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Old 31-08-2008, 15:45   #31

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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

I used to work with a bloke a few years ago, he used to go on bike rides with his wife on a tandem. They were on the canal towpath once and some bushes were growing other the path. She leant away from them towards the canal so they would not hit her in the face, this almost made them fall into the canal so he had to lean into the bushes to balance them getting the full bush in his face ( not a problem when your not on a push bike ).

At this point she jumped off and he ended up in the canal with the tandem on top of him
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Old 01-09-2008, 17:01   #32
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

Forget about permits for riding your bike on the towpath - we need to start issuing licences for dog walkers. Anyone who has had the unfortunate experiance of attempting to walk on the path at Church recently will know what I mean. You have to jump and stride your way over and around turd after turd. At the point west of the swingbridge the path is simply lost under a carpet of cannine waste. Maybe the cops, PCSOs or council officials should get up there and start dishing out fixed penalty notices. They could make a fortune over a typical weekend.
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Old 01-09-2008, 17:13   #33
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Forget about permits for riding your bike on the towpath - we need to start issuing licences for dog walkers. Anyone who has had the unfortunate experiance of attempting to walk on the path at Church recently will know what I mean. You have to jump and stride your way over and around turd after turd. At the point west of the swingbridge the path is simply lost under a carpet of cannine waste. Maybe the cops, PCSOs or council officials should get up there and start dishing out fixed penalty notices. They could make a fortune over a typical weekend.
Now who'd 'ave thowt it - have I found my soulmate?

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Old 01-09-2008, 20:23   #34
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

I used to cycle to work from Burnley to Nelson on the towpath, much, much safer than on the roads and despite those saying not to bother with them, a waterboard license is a very handy thing to have, to be able to pull it out and wave it in the face of those that complain.
It is also a requirement, because remember that the towpath is actually private property
owned by the water board.

The dog walkers IMO were the worst, the walk the dog on & within 20 foot of the entrance we had to play "dodge the poo" because they were too lazy to pick it up or take the dog to the side. It's a great feeling being able to get back at them when they complain & say that they are the ones that ought not to be there letting the dogs doodoo all over the place.

The canal was pleasant, fresh air & peaceful, just dont go too fast - its not a race track.
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Old 01-09-2008, 20:28   #35
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

lol its owned by british waterways not the water board
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 15-09-2008, 12:12   #36
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

just been out for an 8 mile bike ride on mi own, well i say on mi own, i had mi bike and mi mp3 player with me, ya cant beat a bit of the old rock music to get you pedling faster

i feel so energised now, think i'll have to do it again when Reece gets home from school

only problem is, i havent lost any weight through all this bike riding, my bottom and my legs and tummy are firming up nicely and look very good BUT my fat is turning to muscle and i now weigh 3lb more than i did when i started typical aint it lol
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 15-09-2008, 12:53   #37
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

I'm gonna start cycling on the canal with my daughter now she can ride a bike properly, but didn't know till now you needed a permit.
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Old 15-09-2008, 13:07   #38
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

yeah, all you need to do is download it on here and print it off

Download a British Waterways cycling permit | Cycling | Things to do |

ive never been asked for it yet but i carry it with me all the time

just be careful where you take your daughter on the canal though, some of the paths are very dodgy, especially through church and dill hall

the bit where you can cycle is very narrow and often very bumpy, if she has only just learnt to ride her bike i would avoid the canal really
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 19-09-2008, 08:19   #39
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

Short news bulletin announcing a survey that concluded women are reluctant to ride their bikes to work because of the mess the helmet would make of their hair, and they don't want to get to work all hot and sweaty !

Well, that's another survey we could have saved them money on eh girls
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Old 19-09-2008, 08:47   #40
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal


i have to admit, and i know i should but...ive never worn a helmet in my whole entire life...Reece has one but it never even crossed my mind to wear one
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 19-09-2008, 19:36   #41
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

you should always wear one as you never know when it may come in handy...that and your little one may think if mums not wearing one why should I ?
I have one and dont go out on my bike without it & my shades...whether it be on the canal or the road..
I have now got my time from my accy road burnley to my house in clayton down to 24 minutes!..and I must admit I do go pretty fast on some parts of the canal as there is nothing better than zipping through the mud and puddles at speed - but only when there is no one else on that I am not an aggressive cyclist..although it does bug me when you get a group of cyclists who cycle 2/3 or even 4 wide and wont let me go by them/leave enough room for me to get by, even though they know I am behind them..and that goes for the same on the road also...leaving me to cut out onto a lane of traffic to get by..and dont get me started about cars creeping into cycle lanes..the amount of times I get this is unreal - that and car drivers who dont use their mirrors at junctions thus not seeing me and nearly putting me on their bonnet/through their window AND cars who park next to cycle lanes and open their doors without checking whats comeing up behind them, I had a woman do this to me last week - she opened her door, I had to swerve out into the road and had a car nearly hit me - if I hadnt of swerved I would have hit her and her car at about 26 miles an hour...probably have broken every bone in my body if contact had been made...

and in regards to the poster going on about dogs on the canal, I see both sides of the coin being a dog owner and a cyclist and I have to agree that some folk dont give a hoots about there dogs and the fact I may be coming along behind them, and when I am on the canal with my dogs I always call them into the side when I see some lucky sods on their bikes coming towards me...nice to be nice and all that...
I have never been towards church way on my bike along the canal as my journey is always from clayton to burnley so I may have to give it a bash one morning...

Last edited by glasgow guy; 19-09-2008 at 19:44.
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Old 19-09-2008, 19:49   #42
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

They were discussing 'helmet hair' on Radio Lancashire this morning. I understand the problem because I have very thin hair and even wearing a hood when it rains makes mine go all flat and stupid looking.

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Old 19-09-2008, 19:53   #43
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

hmmm vanity over common sense and staying alive..

bit of a no brainer to me...
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Old 19-09-2008, 20:04   #44
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

Whilst I was at the hairdressers once I watched in amazement as a woman pulled her crash helmet on straight after getting her hair done. What a waste of the hairdressers time and her money
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Old 19-09-2008, 21:36   #45
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Re: Bike Rides along the canal

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Whilst I was at the hairdressers once I watched in amazement as a woman pulled her crash helmet on straight after getting her hair done. What a waste of the hairdressers time and her money
Not really Bernie, I have my hair cut at my gym, and go swimming after's in the cut basically ... haven't found a hairdresser yet that can 'dress' my annoyingly curly hair ... hairdressing is only geared to wonderful straight hair

Whoops sorry, Flashy digressing from your lovely thread .. but you understand the curly hair syndrome I know
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