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  • 3 Post By Gremlin
  • 1 Post By gpick24
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Old 15-06-2015, 12:07   #1
Senior Member+

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A friend of mine was in Morrisons on Saturday and had her purse stolen.
It held very little cash but driving licence and credit cards.
She notified the police and bank as soon as she got home within half an hour.
By then the card had been used to transfer £1500 to somewhere abroad and two hundred and fifty pounds taken from three cards.
The thief used her birthday numbers on her licence for the PIN code and it worked.
Police says that a lot people use their birthdate to remember a PIN and she wasn't the only victim of theft that morning in Morrisons.
Beware of pickpockets.
Gremlin R.T.
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Accrington Web
Old 15-06-2015, 13:48   #2
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Re: Beware

Choosing a PIN is a nightmare. You should make sure you have a different one for each card that uses a PIN.

You shouldn't use your any date such as a birthday (ddmm or mmdd) or birth year (19yy)

You shouldn't use numbers that form a line on the keypad (2580 or 0852). No sequential or repeated numbers, either. It's a good idea to avoid 6969 but I don't know what makes that so special.

You also shouldn't use 8068, 8093, 9629, 6835 or 7637 which have been published as (statistically) the rarest five PINs in use.

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Old 15-06-2015, 13:52   #3
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Re: Beware

I just use whatever the bank gave me when I got the card.
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Old 15-06-2015, 14:30   #4
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Re: Beware

I only ever have two cards, a credit and a debit.
Why have more than one credit card? Pay it off each month and it cost nothing.
I use the PINumber I used to quote in the Walsden CooP for the Divi when I was five and never forgot it.
Easy to remember as well. 2468.
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Gremlin R.T.
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Old 15-06-2015, 19:22   #5
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Re: Beware

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
I just use whatever the bank gave me when I got the card.
Same here. Thankfully, they both adhere to the guidelines above.

Two people I know use the same PIN for all their cards.

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Old 15-06-2015, 19:24   #6
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Re: Beware

I also know 2 that use the same pins.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-06-2015, 22:44   #7
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Re: Beware

How awful.

I was once in Morrison's in Preston and weighed myself in the pharmacy. Went to do some shopping, two minutes later realised I'd left my purse on top of the weighing scales!

I panicked, and RAN almost into an elderly lady who was carrying my purse and had recognised me-she got the biggest hug I'd ever given anybody, bless her.

Unfortunately there are some dishonest, horrible people around too and we can all make mistakes.

I am guilty of having my pin number for my cards written in my phone under people's fake names. I need to change that and memorise them-I have a credit card because I had to get one to build up my credit rating, and a debit card,and two joint account cards and my memory just isn't up to them all .

I'd never use my birthday, though! 0707 seems like the MOST obvious PIN in the world. Lucky person, me
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.

Last edited by Sunflower49; 15-06-2015 at 22:53.
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