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05-02-2015, 14:26
Coffin Dodger.
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
One who thinks we live in a democracy, is simply delusional imho.  It just seems like we do, cos we dont behead or set people alight.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-02-2015, 14:43
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Originally Posted by Studio25
So all I need to do to get out of my council tax debts is write to them saying I have mental issues and that if they chase the debt I may top myself?
Or if I don't write to them, and they have no idea of my mental state, they will get villified for not taking that into account if I do commit suicide?
Sounds to me like an organisation trying to treat everyone fairly and collect what is due does not have any way to come out of this with a course of action that pleases everyone.
You might think that abstinence from "the system" absolves you from any blame, but you share equal blame for the way things are with everyone else who lives in this democracy. That's how democracy works - if you care at all about the way the country is run, you vote. If you care enough about the way the country is run, you canvass, volunteer, put yourself forward for election etc. If you don't care, or think they are all as bad as each other, then you don't vote, but that reduces your eligibility to complain about the way things are being run. If you care enough to complain on a forum, you care enough to put X on a piece of paper.
Obviously each case has to be judged on its own merits,the example I gave outlines a major failure (imo) in our current "system".
The council overpaid the money and because of health issues the poor guy didn't respond and buried his head in the sand....which is obviously the wrong thing to do but fact is folk who suffer from depression etc sadly tend to choice this path over any others.
As for debt collection agencies they are right up there on the scumbag chart alongside the politicians.they are glorified thugs with no compassion in my eyes.
I guess what I'm saying is,lessons should be learned from these kind of deaths.
I wonder what the figures are for our local folk that have had benefit related deaths,deaths were denial of benefits etc was undeniably a factor in their decision to take their own life.
Would a freedom of information request get these answers from HBC etc? Hmmm.
I bet DWP,HBC etc deny any connection at all between benefit reforms/cuts and the deaths of claimants.
A total contrast to what I believe,that these deaths 'ARE' as a direct result of IDC’s vile policies and that he should be called to account for his BS.
As for living in a "democracy" hmmm....you keep telling yourself that.
05-02-2015, 14:54
Beacon of light
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Voting changes nothing....if it did they would stop us from doing it.
It is interesting to note that in the last couple of decades the goverment has not been the choice of the majority of people in this country.....and the only way you could get a true representation of a majority would be to have proportional representation.
Each new party which comes on the scene dilutes the chances of a government selected by a majority of the electorate.
Making it illegal not to vote would not be a step forward as there is always the possibility of spoiling your ballot paper.
I think that the current political system is bankrupt....and the electorate are increasingly disillusioned with not just politicians, but politics in general.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-02-2015, 18:51
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Originally Posted by Studio25
So all I need to do to get out of my council tax debts is write to them saying I have mental issues and that if they chase the debt I may top myself?
Or if I don't write to them, and they have no idea of my mental state, they will get villified for not taking that into account if I do commit suicide?
Sounds to me like an organisation trying to treat everyone fairly and collect what is due does not have any way to come out of this with a course of action that pleases everyone.
You might think that abstinence from "the system" absolves you from any blame, but you share equal blame for the way things are with everyone else who lives in this democracy. That's how democracy works - if you care at all about the way the country is run, you vote. If you care enough about the way the country is run, you canvass, volunteer, put yourself forward for election etc. If you don't care, or think they are all as bad as each other, then you don't vote, but that reduces your eligibility to complain about the way things are being run. If you care enough to complain on a forum, you care enough to put X on a piece of paper.
THANK YOU, I saw his answer this morning, I was tempted to say similar to yourself, but then I thought no for two reasons:-
1/ He would say I was picking on him, (something I never do, I only pick on his lack of thought).
2/ let someone else point out that not paying your own taxes, puts the bill straight onto those that are vulnerable causing them to die because of your own greed.
Oh sod it let's have a three.
3/ not voting as some 60% often don't leaves the road clear for uncaring politicians to be put in place and come up with laws that leech on the vulnerable.
My conclusion? Accyexplorer is far more guilty than a great deal of ordinary folk or councils and yet has the brass nerve to think he is one of the righteous!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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05-02-2015, 18:59
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Originally Posted by Less
THANK YOU, I saw his answer this morning, I was tempted to say similar to yourself, but then I thought no for two reasons:-
1/ He would say I was picking on him, (something I never do, I only pick on his lack of thought).
2/ let someone else point out that not paying your own taxes, puts the bill straight onto those that are vulnerable causing them to die because of your own greed.
Oh sod it let's have a three.
3/ not voting as some 60% often don't leaves the road clear for uncaring politicians to be put in place and come up with laws that leech on the vulnerable.
My conclusion? Accyexplorer is far more guilty than a great deal of ordinary folk or councils and yet has the brass nerve to think he is one of the righteous!
