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Old 11-02-2014, 13:24   #91

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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Do a quick google, bribe a few bankers and you'll be able to see how much he's managed to tuck away in his off shore Nigerian account!
Don't mention the Nigerian one it's supposed to be hush hush
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Old 11-02-2014, 13:47   #92
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Don't mention the Nigerian one it's supposed to be hush hush

Not a problem, if ever the authorities catch up with you, I can spam a few folk that have the same name as you and find a sucker to take the blame.
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Old 11-02-2014, 19:13   #93
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Don't mention the Nigerian one it's supposed to be hush hush
So you're this Nigerian Prince who's come in to some wad & wants to give me a share if I let you put it through my account?
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 12-02-2014, 16:50   #94
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
But it is strange when those on benefits can have children , when those who are in work have to stop and consider whether they can actually afford to have another child.
Benefits should never be worth more than a wage, and living on benefits should never be a lifestyle choice.
I've said for years that you have to be very rich or very poor to afford a large family!

3 of my neighbours (in 3-bedroom houses) - couples who've been scamming the benefits system for years & whose children have grown up & moved on have been re-located due to the 'bedroom' tax - hoorah!

Hope they are found fit to work on re-assessment (because they are).
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Old 12-02-2014, 17:45   #95
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Well I am from a large family(7 children)...but when my parents were raising us there were no welfare benefits - unless you count free cod liver oil (yeeeuk) and clinic orange juice(yum).
OK they got family allowance for the first child...and we got free school meals(means tested of course)...but other than that there was nothing.
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Old 12-02-2014, 23:25   #96
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

welfare system that encourages people to scrounge off state

Read more: Benefits Street's White Dee says she will stand as MP | Mail Online

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Old 18-02-2014, 09:58   #97
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Former Accrington pub landlady overpaid Ł17k (From Lancashire Telegraph)

Another example of why folks attitude to those on benefits is changing.
(For the record I assume she was trying to pull a fast un...Ł16k-Ł27k in the bank an she didn't know....yeah alright,obviously she wasn't that strapped for cash).
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Old 18-02-2014, 10:18   #98
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Former Accrington pub landlady overpaid Ł17k (From Lancashire Telegraph)

Another example of why folks attitude to those on benefits is changing.
(For the record I assume she was trying to pull a fast un...Ł16k-Ł27k in the bank an she didn't know....yeah alright,obviously she wasn't that strapped for cash).
No, it's another example of someone dishonest getting caught, just a shame they only get a slap on the wrist. Then what happens is that people with very simple brains add 2 and 2 together inevitably to exaggerate the figures up to 5 and decide,

'All scroungers are on benefits therefore all those on benefits are scroungers'.

Similar to stupidity making people believe, 'all horses are mammals therefore all mammals are horses'.

I'm sick of doing this in an attempt to enlighten the stupid:-

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 18-02-2014, 10:36   #99
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Less....didn't Cashy ever tell you.......You can't put sense where there isn't any
Lord knows we have been trying hard enough and long enough with the chap from the land where men wear skirts.
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Old 18-02-2014, 11:16   #100
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well I am from a large family(7 children)...but when my parents were raising us there were no welfare benefits - unless you count free cod liver oil (yeeeuk) and clinic orange juice(yum).
OK they got family allowance for the first child...and we got free school meals(means tested of course)...but other than that there was nothing.
Margaret, Five shillings was given for each and every child after the first, and from memory was given in the mothers name.
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Old 18-02-2014, 11:42   #101
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

I will ask Ma.....I was under the impression that it was just for the first child and it was ten bob(which was quite a bit back then). I know that we didn't get much.
Ma worked at three jobs to try to make ends meet. I also,remember that she was checked out at Accy Vic because they thought she might have TB....she was very thin.It was because she would have a cup of very weak coffee and a fag instead of a that we could have what food there was.

It was certainly a very tough struggle.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-02-2014, 01:05   #102
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I will ask Ma.....I was under the impression that it was just for the first child and it was ten bob(which was quite a bit back then). I know that we didn't get much.
Ma worked at three jobs to try to make ends meet. I also,remember that she was checked out at Accy Vic because they thought she might have TB....she was very thin.It was because she would have a cup of very weak coffee and a fag instead of a that we could have what food there was.

It was certainly a very tough struggle.
Sorry Margaret, when i said it was five shillings for every child after the first, i should have stated that was for the years mid 40s to early 50s. I thought that it was about that era you were relating too. I got more than five shillings for mine but that was from the mid sixties.
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Old 19-02-2014, 07:40   #103
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Yes, that was the era I was growing up.
I saw Ma yesterday, but she has wiped that information from the hard drive - her brain.
She says that at her age(86)it isn't important anymore.
She used to send me for the child allowance to the post office on Nuttall St......I can remember always coming home with a rusty brown ten shilling note. She would then send me downtown the 'bottom shop' on The corner of Marsden St to pay off her 'tick' bill......things we had had without paying for until the family allowance was due.
If it had not been for this arrangement we would not have survived.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-02-2014, 08:09   #104
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes, that was the era I was growing up.
I saw Ma yesterday, but she has wiped that information from the hard drive - her brain.
She says that at her age(86)it isn't important anymore.
She used to send me for the child allowance to the post office on Nuttall St......I can remember always coming home with a rusty brown ten shilling note. She would then send me downtown the 'bottom shop' on The corner of Marsden St to pay off her 'tick' bill......things we had had without paying for until the family allowance was due.
If it had not been for this arrangement we would not have survived.
It made me feel claustrophobic that post office,and the "bottom shop" seemed to always have a nice smell of incense if I remember rightly.
If it wasn't for 'tick' a lot of folk would of gone without,Nothing much has changed in that respect
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Old 19-02-2014, 08:20   #105
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
If it wasn't for 'tick' a lot of folk would of gone without,Nothing much has changed in that respect

It was the original payday loan, without the extortionate interest.
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