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Old 07-02-2014, 15:56   #1
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Just a (little) thread to ask questions,share views,experiences,offer advice From "benefit street/Britian to "benefit bashing" to friendly benefit advice.

If you think folk on benefits are working the system and have become experts at it then share your view.
Maybe you think CH4 should release a tax avoidance crescent series .
Have you had a pleasant experience or been knocked off benefits and wish to share that experience,then please do so.

Remember-Your taxes DON'T pay for welfare benefits plus the safety net that is welfare state is there to catch anyone who falls on hard times, including you.
So try and be nice
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Old 07-02-2014, 16:22   #2

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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Do you mean tax avoidance or just following HM Revenue and Customs rules when completing your tax return
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Old 07-02-2014, 16:27   #3
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
share views,experiences,offer advice
What views, experience and advice are you looking for/offering?

We have plenty of very good threads already covering the subjects concerning benefits & scroungers.
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Old 07-02-2014, 16:29   #4
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

I am all for benefits being a helping hand...a safety net, but if am against people being on them for a lifetime.
I really do feel,that being on benefits traps the poor, and the vulnerable. It takes away their dignity, self esteem and self reliance.
I find the Channel 4 program unhelpful, they sensationalise what is a very lamentable situation.....but then if the didn't do that there would be nothing worth watching.
This program, like Jeremy Kyle is toxic TV.

As for the possibility of a program about tax avoiders - well, it is legal to avoid taxes.....and businesses are in business to make money, so of course if there is a chance for them to minimise their outgoings they will take it.
The real problem is that the government know of the loopholes that these companies exploit.
Loopholes that are not available to the likes of you and me.
If the government closed these loopholes, made the likes of Google, Starbucks, Amazon et al pay their rightful dues then there would be enough in the pot to fund everything and sort out the flood defences as well.
And it isn't just this government that are at fault - these loopholes have been used for a long government, of any colour have had the cojones to do the decent thing.
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Old 07-02-2014, 16:37   #5
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am all for benefits being a helping hand...a safety net, but if am against people being on them for a lifetime.
I really do feel,that being on benefits traps the poor, and the vulnerable. It takes away their dignity, self esteem and self reliance.

And it isn't just this government that are at fault - these loopholes have been used for a long government, of any colour have had the cojones to do the decent thing.
In a nutshell, n those who wear Red or Blue rosettes n tub thump fer there respective parties are too damn stupid to see this.
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Old 07-02-2014, 22:38   #6
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
If you think folk on benefits are working the system and have become experts at it then share your view.
Maybe you think CH4 should release a tax avoidance crescent series .
Have you had a pleasant experience or been knocked off benefits and wish to share that experience,then please do so. you have an opinion?

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Remember-Your taxes DON'T pay for welfare benefits

Revealed: how much you pay towards benefit bill - Telegraph

this would seem to disagree with your statement, care to elaborate and change my mind?
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Old 07-02-2014, 22:43   #7
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Thank you Guinness for posting the link to that article.
It is most enlightening.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 08-02-2014, 07:41   #8
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Less View Post
What views, experience and advice are you looking for/offering?

We have plenty of very good threads already covering the subjects concerning benefits & scroungers.
Defining a forum was silly ,The views I'm looking for will be those to some of the questions i have,for example,Is bringing in minimum wages pointless when their are no maximum payment restrictions for rent, gas, electricity?. With current government policies, more people are going to be pushed out of employment due to apparently uncontrollable rising costs. Resulting in a bigger burden on the welfare state.
Have benefits have become just a way of life?
Is the Royal Family is a net loss to the state rather than an income generator?

The views I'll be offering will probably be from my pointless,pot stirring collection :Probably wont be anything that has not been known/said previously but time will tell
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Old 08-02-2014, 08:22   #9
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post you have an opinion?


Revealed: how much you pay towards benefit bill - Telegraph

this would seem to disagree with your statement, care to elaborate and change my mind?
I see far too much of this 'scrounger' hating.I'd suspect that there comes a point where people have been unemployed for so long that they become institutionalised by the benefits trap. The disparity between benefit provision and the rising cost of living means that the longer you're on benefits the more defensively you have to manage your finances and your lifestyle as a whole. It comes to the point where you're not trying to make ends meet this month, but you're trying to make ends meet for last month. Life becomes a battle against drowning, and swimming back to shore becomes less possible.