After reading that, I don't know if your as intelligent as I thought you were or your just after a increase in your care plan.
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
05-02-2015, 19:00
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Originally Posted by cashman
One who thinks we live in a democracy, is simply delusional imho.  It just seems like we do, cos we dont behead or set people alight.
Wouldn't disagree, however does that make Accyexplorer right because he dodged taxes forcing the deficit required onto the vulnerable?
Is Accyexplorer right to ignore his responsibility at the ballot thus allowing couldn't care less folk to be governed by couldn't care less politicians?
We all need to get off our arses and vote, the difference it would make is almost negligible, as Margaret always says, 'if voting made a difference they wouldn't let us do it'.
But if and it's a big if, 60% voted, those in power just might think twice before introducing draconian measures, it could just put their jobs on the line.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
Last edited by Less; 05-02-2015 at 19:04.
05-02-2015, 19:12
Beacon of light
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Less, I think most politicians think they are fireproof....that nothing the electorate can do will affect them.
They invariably say one thing to get elected ( like our own elected representative) and then once elected, they please themselves.
They are not in politics to make our mundane lives better, but to make their own lives, their bank balance and their future better.
This is the reason why moderate people either fail to connect(and don't vote) become disillusioned with everything which politics stands for.
I struggled last time but in the end voted for someone who(I thought) knew the area, the people, the problems....and as a result of this local knowledge, would do the best for us in this area.
Wrong on all counts....I had not learned the lessons of the past.
I won't be making that mistake next time.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-02-2015, 20:37
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Less, I think most politicians think they are fireproof....that nothing the electorate can do will affect them.
They invariably say one thing to get elected ( like our own elected representative) and then once elected, they please themselves.
They are not in politics to make our mundane lives better, but to make their own lives, their bank balance and their future better.
This is the reason why moderate people either fail to connect(and don't vote) become disillusioned with everything which politics stands for.
I struggled last time but in the end voted for someone who(I thought) knew the area, the people, the problems....and as a result of this local knowledge, would do the best for us in this area.
Wrong on all counts....I had not learned the lessons of the past.
I won't be making that mistake next time.
Under no circumstances do I disagree with you Margaret, however I do disagree with someone that claims a Council has blood on it's hands even though they didn't make the law they are forced to uphold when he then openly admits his actions are probably more likely to have caused the very thing he claims to abhor.
Vote, or don't vote everyone's choice, pay your rightful taxes or commit embezzlement, again your choice, but don't pretend if you are like him that you aren't part of the problem that leads to the death's of the vulnerable.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
05-02-2015, 21:20
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
And..By the way...Democracy is a myth....like Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny......
Woooha, this is supposed to be a family site, we can't have you writing such lies
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05-02-2015, 21:30
Beacon of light
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Myths Neil....not lies.
I actually believe in Santa more than I do democracy.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-02-2015, 21:40
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
I'll let you off just this once 
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05-02-2015, 22:03
Beacon of light
Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Thank you Neil.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
07-02-2015, 05:34
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Reports of this latest 'benefits death' have led me to learn of -
UK Welfare Reform Deaths ~ Updated List ~ October 21st 2014 | Black Triangle Campaign
About Black Triangle | Black Triangle Campaign
extract -
'The Nazis forced people with mental and other disabilities to wear black triangles in the extermination camps during the Holocaust. The generic classification they used was “Arbeitsscheu” – literally “Workshy”. This term is also the one most favoured in our right-wing tabloid press to described incapacity and disability benefit claimants today.'
We can no longer regard our society as civilised - we just use more subtle methods of execution than some others.
07-02-2015, 11:53
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Sadly those cases are not isolated and are no doubt "the tip of the iceberg" 1000s of folk are falling foul to this governments evil agenda.
The sick and mentally ill, in a lot of cases, are extremely unwell and absolutely unfit for work yet they are being forced to work via Atos.
While those on other benefits are being unfairly sanctioned from jobcentres that are under pressure to meet targets.
We need to see a complete overhaul of the whole system if we are to ensure nobody else falls through the cracks and takes their own life
More on Malcolm Burge's story:-
The appalling death of a man caught up in benefits nightmare - Home News - UK - The Independent
12-02-2015, 09:55
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
Give free council homes in exchange for benefits
Is this just a distract and confuse media story with politics instead of health issues? Hmmm
What about those folk that have to work to have a roof over their head?
IF ,and that's a big if,this happens it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen to me, it sounds more like a way of getting poorer folk to vote Conpervative (deliberate spelling error)...then,as usual, after the election it will be quietly dropped never to be spoke of again.
Last edited by Accyexplorer; 12-02-2015 at 09:58.
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