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Old 17-02-2005, 20:24   #136
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Hey, you were right about the view point though!
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Old 17-02-2005, 20:48   #137
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

As usual this all seems a huge waste of money that could be better spent on improving flagging urban areas of the town
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Old 17-02-2005, 21:11   #138
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
Why don't I read more posts first of course it's Bedlam in the distance.
Hey no way, don't want that thing up there at Bedlam. Would spoil views from the golf course

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Old 17-02-2005, 21:16   #139

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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

which golf course is that?
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Old 17-02-2005, 21:52   #140


Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

A-b I haven't been following what's going here all that much, but thanks for posting the photos it’s nice to see them.....Any chance of you telling us where you find the Arial Photos. Excellent shots and I must admit I would love to see some Arial shots of Church and the Fern Gore, bedlam and Green Haworth areas.

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Old 17-02-2005, 21:52   #141
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Originally Posted by park381
Hey no way, don't want that thing up there at Bedlam. Would spoil views from the golf course
Thats a point, maybe they should put it on the golf course
1. It would be useful for the golfers, it would give them some chipping practice or whatever they call it
2. I would never see it

Last edited by K.S.H; 17-02-2005 at 21:53.
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Old 17-02-2005, 21:56   #142
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

If this thing does`nt now need to be situated on a prominent point on the landscape ( Though I thought that was the point!) how about building it on the site of Huncoat Power station, formerly home of Zeri.
" Crashes "
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Old 17-02-2005, 22:03   #143
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Originally Posted by fireman
which golf course is that?
The one on the moors........................why you wana join

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Old 17-02-2005, 22:47   #144
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Originally Posted by Doug
A-b I haven't been following what's going here all that much, but thanks for posting the photos it’s nice to see them.....Any chance of you telling us where you find the Arial Photos. Excellent shots and I must admit I would love to see some Arial shots of Church and the Fern Gore, bedlam and Green Haworth areas.
Try this site Doug, I think it's where AB gets them.

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Old 17-02-2005, 22:49   #145


Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Nice one Bagpuss. Thanks for that.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 18-02-2005, 06:21   #146
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Thanks Bagpuss, Mario is exactly the place, The best thing that Lancashire County Council has ever done! Though you will need a screen capture program to grab the images because they have disabled right click/save.

Uncle Mick: Sorry, it can't go on the Huncoat Power Station site because that is where Lancs CC plans to build the Waste Treatment Plant that will take and recycle rubbish from the whole of Lancashire.
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Old 18-02-2005, 11:01   #147
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

I have just had a look at the article on page 35 of this week's Observer. In effect her replies are largely similar to the emailed replies Ms Knight sent in response to questions asked by accyweb members - almost verbatim in many instances!

There are some answers which stand out however and bear repeating:

Q. Who will maintain the site after the Panopticon is built?
A. Maintainance will remain with Hyndburn Council as it is now.

Considering that the council cannot afford to remove the christmas illuminations from the town centre and have allowed the footpaths in the area fall into neglect, this seems to me to be niaive and unrealistic in the extreme.

Q. Will it interfere with the view?
A. The panopticon will allow people to stand higher on the coppice, giving a better view of the town and a vantage point to view the trenches in all their glory.

RUBBISH! These structure are going to be twenty feet high, there will be no appreciable difference in the view of the town resulting from such a relatively insignificant increase in viewing height. At the moment the trenches are largely covered with heather and as such are largely invisible, unless you already know where to look for them. Again an increase in viewing height will do nothing to change this.

Q. Will it damage the natural environment?
A. No, Peter Beard (the designer) is working with an ecologist (unnamed) to ensure that all natural wildlife and vegetation is considered.

So, the heather will be conserved and the rhododendrons taking root will be allowed to remain and eventually take over the site. The stands of larch will contine to grow and obscure the view of the panopticon still further. As the heather and hhododendrons expand, the indigenous moorland wildlife will be forced out and walking around the trenches will be made even more difficult than it already is.

Q. Will it be a huge eye-sore?
A. It will have very little impact on the skyline when viewed from the town. It is more "impactful" (not a real word) when viewed from the air In fact it will be a landmark from the sky as it will be the largest earth work of its kind in the UK and will have enormous marketing potential for Accrington and East Lancashire.

Ms Knight appears to be of the opinion that the ownership and use of light aircraft is fairly common in Accrington, there can be little sense in making such a comment otherwise. There can be little point in creating a landmark that cannot be seen. I do think that she is pushing the spin a bit too far with her claim of it being the largest earth-work in the UK. Errmm... Maden Castle, Silbury Hill, Offa's Dyke, the Cerne Abbas Giant, are all earth-works that would put the Panopticon in the shade.

It is clear, to me at least, that this woman has not got a clue what she is talking about, and is merely the mouthpiece of the North West Development Agency, spouting marketing gibberish in support of an ill-considered, underfunded and poorly prepared proposal.
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Old 18-02-2005, 11:48   #148
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

I tell you A-B, you are wasting your talents....... think you should definitely consider a career in local certainly have more idea than some of the witless morons we are paying at the moment.
I agree with you about Gayle Knights grip of the situation......however did she get her job?
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Old 18-02-2005, 12:16   #149
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Probably because she has a degree in Media Studies, which appears to have replaced Sociology as the subject of choice for the vast flocks of "Daddy's Little Princesses" who are too special and talented to do a real job.
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Old 18-02-2005, 12:26   #150
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Re: big bumps on the coppice...?

Oooh AB, how scathing of you, I hope you never consider a degree in Midwifery to be a waste as I would not like to be on the receiving end of such a comment Had a reply from our glorious leader this morning. It has taken a week and is very short as you will see.

"Good morning

Thank you for your email. I was very interested to hear your views and I personally have not expressed an opinion.

I am bearing in mind all the comments received as the time will come shortly when a decision has to be made.

Peter Britcliffe."
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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