Maybe what I should of said is none of your hard earned taxes pay for any welfare benefits.Its paid entirely from NI contributions. The only people getting 'benefits' from the tax you pay are MPs. I think MPs should be means tested,and this is where cuts should be made,before they get their heating (and everything else) paid for while 80yr old Betty at No4 is too scared to put the heating on.
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Old 08-02-2014, 09:18   #10
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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I don't see enough scrounger hating, I have no problem with genuine claimants but scroungers? No use to man nor beast.
I realise your heart is in the right place, you are obviously a caring sort of person, however you aren't saying anything that hasn't been said elsewhere.
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Old 08-02-2014, 09:20   #11
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Those who are on benefits pay neither income tax or NI contributions.
The only taxes they pay rely entirely on how they spend their money.
And in my post to this thread I have said that benefits trap people into the kind of lifestyle that is unhealthy.
This was done by a government that knew what it was was making a section of the electorate subservient.....because they needed the financial help to survive.(it gave that political party a 'hold' over them)
But I would say that survival is a long way from living.....and it it what those who are on a basic pension do - they survive, because it doesn't give enough money to live.
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Old 08-02-2014, 09:29   #12
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

However you cut it......those who are in work pay for those who are out of work(for whatever reason).
Using the term 'scrounger' is like using the term 'racist' is calculated to stifle discussion.
We have been brainwashed to think in politically correct ways and to use terms that will not offend.
What would you call those people who claim benefits when they are perfectly capable of work? Who just want an easy life? Who want their fags and tattoos paid for by those of us who have worked all of our lives?
What would you call those people who draw benefits and work in the black economy?
I'm not being fly, I would genuinely like to know.

It is these people who draw benefits when they do not need them who are really depriving the needy, the vulnerable...of a service that they actually need. It is STEALING!
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 08-02-2014, 10:36   #13
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
However you cut it......those who are in work pay for those who are out of work(for whatever reason).
Using the term 'scrounger' is like using the term 'racist' is calculated to stifle discussion.
We have been brainwashed to think in politically correct ways and to use terms that will not offend.
What would you call those people who claim benefits when they are perfectly capable of work? Who just want an easy life? Who want their fags and tattoos paid for by those of us who have worked all of our lives?
What would you call those people who draw benefits and work in the black economy?
I'm not being fly, I would genuinely like to know.

It is these people who draw benefits when they do not need them who are really depriving the needy, the vulnerable...of a service that they actually need. It is STEALING!

As you know apart from benefits taxes pay for many, many things including schools, hospitals, bin collections, roads, the legal system, the royal family, streetlights, the military and right now, for massive corporations like Tesco to get free labor when they should be actually employing people who need jobs.

As for folk on benefits there will always be some that will abuse the system (Just go to any supermarket car park , watch the many blue badge holders walking backs to their cars loaded down with shopping) for so many it's a way of life .And for them "scroungers" or "criminals" are pleasant words .(Not saying for one moment that it is(I know you like think outside the box ),but) If your objection is based around a perception that people on benefits are living a life of luxury,I disagree.
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Old 08-02-2014, 10:42   #14
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am all for benefits being a helping hand...a safety net, but if am against people being on them for a lifetime.
I really do feel,that being on benefits traps the poor, and the vulnerable. It takes away their dignity, self esteem and self reliance.
I find the Channel 4 program unhelpful, they sensationalise what is a very lamentable situation.....but then if the didn't do that there would be nothing worth watching.
This program, like Jeremy Kyle is toxic TV.

As for the possibility of a program about tax avoiders - well, it is legal to avoid taxes.....and businesses are in business to make money, so of course if there is a chance for them to minimise their outgoings they will take it.
The real problem is that the government know of the loopholes that these companies exploit.
Loopholes that are not available to the likes of you and me.
If the government closed these loopholes, made the likes of Google, Starbucks, Amazon et al pay their rightful dues then there would be enough in the pot to fund everything and sort out the flood defences as well.
And it isn't just this government that are at fault - these loopholes have been used for a long government, of any colour have had the cojones to do the decent thing.
TMLW-too many long words
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Old 08-02-2014, 10:50   #15
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
TMLW-too many long words
Is there a point to putting an abbreviation and explaining it in the same sentence? (unless of course you were asked to explain it), surely it's a bigger sin than Margaret's use of so called long words in a post that made far more common sense with everyday terms than has so far resulted from this thread.
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