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Old 03-11-2005, 17:49   #1
Give, give, give member
garinda's Avatar

Big brother is watching.

From Peter Britcliffe's stopping smoking diary, in this weeks Observer.

'I'm told there is a price on my head for the first person who catches me with the dreaded weed.
The local chat lines urge people to use cameras annd obtain photographic proof.
They advise the biggest chance of me slipping will be in the Rose and Crown on a weekend night.'

It's so nice you are reading what we write. Just a point though, we are a forum not a chatline, even though the council apparently regards us as such, and thus stopping Accy Web from being accessed from Hynburn's libaries, unlike the councils own expensive, and rather sluggish site Hynburn Life.

Rather than just reading why don't you become a member and join in the fun?

The next time we are both in the Rose and Crown, please feel free to buy me a sweet sherry.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Accrington Web
Old 03-11-2005, 18:36   #2
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Bejeweled Blitz Champion!
Re: Big brother is watching.

I have yet to receive my Observer and read the latest thrilling installment of the no smoking diary. I am sure that I will be sat on the edge of my seat. No doubt I will be telephoning the local chat line straight away to discuss our glorious leader's valiant attempt to quit the dreaded weed. Does anyone have the chat line number? I can't wait to call them up and get chatting.....

Or maybe, like most people with a life, I will get on with mine, not impose it on other people through the media and not give a fig whether PB quits smoking or not.....
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 03-11-2005, 19:19   #3
God Member
SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Big brother is watching.

Oh I hope someone gets a picture of him with a ciggie in his mouth because I would like to see it posted on MSN mesenger or AIM. It shows how far a way from reality the council is thinking our happy little world is a chat room. Has anybody checked their pasports to make sure they are not from the planet Pluto?

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Old 03-11-2005, 19:19   #4


Re: Big brother is watching.

I don't know about you Peter, but I could kill a fag.......and I give it up 3? or is 4 years ago........

On - Stanley – On
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Old 03-11-2005, 19:39   #5
Give, give, give member
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Re: Big brother is watching.

Originally Posted by Doug
I don't know about you Peter, but I could kill a fag
This might be used in evidence against you, if I suddenly go missing.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 03-11-2005, 19:48   #6


Re: Big brother is watching.

Originally Posted by garinda
This might be used in evidence against you, if I suddenly go missing.
You said it honey..................

On - Stanley – On
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Old 03-11-2005, 19:50   #7
Give, give, give member
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Re: Big brother is watching.

There is also a lovely bit of brown noseing in the letters page from John Farrer, praising Peter Britcliffe for giving up the fags.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 03-11-2005, 19:53   #8


Re: Big brother is watching.

I didn't know he was that way out? Is that an inflammatory comment?

On - Stanley – On
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Old 03-11-2005, 19:57   #9
Give, give, give member
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Re: Big brother is watching.

I couldn't possibly comment on that.

YMCA does seem to be played quiet a lot when him and his gentleman friends are in the pub though.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 03-11-2005, 20:00   #10


Re: Big brother is watching.

I'm sure Peter will lets us know in due course........ But before you try and sue me peter, I'm a bulls***er and I haven't got a rusty ow'd penny to my name. and even thats fake.....

On - Stanley – On
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Old 03-11-2005, 20:47   #11
I am Banned

Re: Big brother is watching.

Some cynical old wag asked if I was sponsoring Peter to carry on smoking.. . Peter has been courting as much publicity as possible. This weeks star Ob letter seemed spiked by it all and suggested hypocracy over smokers and heroin addicts and giving up nasty habits.

Glad to be back after some Conservative Councillor, or a friend of Conservative Councillor printed off my posts and sent them to legal at the Council. I have been warned.

A-B will remember one subject which is off limits and was one which flashed across senior desks at the Council. So till its was resolved [without further action] I have been keeping a low profile around here.

I'm not the only one to have been contacted by seniors at the Council over Accy Web. Vitty at the Ob has been contacted about his posts... Nice to know the spirit of freedom of speech is well and truly alive.
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Old 03-11-2005, 21:04   #12
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Re: Big brother is watching.

Ooooooh errr - does that mean I'm going to have my card marked, even before I'm elected?

Though one has to question someone's motives at trying to silence another person who was simply exercising the right for freedom of speech. I for one am always grateful when we get an insight into the workings of the Council.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 03-11-2005, 21:17   #13
God Member
SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Big brother is watching.

Now would we mark your card Gayle. Imagine even thinking that. Also are we all going to be hunted by HBC for expresing or views and treated like criminals? Let them come and get me if they think I am bad for slating them. We cannot get at them any other way so what do they expect us to do sit back like nusery kids and do as we are told? Err I think not so they can have the international sign for up yours from me to which they seemed to be experts at.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 03-11-2005, 21:29   #14
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Big brother is watching.

Glad to have you back with us is a bit sinister, you having your posts pulled. Free that one of the Human Rights.......?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 03-11-2005, 21:41   #15
I am Banned
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Re: Big brother is watching.

freedom of speech..

dosnt at fall somewhere between racism and an act of terrorism these days...?

ime just glad our thoughts cant be monitored but i bet the pc brigade and the powers that be are working on that one

people should be able to say what they like and if it offends somone then tough luck either go cry about it in a corner or shrug it off

everyone is so afraid of upseting anyone these days that they never realy say what they think anymore but provide a watered down variation of what they intentionaly wanted to say yet if somone does actualy stand up and speak their mind they are branded either racist or a trouble maker
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