dont know who is worse the party that tries to make it this way or the mugs that accept the vileness they spew
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Old 16-10-2014, 02:04   #310
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
if it wasnt the official tory view they would never have had the purge on the ill and disabled they did when they contracted ATOS to kick as many people off benefit as they could.

they made been ill and disabled a social stigma just as they do the poor and poverty stricken and to be honest i dont know who is worse the party that tries to make it this way or the mugs that accept the vileness they spew
Freud is part of the Elite class that think the untnrmenchen should be enslaved with any excuse to pay them as little as possible and if not they become useless eaters.At least the Tories were honest about their inhumane views, the modern fascists work by deception by pretending to care about human beings.I assume Freud was just thinking aloud but to be honest he ought to have just kept his trap shut.
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Old 18-12-2014, 08:46   #311
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Yet another victim of IDS's BS,just when you thought our government couldn't get any lower

Forced to pay the cruel Bedroom Tax because of the death of her hero son in Afghanistan - Ros Wynne Jones - Mirror Online

Yet IDS claims for everything from wet wipes to toilet roll.........well, I suppose he has got a lot of blood on his hands and then on top of that,the dirty rat has the cheek to laugh during debates,what a vile creature
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 18-12-2014 at 08:52.
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Old 18-12-2014, 09:00   #312
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Aye but after the election if Labour win, Clegg has said he will NOT support em to remove this tax.
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Old 18-12-2014, 09:25   #313
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Aye but after the election if Labour win, Clegg has said he will NOT support em to remove this tax.
He's another example of the type of folk that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government
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Old 18-12-2014, 16:19   #314

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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

I understand the idea of the bedroom tax, why should the benefits system pay for people to live in bigger houses than they need? The problem is with it's implementation. Being fined because there are no suitable houses around isn't fair nor are the other newspaper story cases.

We have people up north losing housing benefits for houses costing a fraction of what housing benefit is paying for down south. Maybe that should be addressed first.
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Old 18-12-2014, 16:24   #315
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Of all the things this Government has done I think the 'bedroom tax' is the most unfair.

By all means if there is smaller, more suitable accommodation available charge the tax on people who refuse to move into it. Otherwise, it's not justifiable.
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